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Old 24th June 2009, 12:43 AM
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Originally Posted by scoops View Post
Let's please be fair, the language of this webboard is rightly or wrongly English, but there are many members from many countries who make interesting contributions and their first language is not English (and I don't mean that as any form of criticism).
... .

-- Faute de mieux English is the working language of this web-site, and agreed for those whose English is a 2nd. or 3rd. language this can be a problem.
- However, fear not, help is at hand -

Client for Google Translate - free translation

which is a free download and will offer you help!
- I have looked briefly at it and it seems to do an adequate enough job.
- source: techie. pages of today's,(24th.), BKK. Post. 'paper.

-- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. --
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Old 24th June 2009, 02:29 AM
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So can the Pattaya people offer any news on the local scene, please.

Especially the two new go-go bars, and massage venues.

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Old 11th July 2009, 10:52 PM
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-- While in PATTAYA recently I went to the following massage parlor -

- addr.: 329/39 moo 10., Pattayaland 13/1. Second rd.,
- tel.: (038)-710 863.;
- e-mail: [email removed]
- hrs.: daily, 13.-01.oo.hrs.;

- After I'd sat-down about ten masseurs - none of whom is eye-candy - sat-down opposite. They were wearing white & numbered vests over white shorts.
- The price list is for 60. & for 120.minutes services; however, and after a bit of haggling, the Mamasan - quite fair English & chatty - agreed on 90mins. & oil-massage for 500.Bh.. There is a MINIMUM TIP. of either 500. or of 700.Bh. - I forget which.
- I didn't ask the M'san. for any guidance and chose masseur #26.: Khun Tew.
- We went upstairs to the massage room: approx. 7x11ft. PLUS a bay window and with the standard massage-table with clean sheets; the wall to the next room was cut-away to allow both rooms to share a common air-cond..
- The 4 common showers are in what looks like an extension/out-house - but clean and with running H&C. and liquid & scented soap. Khun Tew & I showered separately.
- Khun Tew is 27YO.; comes from SOUTH of CHIANG MAI; speaks quite fair & conversational English; has been there just a few weeks as in his previous job - waiter in a BKK. restaurant - was too much hard work for little pay.
- Khun Tew started by wiping both of my feet with a COLD & lemon scented cloth. After that he spent MORE than 30mins. on my legs before moving up to my back which rec'd. LESS time before it was time to turn-over. Very little attention to those parts 'On Which the sun ... .'.
- He mentioned that he's a TOP - uncut & aprox. 5ins. LOA. - and doesn't really like to be smoked; just as I added that 'Hand jobs.' aren't really my favorite form of release. However, when it came to my sitting-up for him to massage my shoulders events conspired to prove us wrong - ha!
- I'd rate the massage at about 6/10; the after massage was pleasant but nothing out of the ordinary.
- After the end-of-massage showers I went downstairs and where I wasn't offered either tea or water.
- After giving Khun Tew his TIP. I was embraced & hugged warmly, and left with his and the other masseurs' voices pressing me to return soon.
- Overall impression is that the place is clean - but it pays to select one's masseur. The next day my farang friend went thither and chose the blonde-haired masseur; he vowed that he would not be applying his usual 'Three strikes' rule.' as a result.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 11th July 2009, 11:08 PM
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Narcissus Massage, Pattaya

Thank you for that helpful report. I've walked past that establishment many times, but somehow never tried it. I should make an effort to do so next time I'm in Pattaya.

I've been meaning to ask for a long time - what does "LOA" stand for?

As for your friend and his blonde choice, not applying the "three strikes rules" can mean two opposite things: It's so bad there is no second chance, or it's so good, the testing scheme is waived. Which is it?
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 12th July 2009, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by sloot View Post
... .
I've been meaning to ask for a long time - what does "LOA" stand for?
As for your friend and his blonde choice, not applying the "three strikes rules" can mean two opposite things: It's so bad there is no second chance, or it's so good, the testing scheme is waived. Which is it?

-- Khun Sloot,
- LOA. is an abbreviation for Length OverAll; you may have come-across it when buying your luxurious sloop which I see moored in the bay - ha!
-Thank you - the overall massage and afters were so bad ... .
-- Bibi. --
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Old 13th July 2009, 02:10 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
- LOA. is an abbreviation [acronym, actually] for Length Over All;

LOA Law of Attraction
LOA Length Overall (boat specification)
LOA Leave Of Absence
LOA Letter Of Authorization
LOA Library of America
LOA Life Of Agony
LOA Letter of Agency
LOA Letter of Approval
LOA letter of offer and acceptance (US DoD)
LoA Legends of Aranna (game)
LOA Lords of Acid (band)
LOA Length Over All
LOA League of Awesomeness
LOA Loss of Appetite
LOA Letter of Authority
LOA Love One Another
LOA Line of Accounting
LOA List of Abbreviations
LOA Lack of Attention
LOA Letter Of Appreciation
LOA Last of All
LOA Linear Optical Amplifier (Genoa)
LOA Law of Averages
LOA Library of Alexandria (game)
LOA Level of Assessment
LOA Letter Of Apology
LOA Level Of Authority
LOA Limit of Advance
LOA Light Off Assessment
LOA Legend of Ares (online game)
LOA letter of assist (US DoD)
LOA Loss of Attachment (periodontal disease)
LOA Logistics Officers Association (formerly Maintenance Officers Association)
LOA Letters of Assurance
LOA Lysis of Adhesions (surgical procedure)
LOA Living Out Allowance (housing)
LOA Leif Ove Andsnes (classical pianist)
LOA Line of Affiliation
LOA Left Occipito Anterior (fetal position)
LOA Love on Arrival (Dan Seals song)
LOA Loss of Alignment (SDH or Sonet Technology)
LOA Lead Operational Authority
LOA Losers of America (gaming clan)
LOA Letter of Admonishment
LOA Local Overseas Allowance
LOA Legion Of Apocalypse (hacker group)
LOA Love of Anime
LOA Loss of Aircraft (logistics)
LOA Late Onset Asthma
LOA Lease-Option Agreement
LOA Loyal Orange Association (Canadian fraternal organization)
LOA Letter of Administration
LOA Looseness of Association
LoA Legacy of Assassins (PS3 clan)
LOA logistics over-the-shore (LOTS) operation area (US DoD)
LOA Light Observation Aircraft
LOA Limited Open Authorization
LOA Limited Operational Availability
LOA Leadership Opportunity Awards
LOA Logistics Operations Analysis (McHugh Software International)
LOA lodgment operational area (US DoD)
LOA Length of Association
LOA Lesbians Of America
LOA Limited Operational Assessment
LOA List Of Acronym(s)
LOA Letter of Abandonment
LOA Line Of Appropriation
LOA Lands of Acheron (Neverwinter Nights game server)
LOA Link Occupancy Analysis
LOA Limit of Allowance
LoA Lords of Arograth (online game)
LOA Letter Of Agreement/Acceptance
LOA Lead Out Advantage
LOA Lower Open Auxiliary
LOA Luck of Aleia (emo band)
LOA Love of Animals, Inc (Visalia, CA)
LoA Lambs of Abortion (band)
LOA Lube Oil Additive
LOA Leaf Over Axle (Motor Vehicle Suspension Design)
LOA Limit of Authority
LOA Logistics Operations Area
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Old 13th July 2009, 03:52 AM
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I can't believe you all missed "Length Of Appendage"!
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 13th July 2009, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Taoboxer View Post
I can't believe you all missed "Length Of Appendage"!

-- Khun Taoboxer,
- Funny, ha! Ha!!
- Yes, I do like that one - good on you for informing us all!
-- Bibi. --
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Old 15th July 2009, 11:23 AM
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Sunnee Plaza

It would be a shame if some of the comments above put people off Sunee Plaza. Some of what is said is certainly true. Some bars have underage boys, but that happens in Boystown too, although less, I agree.
If you do want to take silly risks you take a boy who appears to be possibly underage. Do not rely on the ID unless it is very clearly the right boy.
But Sunnee has a big number of host bars with boys of a suitable age, a relaxed atmosphere and patrons who enjoy the area much more that the stuffy and more expensive Boystown. Restaurants alone are equally good and far less expensive, especially if you go towards Tuk Com.
Quite often there will be many more customers in Sunnee than Boystown and very few are looking for underage boys. So don't miss out.
I do wonder if the anti-Sunnee comments come from Boystown commercial interests. Sunnee certainly gives them a big headache!
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Old 18th July 2009, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by impalauk View Post
,,,I do wonder if the anti-Sunnee comments come from Boystown commercial interests. Sunnee certainly gives them a big headache!
Excuse me if I sound absolutely stupid again, but is there some sort of enmity or rivalry between the patrons of Boystown and Sunnee? I've noticed comments and comparisons like this in the past and often wondered what the reason for the feud might have been.

Anyone care to explain?
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 18th July 2009, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Taoboxer View Post
Excuse me if I sound absolutely stupid again, but is there some sort of enmity or rivalry between the patrons of Boystown and Sunnee? I've noticed comments and comparisons like this in the past and often wondered what the reason for the feud might have been.

Anyone care to explain?
Boyztown, as well as the Pattaya Land Sois that many people now tend to include when using the term Boyztown, have a longer history and traditionally were considered higher class operations.

Years ago Sunee bars like Crazy Pub (not to be confused with either Krazy Dragon or the current Crazy Pub) were notorious for their sleaze. Places like Boys Studio, Nok Nok, etc were a bit higher class, but still tended to be on the raunchy side compared to the bars of Boyztown that the more timid gays and busloads of wide-eyed straight tourists patronized.

There has also been greater evidence of underage boys, availability of drugs and free lance "workers" moving around Sunee... justified, but overblown.

So there was a tendency for the one to look down their (surgically enhanced) noses at the other.

In recent years Sunee, and to a less successful extent, Day-Night have grown both in the number of small bars with short life expectancy and the better, well equipped bars like Krazy Dragon and TopMan (now closed) and BIrd Cage (now closed).

So there is the plain & simple competition of business wanting to draw customers, but that competition tends to veer off into suggestions that Sunee is the cheaper, raunchier, riskier poor cousin of Boyztown ... again somewhat justified, but way overblown.

Incidentally, Taoboxer, I ran across a downloadable (I think) video entitled Thai Boxing Boy Sex Massage which made me think of you and your "interest" in Muay Thai. You might find it good viewing: ) At the moment it's the first video on the page linked, but it will move down as new things are added).
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Old 31st July 2009, 03:56 AM
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I agree with the comments above, and add a few more.
Firstly, there is no enmity at all that I have seen between patrons of the two areas.
There is also a tendency for the tourists to be in Boystown while the residents tend to prefer Sunnee Plaza.
But very few residents will not visit both locations.
Most residents have a choice of the expensive host bars in Boystown, the best of which is probably Panorama, and the more relaxed, more numerous and less expensive bars in Sunnee.
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Old 31st July 2009, 04:38 AM
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Another twist, I have some concerns about the Sunee area in terms of the consequences of being seen there. This area does have an image of underage boys and drugs, which surely has some truth, but (as already mentioned) perhaps a little overblown.

Some of us work here in Thailand and being identified / photographed in that area could have some dire consequences. (And please don't scream about human rights.)

In fact I have one farang friend who has worked here in Thailand for a long long time and he's been 'moved on' by two employers who somehow got hold of photos taken in this area, including one photo with bikini clad youngters milling around (quite probably all over 18 but never the less very young looking).
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Old 31st July 2009, 07:24 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post

- After I'd sat-down about ten masseurs - none of whom is eye-candy
In Pattaya and Jomtiem recently I was disappointed by the looks of most of the massuers sitting outside the massage places spruiking for business. There was not much on display to interest me to go inside.

I was just about mugged near the Two Face bar in Jomtiem by one of their massage guys desperate to get a customer. Most of the guys in Boyztown looked like retired taxi drivers. Maybe the good lookers are bored sitting there all day waiting for a client and have gone back to the village till the high season (if there is one this year).
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Old 31st July 2009, 11:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Kaojai View Post
...So there is the plain & simple competition of business wanting to draw customers, but that competition tends to veer off into suggestions that Sunee is the cheaper, raunchier, riskier poor cousin of Boyztown ... again somewhat justified, but way overblown.

Incidentally, Taoboxer, I ran across a downloadable (I think) video entitled Thai Boxing Boy Sex Massage which made me think of you and your "interest" in Muay Thai. You might find it good viewing: ASIAN BOYS GAY SEX ) At the moment it's the first video on the page linked, but it will move down as new things are added).
Dear Kaojai,
Thanks for the informative reply and the nice video link. Sorry I did not see your response to my post earlier.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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