I was in BKK last fall, and could not get viagra. They said you had to go to hosiptal. Does anyone know what the situtation is now? is it available again? or where can you get?
I will be back in a month. |
It's never not been available. Perhaps you made the mistake of asking at a "reputable" drugstore -- like Boots, Watsons, supermarkets/department stores. Ask at any independent drugstore, and they'll sell you a crate of it if you want.
You can get viagra (2000 bath for 4) and kamagra (600Bath for 4)
In the drugstore on silomroad. When you face silom complex walk left along the road till you see a pedestrian crossing (white stipes) on the road .Right there is a drugstore/farmacy and there i bought it last april. Very friendly staff. Kamagra work fantastic for me . |
There was a big crack down a couple of years ago and Pharmacies in the Patpong area all suddenly stopped offering ED drugs other than herbal ones. Some Pharmacies are still in that situation. The last I tried on Silom they were asking ludicrous rates.
I hear that supplies on Suckhumvit Road area were never interrupted and prices can be quite reasonable. I have used the pharmacy in Jomtien next to Bamboo Bar and if you buy a few he will let them go at 12 Kamagra for 1000 baht. I often take a quarter so that's 21 baht a shag. They have changed the colour of the Kamagra pills to a greener blue. Seemingly Pfizer patented not only the drug but the shape of the pill and the colour. On the back of the foil of the 4 x 100 ml pills it states "MAXIMUM retail price 112.5 rupees" which is 84 baht at current exchange rates so a lot of money is being made. Happily for me, I have a friend who travels to Myanmar occasionally and he gets Kamagra or similar there at 100 baht for 4 x 100 ml. I have never found any fake ED drugs sold in Thailand. They may exist but it seems a stupid drug to fake as one knows quickly if it does not work. It's not like some drugs which may or may not work. |
When I tried Viagra a few years ago, I noticed my eyesight being affected... tunnel vision and a bit blared. Now if I need a boost I take 1/2 a side affects and I still have a boner 24 hrs later.. :)
Anyone thinking about using ED drugs with or without medical advice would do well to read about the possible side effects: A boner for 24 hours would be very dangerous. I think biggles69 may means that he still got a boner readily after 24 hours? |
From Suriwong rd. walk-down Phat Pong II. for approx. 65yds, (there is a large arch advertising 'Pavilion Place.' at the start of PP.II.), and about half way along the row of single storey and small bars on one's LHS. one will see PHATPONG PHARMA; one may see its rooftop sign, (red on white b'ground.), for quite some distance away as one walks towards it; it is more or less opposite to 'Kaeng.' topless bar on one's RHS.. Should one walk from Rama. IV. rd. using the covered walk-way, (to avoid any inclement weather, or having come-out of 'Screwboys.' - ha!), then the pharmacy will be on one's RHS. and more or less opposite to 'Thai Room restaurant.' on one's LHS..
Of course one may access PPII. from Si Lom rd., its start is between a 'Boots.' chemists wch. has a hanging green cross outside and the start of a line of shops selling leather goods. Most times that I check-in there, not to buy 'Viagra.' - but I like to keep in touch, as it were - supplies are available at around 1000.oo..Bh. for four; from memory 'Cialis.' is nearer 1,200.oo.Bh. for four; the Indian made orange-coloured gel - I forget its name - is available, too, for approx. 100.oo.Bh. per sachet. The pharmacist, a pleasant man, advises that half a 'Viagra.' is enough - he has a small machine that will make a neat halving, should one so wish. Usual disclaimer. 'bye.. |
The gel is kamagra, and you can get it for less than Bt 100. Last time I paid Bt. 70, and if you order over 10 baggies, they charged Bt 60 each.
The pharmacy I went to was on Sukhumvit Soi 15. Almost next to the signpost 'Soi 15'. |
Yes wowpow....I mean I can still GET a boner 24hrs later.
For exact dividing of Viagara etc there is a pharmacy product called a pill cutter (plastic ).Price is $AU 6.You can slice fractions of the whole easily.Helps to wean you off other medications too.
Don't confuse the above with pill crusher. |
Most of the larger Thai pharmacies also sell this device for around 100 baht.
I found pill cutters a bit of a waste of time as they seem to make the pills go to powder. Just bite off a chunk with your incisors - nature's own pill cutters.
Pill cutters are useful most times but some generics purchased in Bkk seem less solid and turn to powder eg sleeping pill.At 100 baht cutters are useful to have on standby.Biting is effective but gets difficult for less than half a tab.If I haven't used Viagara for a while I only need a quarter for back-up so slicing is more even.
Y'day. I was in PHAT PONG PHARMA., (Phat Pong 2.), and enquired about the availability & price of 'Cialis.'?
There it's sold as a package of four tablets; each tablet of 20mg. strength; price 2,000.oo.Bh. |
Sextile....that's EXPENSIVE!! You can get it a lot cheaper if you get away from the tourist areas. I never pay more than THB 1,200 for a box of 4....and the pharmacist always asks "How many boxes this time?" there's never a problem getting what you need or want.
The Sukhuhmvit pharmacists all seem to sell viagra for 1,800 for 4 and seem genuinely shocked if you say you can get it for 1,200 elsewhere - they say it must be fake. It seems an unusually large discrepancy even for Thailand.
I use a pharmacy near Pratunam Market. I've been going there for 5 years and know the pharmacist quite well. His price for ALL drugs is cheaper than anywhere else in town, so you have to stand in line or Thais to get waited on (and you KNOW how good Thais are at waiting patiently in line for anything). However, most recently, he's raised the price of Viagra to THB 1,400. It's the real stuff, in the real box, with the real drug company seal on it.
-- On sat. evening, (20th.), approx. 45mins. before going to the 'PRIME ON SILOM SIX.' to try-out this newish massage parlor I swallowed one 'Cialis.' tablet..
- In short I did not experience any great arousal, and really my erect'n. was certainly no better and possibly no worse than usual in such places. - Maybe this was because of - 1.- Fake tablets, (bought in Phat Pong 2.),; 2.- There was no mutual attract'n./chemistry between the masseur and me; 3.- I wasn't feeling all that bright; 4.- Some other reason. - Well, I've three tablets remaining in the box and there are plenty of opportunities still here in BKK.; so we'll see what the future holds. -- bibi.. |
Cialis has short expiry date
Sextile - I suggest you check the expiry date. Unlike Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis has a much shorter expiry date, and that only if it has been stored properly while in the shop.
-- Sloot,
- Thanks for your reply. - 'Sitot dit, sitot fait.', as they say in Gay Pareee! I checked the Expiry Date stamped into the end flap, wch. is: DEC 2011.. - But I note what you wrote about storage; here I keep it in a cool part of the 'fridge.. -- bibi.. |
I am rather bemused why people run around trying to find the cheapest real Viagra - 1200 to 1800 baht!. Generics are available at a fraction of the price which makes me wonder why Pfizer need to charge as much as they do for this huge money spinner discovered accidentally.
If anyone pays a lot on the moral grounds of intellectual property, I raise my Dutch Cap to you. I am very contented with Kamagra and similar generics made legally in India - same Sildenafil Citrate but by made by a different process. I use a quarter of a pill or sometime a third depending on the accuracy of my bite. A friend gets me packs of four from Myanmar at 70 baht for four x 100 mg. In Pattaya I just bought a large number for a friend from Australia for 250 baht for 4 x 100 mg. I have had no problem with fakes and find these products very satisfactory. |
Dutch cap? :confused:
As a Dutchman I am rather confused.... Kamagra is available in the (Chinese) pharmacy on Suk Soi 15 for Bt. 70 each. If you buy a box, the price drops to below Bt. 50 each. |
I bought boxes and boxes of Kamagra a while back. I tried one and it did NOTHING for me at all. So, the next time, I tired 2.....and still had NO response. So, I handed them out to all of my friends and had them try them. They all reported that their pill did NOTHING for them. So, long story short, the Kamagra I bought was totally fake and I ended up throwing away 5 or 6 boxes. So, in the end, give me the real stuff.....or anything that works and you can keep the Kamagra. No wonder it was so cheap.
There's both counterfeit Viagra and Kamagra out there, but I can assure you that the genuine Kamagra does have the intended effect!
-- According to the editorial in today's 'BKK. Post.', and wch. was about counterfeit drugs & medecines, Pfizer's reps. bought 217 samples of Viagra here in BKK.. But despite many of them being packaged in genuine-seeming cartons - even to correct looking holograms - only 15 samples were found to be the original and genuine product. Copies contained from 17-48%. of the req'd. & necessary ingredients.
- An independant & Swedish survey suggested similar results. - 'Caveat emptor.'! -- bibi.. -- |
For that reason, you might be better off with a generic like Kamagra.
Or, use the Thai herbal.....G7. It always does the trick for me....with no side effects.
- Usual disclaimer, of course. -- bibi.. -- |
Hi, thanks for all the usefull information.
I would like to buy and try the G7... Could somebody tell me how much it normally costs? |
G7 costs THB 1,400 for a box of 4. The pricetag on the box says THB 1,600, but tell them that you only want to pay THB 1,400 and they'll readily agree.
What are the ingredients of this G7. Anyone knows?
I'm afraid to ask. But, it's supposed to be 100% herbal. I think the #1 ingredient is deer antler...or something like that.
I read that they analyzed a wide selection of "herbal" virility potions found on the market in China -- and nearly all of them contained sildenafil citrate (generic Viagra).
-- bibi.. -- |
What's REALLY in this stuff?
From today's news:
Singapore - The number of men suffering serious reactions to an illegal sex drug in Singapore are on the rise, data from the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) said on Saturday. Six more males have developed dangerously low blood-sugar levels in the past two weeks after taking the sexual enhancement drug called Power 1 Walnut, believed to have been made in China, bringing the number of confirmed cases to 16 and suspected cases to 40. The 56 men are between 20 and 90, some of whom are foreign workers, said the HSA, the national drug watchdog. One of the victims is in a coma and another suffered a stroke three weeks ago. Symptoms include tremor, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness and confusion. This is the most serious case of adverse reaction to an illegal sex drug in the city-state, HSA Chief Executive Officer John Lim told The Straits Times. Tests revealed the presence of a prescription drug for diabetes in amounts that are five times higher than the dosage given to diabetics as well very low levels of sildenafil, which is sold as Viagra, the report said. The HSA has warned against buying health products from dubious sources such as street peddlers, makeshift stalls and off the internet. More than 75,000 illegal sex drugs, including 2,000 Power 1 Walnut pills, were seized in raids conducted last month. Deutsche Presse-Agentur |
Symptoms include tremor, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness and confusion.
With the exception of tremors, these symptoms fairly accurately describe my normal state of being. And all this time, I thought it was just a result of being old and fat...... |
i think the power 1 walnet was exactly what was given to the gogo boy i was seeing. he cancelled my off the weekend before last, saying he thought he had food poisoning when eating out with a customer. *of course i was very sceptical - thought he had a more generous customer that night*..
5 days later, he messaged to tell me that he just came out of the hospital. *eyeroll* when i saw him this weekend, he said that he went out dancing with a client from singapore who shared half pill of some type of drug with him; afterwards he felt all the symptoms described here. he had to go to a hospital to get detox. i told him i thought it was bad E or something. going |
Prices for single packets are 80 baht for Kamagra (4x100mg) and 100 baht for Viagra (4x100mg) and Cialis (4x20mg) respectively. They also sell plastic containers of generic tadalafil, in other words Cialis for 300 baht (10x100mg, not the regular 20mg tablet), so if you have a pill splitter and a penchant for haggling, you can really get a good deal. Just like wowpow though, I've always been happy with my (fake) Kamagra - whose effects sometimes last me up to 36-hours. :) |
Alarming reaction to generic Viagra
In response to enquiries, I should explain that I have been out of it for a couple of months because of a heart problem that has sadly put a stop to my sanuk . . . temporarily, I trust!
The cause of this disaster was an unbelievably powerful orgasm, an hour after taking a 100mg Penegra tablet. A barrel of laughs, you might think (my partner was all smiles), but the accompanying excruciating pain from my kidneys was no joke at all. My usually successful dose of other generic brands (Caverta, Kamagra) is a quarter tablet (25mg). Penegra should be the same, but had given me disappointing results at both 25 and 50mg, on previous occasions. Then, strangely, the last 100mg tablet of the pack blew me up. I can explain this vast difference in my reactions only in terms of possible differences in stomach contents, since I believe that Viagra etc. is intended to be taken on an empty stomach, something that I find hard to judge or to control. . . . . Any comments or info on similar experiences? |
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