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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   'NICE BOYS.' bar.

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Old 16th September 2007, 07:24 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
'NICE BOYS.' bar.

-- After watching what 'HOTMALE.', (Soi Twilight.), had to offer I decided to re-visit 'NICE BOYS BAR.' wch. is in the same sub-soi off Soi Anuman. as is 'Super A.'.
- The place hasn't altered all that much since my earlier visit wch. was a few days after its opening - still fairly basic lay-out and set-up..
- Drinks are priced at 100.Bh..
- For those who haven't been there before: immediately in front of one, after entering, one may see the Comfort Room straight ahead! However there are a couple of rows of sofas facing both the ent'ce. and the small and bare stage wch. is against the same wall as the door. The bar is to stage RIGHT. Various spot lights are suspended from the ceiling, their wiring looks somewhat makeshift.
- There was one boi, dressed in a pr. of white briefs, on the stage, and not doing anything very much.
- Of course and quite naturally I was the focus of att'n. for the half-a-dozen or so boyz there - possibly because I was their only customer at the time. Some boyz were wearing small briefs, others were more fully dressed.
- I waved away the boyz and considered the scene. A couple of the boyz are on the way to becoming trans-sexuals, I would say; the remainder are still definitely males. A couple of youngish looking wimmin were acting as waitresses for the drinks.
- After a while I made my choice: AHN, 20YO. from I-San, (of course!), who's been working there for about a couple of months or so.
- Really, it's not much different from nearby 'SUPER A.', and AHN was quite happy for me to get to know him better and vice versa; the usual sized TH.-boi's **** but with a well-developed glans, a pleasure for those who like 'smoking.'.
- While I was there another farang entered but didn't stay long. He was followed by a couple of younger farangs, but I was too engaged with AHN to pay them much att'n..
- I left around 00.15hrs. - home alone!
- Possibly worth another visit and as an alternative to 'Super A.' - a bit of competition for them!
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Old 17th September 2007, 12:20 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 109
Re: 'NICE BOYS.' bar.

Originally posted by sextile
Possibly worth another visit and as an alternative to 'Super A.' - a bit of competition for them!
hardly competition - when it is not busy they sometimes move the boys from upstairs down to Nice (or visa versa) rather than keeping both bars open and neither bar's bar is well stocked so they often raid the other's stock!

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