-- According to the editorial in today's 'BKK. Post.', and wch. was about counterfeit drugs & medecines, Pfizer's reps. bought 217 samples of Viagra here in BKK.. But despite many of them being packaged in genuine-seeming cartons - even to correct looking holograms - only 15 samples were found to be the original and genuine product. Copies contained from 17-48%. of the req'd. & necessary ingredients.
- An independant & Swedish survey suggested similar results. - 'Caveat emptor.'! -- bibi.. --
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Just an update in this thread:
I have been trying phamacies in the "greater silom" area and have been told either i need a prescription or need to go to a hospital. Has there been a change in the laws that has forced pharmacists to be more fussy? Or am I just going to the wrong places? Any recommendations of a place to try? Huge thanks, guys.... The Thais enjoy my significant endowment and I SURE do not want to disappont, hehe
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