Sextile is right...much of the Viagra on the shelves of pharmacies has been diverted from hospitals and clinics, where the doctors write bogus prescriptions and sell the product on.
-- On this day, (27th.), in 1998. the FDA. approved Viagra.
-- Bibi. -- |
Hard to forget and now hardly ever been this hard
Thank You Madame V. |
Doubts about Apcalis
I've had doubts about Apcalis too. Let me share my thoughts.
However, I should preface: I'm not a regular user of either Apcalis or Kamagra. I tend to use it only when I feel like being top for the night, which is less than once a month, could be once a in few months. I have bought Kamagra at various places in Bangkok and Pattaya, but as far as I can recall, I have bought Apcalis only from a pharmacy near Sukhumvit Soi 11. I have also used Viagra in the past, but never Cialis. This mean that I can compare Kamagra with Viagra, but I'm in no position to compare Apcalis with Cialis. Both Kamagra and Viagra work wonderfully for me. I've learnt never to take a full 100mg dose (I suffered), but to cut the tablet into three. yes, three! On a near-empty stomach, I get a very slight headache in 30 minutes, indicating that it has begun to work on my vascular system. On a full stomach, it may be 60 - 120 minutes before it takes effect - and then relatively weakly. The reliability of Kamagra is such that even with occasional use, I have been able to draw these conclusions, so consistent has been its effect. There was once when I wondered if the exposed portions of a Kamagra tablet would lose its effectiveness (through oxidation, perhaps) if I kept it a month or two or three to the next use - but I needn't have worried. It seems to keep well even without its blue-green coating. With Apcalis, I have yet to draw any conclusions, because it's so inconsistent. With memory of suffering from a full tablet of Kamagra forever seared into my mind, I have never taken a full tablet of Apcalis. Instead I cut it into half. What observations I have made is that half-Apcalis never works within 30 minutes like Kamagra. It takes much longer, if at all. Occasionally, I notice that it has some effect (not great - or was it only my imagination?) after 2 - 3 hours. Other times, I can't tell if it has had effect at all, because by then, I've already finished with the sex and gone to bed. I've been telling myself that one of these days, I am going to do this: dose myself with half-Apcalis 12 hours apart, and see what happens. The theory being that Tadalafil should have an effect-life of 24 - 36 hours as stated, so with the second dose at the 12-hour point, I should be roaring by around 15th - 18th hour? However, hearing about your splitting headache rather discourages me from experimenting this way. Of course, it is possible that the Apcalis I bought could be fake. Yet, I find it hard to believe that a pharmacy that sells me genuine Kamagra also sells fake Apcalis. I too would appreciate hearing of others' experience. |
Thanks for your feedback on the above Sloot. I have been using Kamagra and as you do I split a tab in half, sometimes thirds. I find that it starts to work in about 1/2 hour. How good it is depends on other factors like how fit I am, how much plonk I have drunk, and of course how 'exciting' the prospect is. I have also noticed that even if the tab has been split for weeks it does not seem to reduce effectiveness.
I have been buying kamagra from the pharmacy in Silom 'B U Drug' on the left side of Tn Silom walking away from Rama 4. You can see the shop from the walkway. Last time I paid 500 per pack for about 4 packs I think so the old guy in there has got greedy. Nevermind. Haven;t used Viagra for a long time altho have a pack. I used to split this in 4 because I think it is stronger. A note on Kamagra. If several tabs are used in succeeding days it may cause dizziness. No not the queeny type which is always with me but giddiness. This is probably impending stroke or some such (LOL) so taken AMOR. Not intending to live forever anyway! |
There was a somewhat cryptic post on another farang forum. Here it is:
"Libido Enhancer For Men, herbal tonic really worked! maybe its just me but i think this stuff actually works went to chai nat on a whim stepped into one of the loveliest pharmacies / everything shops i have ever seen and smelled i asked on another whim if there was any natural herbs for virility for men at first the lady said no, but soon showed me 4 or 5 items (so funny and odd how quickly a no turns to yes or vice versa in Thailand) so i tried a small pack of three bottles of something made by siribuncha i did notice a higher libido level when i used it so for what its worth at 39 baht give it a try its mostly all in Thai and i tried the website but the English doesn't work i suspect there are a zillion cheap useful herbal remedies for everything hoping there is nothing harmful in it too" What is this guy taking? Are there any thai or chinese herbal alternatives to viagra? |
Of course for most of us over a certain age there are all those long term aging thingies catching up. So its the LBP for me for the time being.:D |
- Isn't there a thread entitled: 'AN HERBAL VIAGRA.', or words to that effect? -- Bibi. -- |
No luck in BKK
Just an update in this thread:
I have been trying phamacies in the "greater silom" area and have been told either i need a prescription or need to go to a hospital. Has there been a change in the laws that has forced pharmacists to be more fussy? Or am I just going to the wrong places? Any recommendations of a place to try? Huge thanks, guys.... The Thais enjoy my significant endowment and I SURE do not want to disappont, hehe |
One can buy Kamagra Gel per box of 50 at several pharmacies. Not from the B.U. guy. Cost is about 3000 Baht per box. We share with friends and then it comes to about 60 Baht per dose. The gels always work, and much faster than any pill.
Any pills are probably fake or have lower than advertised dosage. They have proven consistently unreliable. |
-- Today, (30th.), afternoon I droped-in to PHAT PONG PHARMA. - Tnn. Phat Pong 2. - and was told -
1.1.- CIALIS - box of 4 tablets - 2,300.Bh.; 1.2.- KAMAGRA - Not in stock; 1.3.- VIAGRA - box of 4 - 2,000.Bh.. -- As a comparison here are some prices from PY. PHARMACY in PATTAYA - for address etc. see 'HORNY GOAT WEED THREAD.' - 2.1.1.- CIALIS - qty.4. - 1,400.Bh., 2.1.2.- Generic - qty. 4. - 400.Bh.; 2.2.1.- VIAGRA - qty.4. - 1,400.Bh.; 2.2.2. - Generic, Made in India - qty.4. - 400.Bh.; 2.3.- G7. - qty.4. - 1,000./800.*Bh. ; 2.4.- Horny Goat-weed - qty.4. - 1,500./1,200.*Bh.. 2.5.- Russian herbal tablets - qty.4. - 400.Bh.. --* LOWER price is possibly for bulk purchase? -- All info. believed to be correct at time of writing; 'Caveat emptor.'. -- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. -- |
Lower price is probably due to being FAKE.
-- Could be, I wouldn't know. - Perhaps anyone of our residents in PATTAYA, or regular visitors there, would be prepared to offer their views? -- Bibi. -- |
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