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Old 6th August 2012, 04:33 AM
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I'll be coming to BKK for two weeks starting at the end of August. I always enjoyed the Prince Thater,but since it is now closed, what are your best recommendations. I'll be staying at the Tarntawan
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Old 7th August 2012, 05:30 AM
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age - less than 40
ethnicity Asian
other - neat, clean, smooth, active gay theater that is easy to find
Thanks Sextile
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Old 7th August 2012, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Mark86 View Post
age - less than 40
ethnicity Asian
other - neat, clean, smooth, active gay theater that is easy to find.

-- From your requirements I'd recommend PHAHOL CINEMA - Phaholyothin rd.;
- BTS.: Saphan kwai, (N7.);
- Dirn's., (courtesy of MAX Magazine - #119.) -
1.- At BTS. Saphan kwai take Exit 1. and descend to street-level;
2.- Make a LEFT about turn;
3.- Walk back against the road-traffic's flow for approx 35yds., until you come to a TESCO-LOTUS EXPRESS, (RHS.);
4.- Turn RIGHT down arcade/sub-soi; after a few yds. you'll see the cinema come up on your LHS..

-- Walking down the arcade/sub-soi, (#4.), you'll see 39 U'GD. SAUNA. straight ahead should you need the equivalent of a short-time room that's close at hand!

-- NB.: It's some time since I've visited there, but I doubt if things have changed all that much in the intervening period.
- "Bonne chance et bonne chasse.'!
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Old 8th August 2012, 04:38 AM
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Thanks so much Sextile. Sounds easy enough to get to. I'll have to make a couple of visits there.
Don't know if you remember my name, but I was supposed to meet you at Dick's, but couldn't because my flight was delayed for a day due to the plane crash at Narita back in 2009.
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Old 8th August 2012, 07:34 AM
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Just be aware that many of the younger, better-looking guys there are looking for money.
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Old 8th August 2012, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Mark86 View Post
Thanks so much Sextile.
... .
Don't know if you remember my name, but I was supposed to meet you at Dick's, but couldn't because my flight was delayed for a day due to the plane crash at Narita back in 2009.

-- Khun Mark.,
- Possibly we'll be able to meet this time around - but not mondays' or fridays' mornings, please!
- Have sent you a PM..
-- BCNU. -
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Old 5th September 2012, 08:11 AM
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Went to the Phahol Theater today. Sextile's directions were perfect. No problem finding the theater.
Very dark when I went inside. Waited in center entrance until I could see. A ladyboy approached me almost immediately. Finally when I sat down in the center, lower area of the theater, same ladyboy bothered me again. Obviously ladyboys do not turn me on. Finally when I could see clearly, I started cruising around the whole theater. Loaded with money boys. The best looking ones were the money boys. Was playing with a thin Thai, perhaps around 30. What a huge dick on him! After about 10 minutes of playing, we finally stopped. Of course he put out his open hand and I promptly told him I did not bring money with me. He left but surprisingly it did not seem to bother him that he received no money. Only one money boy asked for a specific amount (200 baht). Later went to the front row and finally shot my load with someone a bit overweight, but not fat.
There were quite a few guys in the theater but it started to thin out just before 6 pm. All the money boys but one had left by then.
I stayed for about another half hour and left with very few guys left in the theater.
I did enjoy myself and will return.
When I first arrived, there was not a whole lot of sex going on, but as time went on, more and more sexual activity took place.
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Old 5th September 2012, 11:44 PM
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PHAHOL THEATER - Saphan Kwai ...

Originally Posted by Mark86 View Post
[I] Went to the Phahol Theater today. ... .
I did enjoy myself and will return. ... .

-- Khun Mark,
- Good that you enjoyed yourself, and others, there.
- We'll look forward to reading MORE of your reports - especially as it's been several yrs. since yr. previous visit to BKK..
- Any thoughts about changes noted in the gay scene?
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Old 6th September 2012, 01:41 AM
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Sextile, I haven't been to very many places yet. Golden Cock was exactly the same as it was three years ago. I used to go to the Prince Theater which was completely run down. Seemed therre was more overt action in the Prince Theater with some of the guys running around completely naked. Most guys in the Phahol seemed to cover themselves up and look for dark corners to suck cock in.
Phalol Theaters has loads of air conditioners, but they do not do a very good job of cooling the theater. Also loads of guys smoke [More cigarettes than cock haha] so if you don't like smoke, that is not the place to go.
I plan to go to Tawan soon, but I hear it has changed. I can recall one time going in to Tawan and having one of the dancers sit beside me, eventually lower my shorts and jack me off. When I came, all the dances on stage pointed to me. I doubt that happens anymore.
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Old 14th September 2012, 05:03 AM
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Phalol Today

I found out about Phalol here on this forum, I went today and I thought I'd share my experiences.

Finding it was real easy, thanks to the instructions in this thread.. thank you.

I went in and it took me about 10 mins for my eyes to adjust to the light, I went upstairs and hung around the back a bit which is where a few guys were hanging around.

I was looking for suck some cocks, after about 10 mins I saw a guy who looked interested as he was rubbing his crotch every now and again, so I stood next to him and felt his cock through his jeans. He was hard, but he didn't seem interested in getting his cock out. i gestured that I like to blow him, so he lead me to a chair in the rows. It was not comfortable in the chairs, and after sucking him for a few mins he seemed to go soft and lose interest (not usual!) so I went off and looked for someone else. We had a few spectators. I did see a few guys sucking others in the seats, what I wanted to do was get down on my knees at the back and suck a guy who was standing up... but that doesn't seem to be how it works there.

After a while I left.. I'll go back tomorrow and see how it is. I did see at least 2 other forigners in there.
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Old 14th September 2012, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by andy_50220 View Post
I found out about Phalol here on this forum, ... .
... what I wanted to do was get down on my knees at the back and suck a guy who was standing up... but that doesn't seem to be how it works there.
After a while I left.. I'll go back tomorrow and see how it is.

-- It's been three or four months since I was there last, so things may have changed?
- There, as in other places, one has 'Good days.' in add'n. to 'Not so good days.'; that's just one of those things;
- Thai young men can be quite shy and so may not like to be smoked while standing-up in the back; they might prefer to go to a cubicle in the hawng nahm;

-- From my not too recent experience -
1.- Walk along the back, behind the seats, to the RIGHT hand end, (ie. screen LEFT.),
2.- Walk down the RIGHT hand aisle;
3.- Looking to your RIGHT you'll see where the wall extends farther to the RIGHT and there are MORE seats in the rows;
4.- Right in the far corner is where a lot of the action can occur.

-- I have heard it said that a few farangs have alleged that they've taken a companion into a cubicle and have been robbed; true or false? I don't know.
- But I would suggest that to be on the safe side, whether you'll go into a cubicle or not, you keep only as much money in yr. pockets as you can afford to lose. Put any extra money between yr. socks and your feet.

-- Good hunting! --
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Old 14th September 2012, 02:06 PM
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Phalol Cinema

Thank you Sextile for your advice.

I will go again today and see what its like, I'm in Bangkok for a couple of days.

My only previous experience in a suck cinema was in Amsterdam, where I have been to the same cinema about 8 times in 10 years ( a couple of times each visit to Amsterdam) and even though there is much more action there, you still get good days and not so good days. However the difference is that in Amsterdam there is a lot of sucking going on at the back, and there is a room where everyone has their cocks out.

However, until a couple of weeks ago I had no idea that Phalol or anything like it existed in Bangkok.. so I'm very happy to have discovered it.

I took only a little money and no valuables with me, as a matter of commonsense, but I'd be very surprised if a Thai tried to rob me..but thank you for the warning. I was much more worried about the rumor that police target foreigners there.
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Old 15th September 2012, 01:20 AM
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Phahol cinema ...

Originally Posted by andy_50220 View Post
... .
I will go again today and see what its like, I'm in Bangkok for a couple of days.
... .
I was much more worried about the rumor that police target foreigners there.

I'll allow that I do not keep myself as up-to-date as ideally I should; but that having been written I'm sure that were BKK's. Finest alleged to be active making arrests in that, or in anyother, cinema then the word would have gotten around v. fast.
- So - 'No news is good news.'! --
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Old 15th September 2012, 04:17 AM
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When I go to the theaters or other cruising places, I carry a shoulder bag with a number of items just for these places. I have a special wallet with only a small amount of cash and copies of my passport, visa, etc. I have a cheap mobile phone (leaving my iPhone back in the safe!). I carry a small flashlight in case I drop something. I have a bottle of water, two condoms, lube and two hand towels for cleanup. There is always an umbrella during the rainy season as well. This bag has a zipper compartment to protect the valuables and an additional zipper for the bag itself.
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Old 15th September 2012, 10:12 AM
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Let me guess...Eagle Scout?
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