Suck Cinema updates?
Any news/updates on BKK suck cinemas? Still cannot figure out where the old Capital cinema crowd went. How is the "other" Chinatown cinema doing?
Not Thailand subject, but does anyone know any suck cinemas in Hong Kong? I have a lead on one, but not sure if it is open. Thanks. |
curious where that suck theater in hongkong may be ? can u tell ?
I think bkk suck scene is dead |
Actually, I'd love to get a list together of suck cinemas in Asia.... I've got a long weekend away from work and might go check one out.
Here is what I know exists: BKK Manila--several Saigon--possibly one ? HKG--possibly one? Any others? How about Jakarta, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, etc? Thanks! |
whats ur "lead" on the hongkong one than? for sure u must have a name ?
HK cinema
I am going to check out the HK cinema in person in mid-July. If it is open and active, I will post info. I know it was open as recently as spring of 2006. I tried to mail you privately, jose4u, but it bounced back.
Will be doing in-person research in BKK cinemas in early July. Hope the scene has improved since my last visit. Sadly, worldwide the cinema scene is in decline. In my extensive travels I have compiled quite a list, but all too frequently I find a favorite has closed. Going back to Buenos Aires in October; it has about six left. If the skytrain ever gets across the river, I think we will experience a pick-up in the activity at the ones in Wan Wien Yai. |
HK Cinema
There is a cruisy cinema opposite to the public toilet, at the end of Kwun Chung St. close to Austin Road. It is not a cinema, more a video room showing straight soft-core porn. Went there 2 years ago, there were 4 or 5 guys hanging around at the back, near the washroom. I guess one could meet guys up there but not having any action as the place was quite bright and small, could not seat more than a 100 people.
Hong Kong cinema
Went to Kwun Chung cinema in late July. Easy to find, Kwun Chung Street is off Austin Road, almost opposite the BP International Hotel in Kowloon. Admission is $40HK. They showed only soft core straight porn while I was there. Pretty demure crowd, a little discreet jacking, lots of trips to the toilet in back, but I never saw any real action. I was there mid-afternoon on a weekday. Hardly worth the trip, but fortunately there is plenty of free sex easily available elsewhere in HK, so it is still a fun place.
Was in BKK in July too and the decline of the suck cinema scene is downright depressing! |
An elderly American acquaintance y'day. took a river ferry up to Nonthaburi.
He told me that the well-known cinema there has been gutted. Another well-known, and possibly loved movie-house, has bitten the dustv. 'bye.. |
-- This forenoon my previously mentioned elderly and American acquaintance told me that some TH. associate of his from Saphan Kwai had given him the address of another movie-house along Rama IV. rd. but in the opp. dir'n. to ChinaTown: that is going-along in an easterly dir'n..
- He wrote-down the address but now can't find it. - Has anyone heard recently of anyother movie-houses along Rama IV. rd.? If so names and addresses would be welcumed - ha! -- bibi.. |
There was one on Rama IV before, on the right side of the road (going East), just before the Klongtoey intersection. Wasn't all that active, and I'm not sure if it's still there. Anyone?
That's one (more or less) near Queen Sirikit Convention Centre? Nope, must have been torn down. Haven't been able to find it for a long time. Even the building is gone.
1.- MRT., (u'gd. rly.), to Khlong Toei; 2.- Detrain at Khlong Toei stn.; 3.- Take 'EXIT ONE.', (1.), it's indicated as 'MEA. Khlong Toei.' 4.- At street level quit Exit One and make an immediate LEFT-about turn; 6.- Walk against the tfc., (tfc. is IN-coming while one is walking OUT-bound - 'LUMPINI TWR.' is behind one.), for approx. five mins.; 7.- One will come to a wideish soi on one's RHS.; on the opp. cnr. of wch. is a large and visible branch of 'KASIKORN BANK.',(on one's own cnr. is an office three windows' wide, with the no. 1230-6 on the RH. jamb.); 8.- Turn RIGHT and walk along that soi for approx. 100yds.; 9.- The cinema will be seen on one's RHS.. -- The Box-office is on one's LHS.; - Adm'n.:50.Bh.; - After entering there is a small soft-drinks'/snax stand ahead; - The men's CR. is to the RIGHT and behind this stand - a bit squalid; - On either side are stairs UP to the cinema; - Ent'ces./exits are roughly half-way along the two side-walls; - Illum'n. is poor: the interior stairs are not lit; the only illum'n. is from the screen, (LO-lvl. lighting there.), and from theEXIT and EMGY. EXIT signs; - There is a space between the rear seating and the back wall; - Hard core p*rn., (ortho. & l*sb**n.), was being shewn; - Several ladies,(?), were plying their trade amongst the few spectators, (I arr'd. around 17hrs.),; - At one time an employee walked-around with a flash-light and was shining it on and along the rows of seats. -- name: 'LAEMSONG.'; - loc'n.: 1,208, Rama IV. rd., Phra Kanong, BKK.; - contact: (02)-249 1437; - adm'n.: 50.oo.Bh.; - nrest. MRT.: Khlong Toei - approx. 6-7mins'. walk away. -- E&OE. -- bibi. -- |
Yes, the Laemthong. That's the one I was thinking of. Not too exciting the sole time I was there.
-- Agreed; but it can be unwise to judge after only one visit, can't it? - An elderly and American acquaintance, who's here to escape the winter in SF., prefers the cinema in ChinaTown, alleging that the 'PHANOL.' in Saphan Kwai is too 'Sticky rice.' for his preferences. But that having been written another elderly and Ameircan resident goes there frequently and thinks that it's the best movie-house in BKK. for his purposes! -- bibi. -- |
-- The latest issue of the freebie mag. 'Thai Puan.', #18, (avail. at most of the usual outlets.), has an article entitled:
Chinese Cinemas ... (with very special features!). - Amongst the places mentioned, (and I'm quoting verbatim et litteratim from the article*.), are - 1.- 'There are 2 in Wang Wian Jai. The biggest is off Taksin rd. beside the market. The other is off LadYa rd. just behind the clothes' market. 2.- 'There is another off Rama IV. just past the railway line behind the Kasikorn Bank. 3.- 'The one most well-known by foreigners is opposite the soi to the Shangri-La Hotel, but it is very difficult to find as it's down a long way. 4.- 'The next is on Phayayothin rd opposite to Big C; the Saphan Kwai BTS. station is very close. This is by far the biggest I've come-across and also the busiest. 5.- 'Crossing to the Thonburi side again, there is one in Bang Khae, behind the market. It is big but not busy.'. - The contributor adds a final caveat: 'AYOR. and best to go with empty pockets!. -- * Moderator, No infringement of copyright intended by me, but should you think so then please feel free to edit as necessary - "Up to you!". -- bibi. -- |
Look out for a crackdown now, thanks to Thai Phuan!
-- An elderly American 'SnowBird.', who's a frequent visitor to BKK., recounted these two flg. stories to me this a'noon.:
1.- An elderly American acquaintance of his - staying in 'Tarntawan Place Htl.' - a day or so ago went to PHANOL CINEMA, (BTS.: Saphan Kwai.), and made his way up to the standing room only at the far back wall. - After a while he was joined by a gp. of THs. who proceeded to let their hands roam and to pleasure him. - After it was all over he found that someone had relieved him of 600.oo.Bh.. Fortunately for him his bill-fold was in a very deep pocket on the inside of his trousers and so wasn't picked. - The farang reckoned that the loss of money was out-weighed by the pleasure rec'd.! 2. - The 'Snowbird.' told me that this a'noon. he went to the one and remaining movie-house in ChinaTown, (Yaowarat rd.), where he and some other middle-aged and TH. man went into a toilet together. - The middle-aged man embraced him warmly in a bear hug, from wch. my aquaintance managed to extricate himself before separating from the TH.. - Outside he found that his hip-pkt. was unbuttoned and the money therein was missing. So he returned and found the TH. man counting some money. The TH. alleged that it had fallen-out of the farang's pkt. and that he was counting it before handing it in for safer keeping! But as the farang asked me: 'How come that the money was dry yet the floor was so wet?'. An interesting question to wch. I had no answer. -- "Verb. sap.". AYOR.. -- bibi. -- |
I have been pickpocketed twice whilst cruising. (Not in Paholyothin). After those experiences I only bring a few banknotes with me, usually in my sock or so.
Just remember: all cruising, no matter what, with who and where is always AYOR. |
I had an attempt once in the London (RIP). Now I leave everything in the car.
-- What's possibly Chinatown's only remaining 'Suck cinema.' is in business still.
- name: 'MAXIMA.'*, - address: 408, Yaowarat rd., Samphanthawong, BKK.. - loc'n.: In ChinaTown; on Yaowarat rd. and roughly opp. to the 'White Orchid Hotel.'; - dir'ns. from 'Pan Pacific hotel.' on Rama IV. rd.: take either a #4. or a #507. 'bus. from the same side of RIV. as the 'PP.' htl.; ask the conductor/c'tress. for 'ChinaTown.'; look-out for a large a generally Red colored & Ch.-style ornamented gate on yr. RHS. and in the centre of a tfc. round-about wch. marks the start of C'Town.; debus. at the 2nd. 'bus.-stop after passing the a/m. gate; walk along Yaowarat rd., (it's one way.), in the same dir'n. as the tfc. for approx. 150.yds. at wch. pt. you'll the see the 'WO.' htl.; the cinema is roughly opp. to the hotel. - contact: No contact no.; - adm'n.: 50.Bh.. - I'm info'd. that many of the patrons are either elderly Ch. or younger money-boyz seeking elderly Ch. men; but my informant assures me that it's LESS 'sticky rice.' than say the 'Phanol.' cinema at Saphan Kwai, (and he should know!),. --* A MORE recent correspondent, (this thread #139.), has told me that that cinema's name is not Maxima but CHINATOWN RAMA. -- E&OE.; I've never ventured inside. -- bibi. -- |
[quote=sextile;656200]-- Y'day., (04th.), a'noon. having a few spare moments I decided to follow-up my elderly American acquaintance's lead; so acting upon info. rec'd. I proceeded as follows -
1.- MRT., (u'gd. rly.), to Khlong Toei; ... . -- Y'day., (NY's. eve.), another elderly & American snow-bird from SF.,(who visits BKK. twice/thrice annually.), went thither; here are some of his obsv'ns. - - Arr'd. around 14.oo.hrs.. - Activities in the men's CR. incl. young boyz, (some as young looking as 16YO.), taking older women into the toilets. - Cinema fairly full: many young men, (some rough, [just off the paddy fields?], types.), a few maturer men and a good many ladies of the world's oldest profession busy earning their payments. - Not so 'sticky rice.' as at 'Phahon.' at Saphan Kwai. - Plenty of activity in the 'standing space.' behind the rear row of seats. - He left sometime after 16.oo.hrs. satisfied - ha! -- E&OE. -- bibi. -- |
-- Y'day., (tuesday & NY's. day.), I followed my American friend's suggestion and went to the 'LAEMTHONG.' Cinema in Klong Toei, (vide supra posting #12.),.
- I arr'd. around 15.15hrs.. - Adm'n. is 50.Bh.. - The cinema wasn't too full. - There was a certain amt. of activity in the standing space behind the rear row of seats: in one corner a youngish man was crouched-down and busy smoking any and all who offered themselves. - The 'ladies.' were kept quite busy, I noticed. - I visited the CR. several times - no activity there at all. - Quite a few younger men cruising, but MORE interested in fellow THs. than in this elderly - but still willing - ha! - farang. - I left about 18.30hrs. wondering if I should pay any return visits? -- bibi. -- |
-- Usually I start my cruising twds. the late a'noons., but y'day., (04 jan.), I made-up my mind to catch any of the lunch.-time crowd who might be seeking some mid-day relief.
- I arr'd. at the 'LAEMTHONG.' cinema, Khlong Toei, just at 12nn.,(cinema OPENS at 11.oo.hrs.),. - Initially not too busy but started filling-up around 12.30hrs.; also a time when the 'ladies.' started arriving to ply their particular trade! - I smoked some man who looked to be in his 30s. and a couple of stdnts. judging by their wh. shirts over dk. trousers and back-packs, but that was all. None asked for any money - a welcum change from other such cinemas. - No activity at all in the Men's CR. when I visited. - I left at 15.oo.hrs.. -- bibi. -- |
The Phahol Theater was wild yesterday (Sunday). A big, burly middle aged-farang fucked a katoey in the back corner, surrounded by a crowd of onlookers. When they finished up, they were given a round of applause! Truly a "Thailand moment" that I'll remember for a long time.
The only dark spot was the gang of katoey prostitutes who stake out the left-hand side of the theater. They were even more brazen than usual, walking around with their t-shirts over their heads and their tits in full view. When ever they finished with a customer, they walked around showing off the spunk-filled condom like it was a trophy. I saw lots of faces I remember from the old London, Prakanong, and New York. It was a like a big reunion. Get to this place while it's still around, guys! |
Happened in Istanbul, too. :) |
Yes, left hand side with your back to the screen.
-- From what has been written above the applause sounds to have been much more genuine and spontaneous that that - mainly from the other R&F. a go-go boyz - in soi Twilight's a go-go bars! -- bibi. -- |
Laemthong update
Yesterday afternoon I went to the Laemthong for the first time. Thanks to Sextile's excellent directions, I had no trouble finding the place. There were a number of people there, but there were two employees continuously walking around with flashlights, shining them in the seats and in the rear as well as in my face (more than once).
I felt most unwelcome and left after about 20 minutes. |
- Y'day., (sun.), a'noon. and acting upon the advice of an American acquaintance - the same one who recommended 'X-BOYS.' in Soi Twilight - I went to the 'PHAHON CINEMA.', nr. BTS. Saphan Khwai.
- dir'ns.: Take skyTrain to BTS. Saphan Khwai, (N7.),; At Saphan Khwai detrain; Take Exit 1., (Not the escalator but the steps!),; Once on the pavement, (US.- sidewalk.), make an about turn so that you are facing the OUT-going tfc.; Walk against the OUT-going tfc. for approx. 85yds.; Looking-up and to your RIGHT you'll see a wh.on rd. sign for Ink jet printing, immediately beyond that is a small sub-soi running-away to your RHS., (there is some metal gantry above the ent'ce. to the sub-soi.),; NB.- 'PAOLO MEM'L. HOSP'L..' will be a few MORE yds. away on the opp. side of the rd.),; looking-down the sub-soi you'll see a bk. on wh. sign for '39 U'GD. SAUNA.'; Walk-down this sub-soi and you'll see the cinema on your LHS.; - adm'n.:; - I arr'd .at around 14.50.hrs. and made my way upstairs to the back and walking space, where I was grabbed immediately by some elderly TH. man not exactly te type of man whom I was seeking. - Quite busy; most of the activity seemed to be half-way up the 'Dress circle.' on the stage LEFT side. There somebody picked my pocket but didn't manage to take any money - instead he was rewarded with the scrap of paper on wch. I'd written-down the dir'ns. to get there - ha! - Several younger men cruising, PLUS the inevitable katoeys plying their trade. - I left sometime after 17.hrs. and went to the a/m. '39 U'GD. SAUNA.', about wch. I'll tell y'all some other time - spoil sport, ain't I? -- bibi. -- |
Again, sorry for such belated "news" but just want to feedback for you.
I was in Bangkok for a week in early December 07 and most days I went to the Phaholyothin cinema. To summarise what was a lot of activity, I have to say that not once was I disappointed and every visit was somehow different (in a "variations on a theme" kind of way!) One visit that stands out now was when a big man and his boyish friend (or partner in "crime"?), both probably in their early 20s, hit on me as soon as I arrived. I fancied them but wondered if it was some kind of "set up" - probably as I was caught so unawares? Anyway, having smiled and said "no" several times that was that. But, as soon as my eyes had adapted and I was roaming the cinema, the boyish one found me and I thought "what the heck" and we sat down together and got on with enjoying the film together. Soon, he spotted his bigger friend wandering around and actually called him over! He joined in and there was quite a scene going with plenty of lurkers. It became too much for me though when the big guy had stripped completely naked and was wanting to bounce around far from discretely in the main auditorium! The boyish one did hang around though and provided a nice load! Later I saw the big guy walking around the upstairs area still naked! I do hope this place is still going strong and I hope the publicity mentioned above didn't result in any crackdown after all? I haven't found anywhere else to match this place for me and hope to visit again some day. In the meantime would be good to know if there are any others worth considering visiting that are not too tricky to get to from Silom area? Cheers. |
Sextile and Icon....have you 2 been working the Phayonthin Theatre together again?????
-- Billinbkk., - Isn't your percentage of our earnings enough for you that you have gone and done this public outing? ;) -- bibi.. -- |
Crikey, I was indeed honoured?!!
-- A 30yrs'. old and Fils'. friend has come to BKK. for some days while his Work Visa for SGP. receives the necessary approval.
- Having lived in MNL. he's not entirely innocent, so I was pleased to give him the necessary dir'ns. to go to the 'PHAHOL CINEMA.' in Saphan Kwai,(BTS. N7.), for y'day.,(sat.), a'noon.. -- In the evening he told me all about his visit. - He was amazed - and this even after his visits to similar movie-houses in MNL. - at the goings-on in the seated area in front of the screen: katoeys openly offering svces., men offering oral svces. and with others looking over to share vicariously in the fun and so on; even the 'Final Favor.' was to be seen. He professed himself to have been shocked at this OPEN display of s*x. - At one time he went to relieve himself and saw a hefty and American looking man enter a toilet with a TH. boi., after a few mins. the TH. boi came-out and another went-in, finally #2. was replaced by a third boi! - Of course - being facially Chinese looking, (albeit with a darker skin.), and still quite attractive in a certain way - he received several approaches, but he told me that he declined them all! -- In the evening we went to 'HOTMALE.' in Soi Twilight - but that's in a different thread. -- bibi.. -- |
Any updates about cinemas in BKK lately? I'm a bit concerned about the following--this was posted a few months ago about the Phaholyothin, here in the "Sex Listings" section of CFS:
"Phaholyothin Rama: (March, 2008) Corrupt police have been lurking inside to collect and arrest foreigners. They are tipped off from vendors seeing foreigners upon entering the premises. My Thai friend said they wouldn't do anything to the Thai's but they crack down on foreigners and look for cash, passports, and arrest foreigners on anti-moral grounds." Has anyone else heard this happening there recently? I was thinking of a visit next week when I'm intown, over the weekend of 18-20 July. Thanks! |
Hi there midwestbttmboy32. I visited mid-may despite having the same concerns as you. What follows is my post on 23 May under the topic "daytime options". I can't wait to visit Bkk again, in the meantime I shall have to live vicariously through you guys, so please keep up the good work and keep posting updates. Cheers!
"Just to report back that I did eventually pluck up enough courage to visit the cinema near 39 sauna (with Icon's last words here very much at the forefront of my mind) I didn't notice anything (more) unusual (than usual!) and I eventually relaxed and had a good time, only the usual sort of "arresting" sights, I'm pleased to say! I then returned another day and didn't manage to hit it off with anyone I fancied, but that's just the way it goes... Of course, my limited experience doesn't mean it's "all clear" - can only conclude for sure that it was ok for me. Thanks sextile for pointing me in the "right" direction but apologies for not trying out any of the other places suggested" |
Anybody been to the Laemthong lately?
-- Talking with another of my elderly and American acquaintances - he divides his time roughly 50:50 'twixt. here and there - he had just ret'd. from visiting PHAHOL CINEMA, SAPHAN KWAI, and reported that it was busier then usual - and that on an Holy Day of Religious Observances!
- While he's in BKK. he's a regular visitor there - I think that he splits his a'noons. between the SAPHAN KWAI and the CHINATOWN CINEMAS - and mentioned that he's never ever seen any ON-Duty members of BKK's Finest there. - Despite his apparent success I regard such places as AYOR.: if not from the Police then from pick-pockets and/or picking-up any disease. Indeed, at the time when he joined me I was chatting with a young man whom I know to be HIV+. and who goes there from time to time to supplement his income. -- Bibi.. -- |
-- Y'day., (12th.), thinking that as it was a public holiday, (Queen's b'day.), I went to PHAHOL CINEMA in Saphan Kwai.
- ETA. approx. 13.oo.hrs.; - Adm'n.:; - Not at all busy at that time. - However, after around 15.hrs. MORE spectators began to cum-in! - The area with the most action was way back in the MORE raked portion of the seating and to the RHS. of the screen, roughly above the RHS. ent'ce.. - A couple of men offered the Final Favor and were accepted - Condoms not used, I noticed. - Even I, a tired and olde farang was not without some luck that day, although I would have enjoyed MORE. - I left just after 17.hrs.. -- Bibi.. -- |
The Prince
I was wondering if The Prince cinema is still open. Anyone know? My cruising mojo is coming back after a long hibernation. I feel the need for some Thai cock.
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