If Im visiting a bar and I want to inspect the goods, how easy is it to get a guy to come and sit next to me and show me his hardon? Even fool around with me a bit. Do other punters mind? Is this normal practice? What's the 'tip'
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I have seen many people do it but at least I think you should give the boy a little sense of dignity by sitting discreetly in the back. Of course it depends also on the boy and the bars - I would think this is no problem at all with the bars on Soi Tarntawan
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-- Ruby.,
- I agree with you. - Certainly, in Soi Twilight, I'd check first with the Bar Capt. to ascertain the bar's general policy. Then I'd check with the boi as to his preferences; if he's willing then I'd move back - if necessary - to some discreet spot. - I know - from pers. experience - that in 'FRESH BEACH BOYS.' #4., (Roj.), is more than happy for me to play with him; but I do not know if that would apply to other boyz in that bar? - For the three bars in the Soi Anuman. area - 'Super A.', 'Nice Boys.' and 'Nature Boys.' the boyz make it quite obvious that they expect one to play with them - and vice versa if one's tastes run in that dir'n. - ha! - Of course, a suitable TIPS. is expected in return for such favors. - "Sanookie dee!". 'bye
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I'll add something to try to answser your last question: "How much tip to give them." Again, that's entirely up to you. But, if a boy sits with you, the first expectation is that you'll buy him a drink. That's the courteous thing to do, and it would be rare to find a bar where the waiter or captain DOESN'T show up immediately to take the boy's drink order. So, before anything "happens" you're out the cost of a drink. Then, if the guy sits with you for 10 minutes or so, I'd say that a THB 50 tip is good enough. If he gets it hard and shows you the goods, I should think that nothing less than THB 100+ would be acceptable. (However, you should also know that I'm what's known as a "Cheap Charlie" in the bar world. Good luck and have fun.
Also, if you're sitting with a guy and are not "making a move" to take him out and another customer wants him, the captain will come up to you and ask you if you're planning to off the guy. If you hesitate, the captain will probably take the guy to his next customer....which is only fair. After all, they're not working there hoping for polite conversation.
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-- If I'm sitting down in one of the Soi Twilight a go-go bars then generally I'll wait long enough to see the complete roster of ON-stage R&F. boyz and often I'll shoo away any who propose themselves as companions; but that is not necessarily an hard-and-fast rule as I prefer to establish eye contact at least with the boi whom I have in mind and see his response first of all.
- Should a boi join me then I'll buy him a drink: 'Toujours la politesse.'. - Should we talk, without anything else, then I'd offer him 100.Bh. for the pleasure of his company. - Should he be agreeable to more then I'd offer him 200.Bh. in recompense. - Please accept the above as merely general guidelines for Soi Twilight; things could be different in the bars in the Soi Anuman. area. 'bye..
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Call me a skinflint......but....if I'm pressured to buy a boy a drink, my response is a polite....."I'll tip the boy....better for boy." If I buy him a drink he may get 20 or 30 Bht.....whereas I'll tip 50 to 100 bt for just sitting with me.......it pisses the captain a bit,,,,but in Soi Twighlight 200 bt is too much just for company that may or may not have been encouraged. If he then does more to get my attention I may buy a drink as well.....but usually only if I'm thinking about offing him. If u want cock to play with then Nature Boy, Golden Cock and Super A are sure things,,,,drinks are only 150 bt and the captains dont give a rats arse what you do. 50 to 100Bt to the captain when you leave is a good investment for next time.
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I've lived in BKK for more than 20 years. Lots of good advice from the other posters, but remmember there are no 'standard rules', every bar is different.
I don't totally agree that the captains don't give a rats arse what you do... In many bars they get commission from the owner for every off fee, so they will push you to take the boy out, probably quickly. Also, many captains have agreements with the working boys. Captain pushes customer to take the boy out, captain gets a cut from the tip the boy gets from the customer. Also, In some places if boy won't agree to give capatin a cut, then captain will possible tell customer 'that boy not good' etc. Regards
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Scoops....good advice.....my "rat's arse" comment related to the original poster's desire for a bit of cock play in the back row....and of course a tip for the captain if you dont off the boy never goes astray.
Despite my reluctance to rush to buy a drink for the boys, I am always recognised & warmly welcomed back by the captains.... because they know when I find a boy I like, I can be generous to all concerned.
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