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Old 21st November 2007, 04:51 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

"Instant bad mouthing from several over-confident boys about farang baar (farang stupid)."

...actually I think they said you were a crazy farang, not stupid!........
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Old 21st November 2007, 07:00 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Y'day., (21st.), evening and on my way to a musical concert at the 'Goethe Inst'te.' on Soi Goethe,(off S' Sathorn soi 1.), I walked from Si Lom rd. along Convent rd., (on same side as 'Calif. Now!' fitness in Liberty Square.), and towards N. Sathorn; not too far along Convent rd. and opposite to the newish 'Molly Malone's.',(formerly 'Irish X-change.'), is a small soi on one's RHS. that's between a flower shop and a double-fronted travel agency and wch. often has an illuminated sign at the ent'ce. for 'Indigo, (cuisine francaise.), rest't.'. 'FAN CLUB.' is down that sub-soi on one's LHS..
- I went-in to obtain their business/name card. The receptionist told me that 'FAN CLUB.' is under the same mngmnt. as is 'GQ. MASSAGE.' on Suan Phlu,(en route to Immig'n. Bureau.), soi 6., (#[02]-677-5915. -,.
- When I turned to go there were the boyz all lined-up, ready and waiting!
-- bibi --
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Old 22nd November 2007, 06:01 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 70

Last night was busy in Solid, but nothing caught my eye. I left with firm intentions of going straight home but the gins kicked in as I passed Indra and I popped in.

Masseur's name was Kob - I don't know his age but I would say around early 30s. He was short, stocky in a rugby player sort of way, and has close cropped hair.

He gave me an excellent massage - nice and firm, although he kept a respectful distance from interesting areas. Towards the end he did offer extras, but there was no music in the air for me so I said thanks but no.

Body Club this afternoon - around 25 boys, of whom 3/4 were more than appealing. I picked a boy called Ten. He said that he was 28 and had worked there since it first opened. He has excellent English, cropped hair, slim etc.

He gave a fine massage - plus pushing those extra buttons. When it came to the latter 15 minutes or so, things got very steamy. He said to me that he did everything, and I can definately believe it - he was more than happy to spend 5 minutes rimming me. He was seemingly well into it - the synchronised happy ending being the proof I needed.

A question came to mind this afternoon (and this is not a criticism): when Indra suggest that business is not great, why do they insist on charging 700 baht for a 1 hour massage in shabby looking dormitories with shared showers, when the Body Club charge 490 baht for 1 1/2 hours in a great big, clean and well decorated room with private shower (plus you get to choose your masseur there)? Which if the two places should rethink their pricing structure?
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Old 22nd November 2007, 07:14 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally posted by spoonfed
... .
A question came to mind this afternoon (and this is not a criticism): when Indra suggest that business is not great, why do they insist on charging 700 baht for a 1 hour massage in shabby looking dormitories with shared showers, when the Body Club charge 490 baht for 1 1/2 hours in a great big, clean and well decorated room with private shower (plus you get to choose your masseur there)? Which if the two places should rethink their pricing structure? [/b]
-- Spoonfed,
- As a regular to 'INDRA MASSAGE.' I read your views with interest.
- 1.- I pay 800.oo.Bh. for a 90mins. aroma-oil massage, wch. seems to me to be round and about a std. price;
- 2,- Agreed, the rooms aren't all that great; although your word 'Dormitories.' wouldn't be my first choice of words;
- 3.- They have their own rota system there - designed, I suppose - to ensure that all masseurs have a customer in time. But that having been written I'm working my way through them from my first set of requirements, and am at my 8th. masseur out of 21 on staff. But possibly no reason to prevent you from stating your needs and wants and seeing who's presented to you.
- I'm trying to work on the Mamasan about such things but it's a slow, very slow job, and one with wch. I should proceed with caution.
- I've not visited 'BODY CLUB.' yet and so can't make any comparisons between the two.
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Old 23rd November 2007, 12:05 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (22nd.), a'noon. went to 'BAAN TEWA.', (S. Sathorn 7/1.), for my weekly 90mins. and oil-massage, for wch. I paid 800.oo.Bh..
- I chatted beforehand with the Mngr. - Khun Kob., a 'cutie.' according to some SGPeans. - about his business, wch. is INCREASING slowly - there's a paid advert. in the freebie. mag. 'Variety.', Vol.VI., #56., (avail. for many g*y outlets.),.
- Presently he has four masseurs on staff full-time, (PLUS himself.), and can call-on a further three part-timers if the number of customers warrants it.
- I was handed-over to Khun OO.: 28YO.; from I-San; shortish and chunky body; speaks adequate enough English.
- Before starting the massage he removed his tee-shirt - but not his masseur's trousers - revealing a dark brown and well-muscled body: fine for those who admire defined Abs..
- Had one of the best massages that I've had for a long time: best of 'BAAN TEWA.' and so far better than 'INDRA MASSAGE.': firm - neither hard nor painful - professional and thorough with his fingers giving an occasional hint of other pleasures yet to cum!
Interestingly enough the only prior massage experience that he'd had before joining 'BAAN TEWA.' was in some massage-school or other. Before going to that school he'd worked in a branch of 'Lotus Tesco.' earning 7K.Bh. per mensem.
- He was quite happy enough to remove his trousers & u'pants. - uncut & std. TH.-boi issue - and was a MORE than willing participant; so much so that I think that it might be worthwhile inviting him back when he's OFF-duty.
-- bibi. --
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Old 23rd November 2007, 09:50 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 70

Last night in the LOS for God knows how long so I thoght I would head along to Banana Club to (a) check out the first gay place I plucked up the courage to visit when I was a callow young thing; (b) check out this Hungarian guy - red heads o it for me...

Sadly, was not to be - it seems he is a popular guy, so much so that he is currently up country wth a customer, and not due to return till Monday.

Therefore I consoled myself with a cute young student called Eak who came recommended by the mamasan.

The place is entered by the side door (Sukhumvit soi 9 I believe) and you ar eled into a long, narrowish, nicely decorated room.

There were about 20 or so boys lounging about at the back, about 10 metres away, all paying me minimal attention - quite relaxing compared to the intense pressure from the likes of Adonis when they all crowd round you.

The mamasan sat and talked in a pleasant and unhurried manner - no pressure, no sacharin sweetness, just a nice chat about the KL scene and what the other massage places in BKK are like at the moment.

Anyway, he suggested Eak and I accepted the offer based on him being the most experienced masseur on the premises.

Eak led me upstairs to a communal locker room that was very clean and well maintained. I was given a locker with a lock and towel. After I undressed in peace, Eak led me to the shower room which was actuall on an outside area - sounds strange, but it was nicely laid out with decking and tropical plants, and was very discreet.

The room itself was basic - a mattress laid in the middle and a couple of small tables and the standard mood lighting.

The massage was actually very good in performance, good pressure in the right places and lots of firm strokes on the places that make me quiver (backs of calves and forearms etc) but all very decent. The negative thing was that it was very rushed - in fact Eak announced the massage complete in exactly 30 minutes then proceeded to lie beside me. That there were no special buttons pressed during the massage itself meant that I was not really in the mood for much. Still, as it was to be my last foray for a while, I gave into the temptation and we had an interesting 15 minutes or so.

One thing that confused me was that after he offered himself to me to smoke, he insisted on putting a condom on me before he returned the favour. Unfortunately they only had Thai sized condoms, not Scottish sized so that was not so successful (although it is always good for the ego!)

Anyway, to cut a long, boring story short, the place was nice, the mamasan really cool and down to earth an I would definately return, although for a different boy - sadly, according to the mamasan, it seems that the Hungarian lad will not be around for much more than a couple of months so I will not be able to enjoy his technique, but I will read this board with interest!

As I said, I am off the frozen arctic wastes tonight so will have nothing to report for an eternity, but I shall keep reading these pages with interest - I have always said that the anticipation is better than the event...
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Old 23rd November 2007, 03:58 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Needing some attention yesterday, I popped into the Fan Club, a place which as been recently mentioned here. As noted, it's very easy to find and a quick walk from the BTS.

I was intrigued that you are immediately led upstairs where you are shown a drink menu and have a chat with the mamasan whilsts the boys are all gathering downstairs. Once they're assembled (on the floor below) you can make your choice.....viewing them through a wall-sized plexiglass window.

I told the mamasan my usual "requirement"......someone with a big dick, and added (as Sextile suggested), who had NOT had a customer that day. The mamasan assured me that ALL of the boys were fresh and they were all execellent at massaging inasmuch as the mamasan had been their massage instructor. Given my "requirements" the mamsan recommended a guy named A...who was the only big dicked guy in the place.

A and I climbed the 3 flights of stairs to a room. Without belabouring the point, what the mamasan neglected to tell me was that A had a big dick because he's had silicone injections!!!!! His dick was THE worst looking thing I've EVER seen (and I've seen a few.....) and he wasn't able to do a thing with it. I insisted that he cum. After a 20 minute jerk, he was able to dribble out 3 or 4 drops.

A, as you can tell, is a total waste of time. However, I quite liked Fan Club and will apply my "3 strikes" rule before passing any type of judgement on the place. They had a lineup of about 12 boys available at 4.30 when I was there. Judging by looks alone, I'd say that more of them were gay than straight.
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Old 27th November 2007, 12:08 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day. evening I went to 'INDRA MASSAGE.', (Soi Than Tawan.), for my usual & monday evening's massage.
- After by-passing a couple of boyz who'd massaged me before I was assigned to Khun Tin.: 24YO.; from I-San; shortish & thick-set, no great beauty; worked before in 'Busaba Massage.', (a M2M. parlor on Rama IV rd.); has 2 bros. back on the family's farm in I-San; shares acc'n. in Thonburi with another masseur.
- Without being asked he removed his shirt and masseur's trousers.
- A fairly std. massage, but with no great att'n. being paid to those parts on wch. the sun doesn't shine usually: a v. occasional brush of his fingers' tips was all. One thing that he did do was, kneeling down, to lift me up and place my thighs atop of his so that his fingers could work all around my lower torso and thighs.
- Atfter I'd turned over and we'd chatted briefly he intimated that he'd be happy for me to grant him the 'Final Favor.' and added the word 'TIPS.', to wch. I replied that such things would be "Up to me."; but as my stomach was a trifle upset I suggested another time for that particular pleasure. So he lay-back and I smoked his std. issue TH.-boi ****. while he played gently with mine.
- Afterwards we had a shower together.
- Carpenters are at work laying wooden flooring for a couple more massage rooms on the GF.; possibly they'll be moving around to improve the facilities elsewhere in the bldg.?
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Old 28th November 2007, 08:09 AM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 90
Fan Club

I went there this afternoon and had a very nice massage from a young man named Wat. I felt no pressure to choose. It was a nice relaxing atmosphere.
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Old 29th November 2007, 11:33 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (29th.), a'noon. I went to 'BAAN TEWA.', (S. Sathorn 7/1. - behind SGP. Embassy., #089-009 6633.), for my usual and 90mins'. oil-massage.
- I chose Khun Oo who massaged me last week - so little new to add.
- This time I prevailed upon him to remove his shirt and masseur's trousers before starting, wch. - having turned down the lighting - he did.
- His massage was so good that he was pressing me, literally, for the ' Final Favor.', and ordinarily I would have submitted, but as neither of us had brought a Condom it was a case of "No Condom - no sex,", (this boy-scout wasn't prepared.),.
- Anyway, he was a MORE than willing participant in some ' soixante neuf.' with wch. we closed the session.
- NB.: Those who enjoy oral s*x might want to bring their own mouth-wash with them as none is provided for that purpose.
- Usual disclaimers etc.etc., apart from being a satis. customer.
-- bibi. --
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Old 2nd December 2007, 04:47 AM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 2

You guys are really so exciting to hear about your conquests....
i must be a bitch because i seem always to get those with great fingers & mouths.

My recent ... are both in PATTAYA ...
Narcissus .... Gun (Chiang Mai) std tool ... but the fingers turn you ... fantastic massage ... even when he is caressing your penid in one hand & fingering you with the other & both of us are french kissing at the same time ... you can imagine what entails .... an explosion of activity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blue Boys ..... Noom (Isaan / ex army) std tool ... but fingers that send you to another limit .. of couse fingering (ff) is a must for me

I love full action with masseur & get in everytime if you tell the mamasan exactly your requirements.

Furthermore, their is a young man in HOTMALE, Soi Twilight #33 Frook ... he is short with a big tool (participates in the big c*** show. He is hot in bed (i leave it to your imagination) as i like to go around the world .... ending with a full fanfare .... plenty decorators needed

Yes .. i do not take any medications ... but i know how to use my body to the element.

Several guys stated that they have amazing sex with me (ok .. i like bisexual/married men)
exploring and delivering
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Old 2nd December 2007, 02:45 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 1

..well, after plowing through the oh so many pages on this thread, maybe it should be renamed, "The Masochist's guide to Bangkok.. or how I spent umpteen hours and umpteen (baht, dollars, euro, etc) to be abused..".
..and here I always thought paying one's money entitled one to some satisfaction..
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Old 2nd December 2007, 03:59 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239've clearly never spent much time in The Kingdom. Things are different here.....which makes everything VERY interesting, and which keeps those of us who are here posting.
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Old 3rd December 2007, 04:06 AM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 2

You're absolutely correct Billinbkk

Ok ... i may be highly demanding in what i require. Remember these guys are providing a service & like all services you pay. THe better the job ... the better reputation the club gets.

Really, i'm looking for a place with slings & all the regalia for whips; chains & sheer enjoyment .... just like in EU.

Remember everyone has fetishes. I personally do not like saunas like Babylon (not my scene). Hence, i prefer the services around me.

I have had sex with so many nationalities .... it is hard to determine which i prefer. Although my heart is clearly anchored in Asia.

Incidentally ... i only have sex with persons over 25 yrs old & preferably married (no strings)

c u in a massage club ..... in bkk (tomorrow)

By the way last night i was so horny i had hard core sex 4 times in 5 hours ... not bad for a 50 yr old.

c u all in hero or arena
exploring and delivering
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Old 3rd December 2007, 05:39 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally posted by 888
... .
Really, i'm looking for a place with slings & all the regalia for whips; chains & sheer enjoyment .... just like in EU.
Remember everyone has fetishes. I personally do not like saunas like Babylon (not my scene). Hence, i prefer the services around me.
... .
-- Possibly 'BARBAR.' in Phat Pong 2, (Si Lom rd. end.), might be more your scene?
- There's info. available from search-engine Google: 'BANGKOK - BarBar.' was what I entered.
- I've walked past many a time but have never entered - not my scene; possibly AYOR.?
- Usual disclaimers all around - ha!
-- bibi. --
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