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Old 21st January 2008, 08:55 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 184

Pretty sure Body Club is Bht490 as I always have a problem as to whether to take the Bht10 change or leave it - the latter seems as cheap as taking it.

Went to Apsara (often go there for the body scrub and massage after I have been to Cutey Beauty). Previous two times boys not been up to much. This time had a boy that did not do too much in the way of an erotic massage but did occasionally rub his crotch over my foot. Near end then asked about tip and said yes would do so depending what he did. Got into deep tongue kissing then he sucked well and also wanted me to cum in his mouth - which I find is not common these days. Will give his name to people who Private Message me that I recognise from other postings. Will go back again soon to see if on the second visit he does more earlier on.
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Old 21st January 2008, 04:02 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239 Thai boy lingo, "Gay king" means that the lad is gay and is a top. HOWEVER, because this IS Thailand, don't be surprised if the "gay king" has a wife and a girlfriend or two and a couple of farang guys on the side. One of the beauties of these lads is that, to them, sex is matter what equipment your partner has.
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Old 21st January 2008, 06:21 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Originally Posted by hcmpp View Post
Pretty sure Body Club is Bht490 as I always have a problem as to whether to take the Bht10 change or leave it - the latter seems as cheap as taking it.
We may both be right: 390 baht for oil / 490 for cream. Both 90 minutes. From their website:
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Old 21st January 2008, 11:40 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by sloot View Post
... .
Sextile, if you're going by Indra anytime soon, tell May that "Lek from Singapore" says hello, and that I think he's good.
... .
Sextile - ... Not that I'm competing.... just a returning a tribute.
-- Sloot,
- Thanks for your view-point in 'INDRA MASSAGE.' - appreciated!
- No, I don't regard you or anyone else as competing: 'The more the merrier.',as it were, other's originations are welcumed, always!
- If we're writing-about the same masseur then I can't write that I noted his long 'skin., something I might have noticed as they're not amongst my preferences, prefering a shorter 'skin. that reveals just the tip of the glans when flaccid.
- Agreed with your thoughts about the MamaSan's business acumen - not too good, in my non-business judgement; but it's her business, not mine, thank goodness! Last night, mon. and after my usual massage, I spoke with her and enquired about business? 'Bad.' was here one word response; adding that: 'The THs. are not spending money, and with the opening of the new S'bhumi. Int'l. Airport MORE and MORE farangs are not coming-in to BKK. but prefer to go straight on to Pattaya,Phuket, Samui or to other places.'. A tougher minded business-person than me might say: 'Excuses, excuses.' and suggest ways and means of countering this apparent DOWN-turn in business; but I've given-up trying to suggest ways of attracting MORE customers thither.
- I pass-by 'INDRA MASSAGE.' at least once per diem and so shall be pleased to pass-on your message to Khun Mai Ting or whatever we farangs call him in transliteration .
-- By the bye, as you hail from SGP., do you look-at that web-site SGBOY.COM ? I find its Travellers' Lodge thread helpful.
-- bibi. --
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Old 22nd January 2008, 12:41 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
- If we're writing-about the same masseur then I can't write that I noted his long 'skin., something I might have noticed as they're not amongst my preferences, prefering a shorter 'skin. that reveals just the tip of the glans when flaccid.
Well, it was long enough to cover the glans but didn't hang out...

Well, his most obvious facial feature would be his receding hairline at the temples and someone with short nickname of "May". With that, I'm sure whether you can figure out whether it's the same guy or not. That's if you care to.

Re Body Club, yes, it's 390 baht for 90 min oil massage and 490 baht for cream.

For my last day I may try Adonis (is that what it's called?) at Soi Convent - another one I tried once a few years ago, formed a poor opinion and never gone back. Does anyone think it would be a complete waste of time again?
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Old 22nd January 2008, 12:44 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Last night, mon. and after my usual massage,
Oh, I was there on Monday night too.

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- By the bye, as you hail from SGP., do you look-at that web-site SGBOY.COM ? I find its Travellers' Lodge thread helpful.
Haha, I should get around to checking that out too.
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Old 22nd January 2008, 04:32 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 184

I tried Adonis for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Boy I chose (can not remember name) seemed into nothing other than a hand job. I asked what the difference was then between Adonis and the other Silom massage places. I think he picked up I was not happy and likely would be talking to Mamasan and then asked me what I wanted him to do. At this point I had lost all interest. I will give it a second chance but not in a rush.
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Old 22nd January 2008, 05:07 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

To me, Adonis is like so many of the other whore houses in that it can run "hot" and cold", depending on a variety of factors (I guess). What I don't like is that the boys on offer crowd around you so close that you can't have a word with the Mamasan to tell her what it is that you're looking for. So, rather than a personal recommendation from her, you're basically on your own to choose. As I say it's your basic crap shoot. Good luck if you go there. I will say this, in defense of the place, the last times I was there, they had a TON of guys on offer.
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Old 22nd January 2008, 05:35 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Last night,(21st.), to 'INDRA MASSAGE.' as usual and for my usual 90mins'. oil-massage, for wch. I was allocated to Khun Luck, (pronounced 'Luke.' - as in 'Four for the Gospel-writers.'..),.
- Khun Luck is 22YO.; hails from Nhong Khai; and is short and stocky in build, (were I feeling unkind I might prefer to write: 'plumpish.'.), pleasant looking; speaks just basic and necessary English.
- After the first few mins. of him sitting astride of me I suggested that he remove his shirt and masseur's trousers - off e'thing. came!
- It wasn't long before things began to happen and with his fingers starting to explore - a favor that wasn't returned. Std. TH. boi issue **** and with a slight UPwards curve, balls descended but held close to body in a smooth & hairless sac. I'd say that he'd have been quite willing were I to have offered the 'Final Favor.' - but I wasn't willing that evening.
- But a good, strong and thorough massage, all the same.
- Just as I was leaving, at approx. 22.30hrs., another customer was making his sel'n. of the svces.; but it didn't seem to me to be a busy evening.
-- bibi. --
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Old 22nd January 2008, 10:36 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 46
Good Thai massage (traditional)

I have this week had two seessions with a very new (since a week or so) massage-boy at Saladaeng Massage.
His name is Mai (small, slim boy nice and goodlooking and with a nice attitude) who gives a very good proffessional trad massage in a "sensual way". Totally straight but no problem to get a happy ending and if you have him at your hotel you can even touch him (gently).
One of the best massages I have got.
Saladaeng Massage is just opposite Saladaeng Place and i little in direction Silom.
Cost for two hours trad massage at your hotel is 400 THB! (my hotel is walking distance from Saladaeng) Plus tip, of course
If you say hello to him from Ron he might understand that you are also interested in the "sensual" part.
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Old 29th January 2008, 06:16 AM
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-- Y'day., (mon.), to 'INDRA MASSAGE.', as usual, where I was assigned to Khun Nong: 26YO.; surprisingly not from I-San; has been working there for the last couple of yrs. and before that three yrs. as masseur in Hua Hin, where he learnt some Ch., type of Acupressure; shortish, stocky and with the hint of a tummy developing.
- Straightaway he removed his clothes.
- He gave me a soft massage, starting from my feet and working his way up - his fingers spending some time on those parts of me ... .
- After maybe half-an-hr. or so he was standing at my head and giving a v. clear hint, wch. I wasn't slow to take! His erect **** is just over 4ins. LOA. and with a well-developed glans wch., at first, made me wonder if he is c'cised.? He climbed over me and started to smoke me in his turn - first time that that has happened to me there.
- After a mutually enjoyable interlude it was back to massage; then another i'lude. and finally concluded with some of his Ch. Acupressure on my stomach.
- Just as I was leaving the room I passed-by anothe farang and masseur entering their room for a massage; then downstairs as I was leaving to step-out onto the soi there was another farang entering - so some buisness for them on a mon. evening, at least.
-- bibi. --
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Old 29th January 2008, 11:09 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 2
Where the heck is Hero?

Is it on the same branch of soi 11 as Albury's? Does it have a sign? The closest I seemed to get was a non-descript building with a closed gate and the number 65.
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Old 29th January 2008, 04:03 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

I'm now ready to remove Adonis from my "OK Places to Go" list. I was there on Monday late in the afternoon. As usual, they had a nice line up of lads on offer. I chose one who was NOT a boy....probably nearing 40 with a nice, lean body. (I didn't ask his name.)

To make a long story short, the massage was barely OK. He wasn't interested in even giving me a hand...and bridled when I told him that I wanted to get fucked. His response was "Next time". He had a decent enough dick and enjoyed getting sucked, but that was it. He jerked himself off, came 2 drops and then announced "Your time is over" and wrapped the towel round himself again. I had not been satisfied at all.

After my shower, I handed him THB 1,000 (which I thought was MORE THAN FAIR for not getting any satisfaction at all). He said "I get 1,500!!" I sternly told him that he was not getting one baht more than THB 1,000, to which he replied "No can give me 200 baht more downstairs".

In typical Adonis management style, the desk clerk could have cared less about my satisfaction.

So, as I said, Adonis is off my list of decent whore houses.
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Old 29th January 2008, 05:53 PM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 184
Where the heck is Hero?

If you go up Soi 11 from Sukhumvit - when you get to the end rather than turning right and then left for Albury you turn left and then the road does a sharp right - go right down to the end and it is on the left. A good site to get this sort of info is
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Old 29th January 2008, 11:58 PM
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-- For 'HERO MASSAGE & SAUNA.' do not go ON-line and enter -

- I've just done that and my system picked-up that some malignant virus was seeking entry!
- Additionally has nothing to do with 'HERO SAUNA.' here in BKK..

- contact: (02)-251 1033.;
- nrest. BTS.: Nana, (E3.),.
- At Nana BTS. there is an ent'ce./exit for S'vit. soi 11.;
- Walk along soi 11 for approx. 570yds., passing 'Comfort Inn.', Swiss Park.', 'President Solitaire.' & 'Ambassador Htl.' on your RHS. and a bit futher along 'Fed'l. Htl.' on your LHS., (there are a couple of 7/11s. along this stretch should you need to stock-up on any 'Necessaries.'!),;
- At the slightly staggered Tee-junc. turn LEFT and walk for approx. 110.yds.;
- Follow the soi round to your RIGHT and walk for another 60.yds.;
- At the Tee-junc. while the main part of the soi runs-away to your LHS. ignore and keep walking straight ahead for approx. 250.yds.;
- Just before the khlong on your LHS. you'll see a pte.-looking house set-back slightly from the soi and standing in its own grounds - 'Voila.'
- NB.: Distances are approx.and are for rough guidance only!
-- bibi. --
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