-- A correspondent from SGP. has asked me to recommend an a go-go bar and a massage parlor with muscular men.
- I've suggested the flg.: 1.- 'TAWAN MEN'S BAR.'; 2.- 'HERO SAUNA.', although not having visited it for a long, long time I'm not so sure about its muscled masseurs. Further suggestions welcumed - ha! -- bibi. --
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I appreciate all the info provided by everyone - glad we can still do this.
However, most postings seem to involve physically satisfying the boys - I may be old and not pretty, but when I go to these places and am paying the boys, I am the one who wants to be satisfied - either orally, or by topping (at least as long as I am able to!) Hand jobs are boring, I can do that by myself with the aid of a good video. Not knocking anyone elses preferences, but can anyone give any info about boys that can do the job?
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-- Last monday, (NY's. eve.), I went to 'INDRA MASSAGE.' for my usual and monday's session, looking fwd. to receiving one hour's free massage - I'd pay the necessary balance for the remaining half-an-hour. I'd resolved, too, to ask for a "Four hands' massage.".
- It took the MamaSan and her Capt. several mins. to decide upon a suitable pr. of masseurs, eventually they decided upon Khun Chaeng,(?), & K.Oan. - In the room I asked both masseurs to take-off their tee-shirts and masseurs' trousers; after some shy and self-conscious giggles they complied. - The four hands' masssage was good as a massage, and the two seemed to work well together; I noticed that it was Oan who seemed to concentrate more on those parts of mine upon wch. the sun ... . - Having changed my pos'n. slightly I discovered that each masseur had taken-off his u'pants. as well. After a while both of their **** were within easy reach of my hands: Chaeng's soon became hard: 4-5." LOA. and thick, Oan took longer: longer but thiner. - I'll allow that I didn't say anything, but relied upon my body's responses to Oan's questing fingers to indicate what I'd allow to happen - possibly I should have spoken-up? Certainly, for whatever reason, there was little if any chemistry, or whatever, between the masseurs and myself; so there were nothing more than hand-jobs all around. - Downstairs, even although I'd confirmed beforehand that I'd be given one hour for free, I was presented with a bill for 1,000.oo.Bh.! The MamaSan was called-back and she agreed that one hr. was for free, but I'd enjoyed the svces. of a second masseur who'd have to be paid. Eventually we compromised and I paid just 800.Bh. - not with the best of grace, I'll allow - but point noted for future reference: "Caveat Emptor."! -- The flg. day and during b'fast. I recounted the above to an American 'Snowbird.', who told me that the one time he went there there was some seeming misu'standing. about whether he'd had an Aroma or a plain Oil-massage, wch. didn't leave a good taste in his mouth - he has not returned there. - The American added that the MamaSan has a reputation amongst her masseurs of being tight-fisted: willing to receive but unwilling to give. -- bibi. --
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Agree with most of the last several posts.
You want the massage boy to service you! I agree totally. At HERO, for me, it's wall to wall gorgeuos masculine young men. Mostly well defined, some closer to body builder physiques. It's extremely rare to find attitude or rudeness, and service to the client is excellent. This seems to the 'standard' at HERO. I've never had hints or direct requests for extra money. I go back again and again for all of the above reasons. Regards,
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-- Corr'n. -
04 jan. - INDRA MASSAGE - New Year's party.; - address: 7/1., Soi Than Tawan, Suriwong rd., Bang rak, BKK., 10500.. - loc'n.: Soi Than Tawan, (opp. 'Tawan Men's Bar.'.),. - contact: (02)-634 0099.. -- Apologies for incorrect date - "Mea culpa!". -- bibi. --
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Thanks Scoops - I will definately have to give Hero a try in the near future. I live a bit out of the way but occasionally used to go to Albury for my regular there but think he might not be there any more as I have not heard from him in three years.
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-- Last night, (mon.), continuing my trawl through 'INDRA MASSAGE.', Soi Than Tawan, and its masseurs I was assigned to Khun Yai - 32YO. from Thonburi; lives singly with his Mother out past On Nut, (BTS. E9.),; previously had a girl-friend but no more; short & stocky build with **** to match; has been working there for the last eight or so mos.; speaks fair English.
- A good and strong massage, during wch. he knelt-down on the massage-table and placed my thighs over his so that he could massage better certain parts of me. - The fact that he had had a previous girl-friend shewed itself in his post-massage trtmnt. of me, wch. wasn't exactly to my tastes; but it takes all sorts, doesn't it? Interestingly enough he made no effort to persuade me to offer him the 'Final Favor'; he shewed v. obviously that he didn't like my fingers exploring too far back. -- bibi. --
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-- It seems like it must have been a poor 'Tourist-season.' for some places and people: I see that 'SARIKA TOYO MASSAGE.' in Suriwong Centre, (opp. the soon to be opened 'Le Meridien.' hotel on Suriwong rd.), has CLOSED. Possibly we'll see more closures before much longer?
- Some of my 'Talking boys.' have been complaining about lack of customers, wch. - if sitting and looking in Silom Complex Shopping Plaza,(BTS.: Sala Daeng,[S2.],), is any guide - could well be quite true. -- bibi. --
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-- Mon.,(14th.), evening to 'INDRA MASSAGE.' as usual; at wch. I arr'd. some minutes before 21.oo.hrs. to see three farangs enjoying foot-massages.
- My masseur was Khun Chang, (apparently pronounced Chai!), 26YO.; Nhong Khai; been wkg. there for a couple of yrs.; speaks ltd. English - so little conversation possible. - As usual I asked the masseur to take-off his shirt and masseur's trousers - but as soon as he sat on my back I realized that they weren't all that had been taken-off! - A good and thorough massage. - As he seemed to be so eager I offered him the 'Final Favor.' - but with a **** just about 4ins.LOA. it was rather 'Love's Labour Lost.', I fear; possibly smoking would have been more satisfying for both of us. - When it came to pleasuring me he shewed that he knew what to do - at least as far as I was concerned. - Back downstairs, after my 90mins. oil-msg., there were another three farangs having foot-massages. -- bibi. --
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Utterly taken in by Sextile's repeated reports, I tried Indra Massage for the first time tonight. I chose a guy who called himself "May", though the lady boss called him "May Tim" or something close to that. He said he was 25 years old and from Ubon Rachatani.
I believe he is the same one that Sextile wrote about on 20 Nov 2007: ==== QUOTE: Y'day., (19th.), evening I went to 'INDRA MASSAGE.',(opp. 'Tawan Bar.'.), for my usual and monday's massage, arriving at 21.hrs.. - I was offered Khun Ne, but having enjoyed his attentions before I asked for the next masseur whom I hadn't had before and was offered Khun Maikey: 25YO. from I'San; shorter & thickset body; newly arr'd. there; speaks just basic English -so I asked the Mamsan how we would communicate? ' Just use body-language.' she replied - ha! Ha!! - The massage began well-enough and soon he was astride of me to massage my shoulders the better. He soon u'stood. my body-language and removed both shirt & maseur's trousers. - One thing followed another until it was all too obvious: uncut and std. TH.-boi issue. However,as soon as he put-on a Condom his BP. dropped and couldn't be refortified, no matter what both of us tried. So we concluded with him giving me a std. hand-job while I smoked him. - Afterwards we enjoyed a shower together before dressing and going downstairs. -- bibi. -- ==== His face caught my attention immediately. He looked 25 alright, but had receding temples already, and the beginnings of a paunch. And I love that! He's quite stocky, not short like Sextile described. I'd say he was about 170 cm, about 70 - 75 kg. Not much body hair, except some sprinkling up this thighs and a happy trail to his navel. Equipment-wise, he has a nice "standard Thai boy issue" as Sextile says, with loads of foreskin (I like). I took a 60-minute oil massage for 600 baht which price surprised me as it is more expensive than my favourite, Body Club, which charges 490 baht for 90 minutes, and the latter's rooms (incl ensuite shower) are larger and nicer as well. Indra's shower room could do with some upgrading, and the only privacy is a plastic shower curtain. The massage room likewise was only curtained off at the doorway, and for nearly the whole session, there was an 8 - 10 cm gap in the curtain, so some one outside could theoretically see what's happening inside. I could hear voices from other rooms, so we certainly were not alone on that floor. I figured the boys do seem to respect each others' privacy and they seem to know what they each have to do for a living, as Mae Tim didn't seem bothered by the gap in the curtain. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, another boy from outside finally pulled the curtain to close the gap, because at the moment the curtain was pulled, I had the sense that May was working on my calf and thus was some 1.5 metres from the doorway. The other boy seemed more bashful than May! His massage technique is quite respectable; I would say comparable to the weaker ones at Candle T Spa... and that's no mean comparison, because the good ones at Candle T are very, very good. He started without removing any clothing. I deliberately held off asking in order to see what might happen on its own. But when his clothes stayed resolutely on by the 15th or 20th minute, I indicated with my hands that I'd prefer his baggy trousers off. While I didn't indicate his shirt or underpants, he got the message really quickly. But since I wasn't a regular there, he said to me "body to body massage? one thousand baht, OK?" just so there'd be no misunderstanding afterwards. I won't hold it against him at all; it's what I'd expect him to do to protect his own interests. So off the fabric went, all of it, and for the rest of the hour, my hands did some exploration of their own while he worked. He managed to get hard, but seemed to take very long to reach a climax, though he was clearly trying. By the way, he said he was "Gay King" - which is not a clear answer. I mean, does he mean he's top but straight, or top and gay? Anyway, after about 15 min, unfortunately, he made the mistake of glancing at the clock, and seeing that the time was running out, got distracted rather quickly and lost it! So only I enjoyed an ending. Then showered together. I hadn't read Sextile's review before going to Indra, for the simple reason that I had no idea whom I might get, but reading his 20 Nov review now, it's uncanny how it happend to both of us - Mai losing his erection. And for that, the poor chap (unknowingly) missed out on an extra tip on top of the promised 1,000. Sextile, if you're going by Indra anytime soon, tell May that "Lek from Singapore" says hello, and that I think he's good. The lady boss asked me whether i lived in Thailand. I said I didn't but come very frequently, like every other month. She said, "I give you member card." Something about 1 free massage after 10. Then she looked high and low and finally said, "Oh, no more. finished already." I thought that was bad marketing. Promising and not delivering. But having read Sextile's opinion of her from way back, I'm hardly surprised. She seems sweet and means well, but not quite a businesswoman. For others - if you're into twinky boys, Indra is not for you. They're quite a masculine bunch, and Mai's 70 kg does not make him the biggest one there. Also, you shouldn't be easily put off by less than 5-star rooms. I went in at about 7:30 pm. I noticed that I was the 16th customer in the book; I assume 16th for the day. However, It's not clear to me whether some of the 15 previous customers were only there for foot massage. So I can't say if they had 15 body massages before me. Sextile - I hope I have done justice to your tireless efforts reviewing all the masseurs of Indra through writing a report even more detailed than yours! Not that I'm competing.... just a returning a tribute.
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Senso so-so : Gay Thailand | This thread | Refback | 29th January 2009 06:41 AM | |
How is Tawan bar in soi Suriwong so far ? : Gay Thailand - Page 2 | This thread | Refback | 3rd January 2009 03:55 AM | |
Report on Paradis Massage in Silom, Bangkok | This thread | Refback | 26th October 2008 01:16 AM |
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