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Old 27th February 2010, 12:10 AM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 90

Originally Posted by Xfun View Post

After the fun back at the hotel "Sorry I've run out of cash, never mind, I'll come back to your bar tonight and give you your tip."
Before I moved to Thailand 8 years ago, I hate to admit that I did this once.....I did not realize that I did not have enough cash on hand at the time, so I only gave what I had -- a few hundred. There were two differences:

1. I was a semi-regular in the bar and many boys knew me, so the young man in question knew he would probably see me again.

2. The next night, I did indeed return to the bar and gave him the remaining money, which did two things: made me a friend who I still have today AND gained me the trust of his co-workers.

Honesty and integrity do go a long way.
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Old 27th February 2010, 01:48 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

On the other hand, if you had invested the balance of the tip in the NYSE at the time, you would have no respect from the boy or his friends and even less a wise investment indeed.
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Old 27th February 2010, 02:03 AM
Join Date: Apr 2001
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Sad but true, Yannawa
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Old 27th February 2010, 04:40 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 257

Nice, but there are many many instances of boys getting ripped off, many people will recall Khun Lek who was the inside manager of Boyz Boyz for years, who can relate such stories for days, and there are many others who can also talk about there occurances.

I recall perhaps 17 or 18 years ago taking a young man to a tiny hole in the wall short time place, just 2 or 3 rooms, upstairs opposite Crystal Boys (or whatever it's name is now - was recently a muscle boy place). On arrival there's a problem at the desk:

- Another farang had taken a boy to a room earlier and had convinced the manger he would pay for the room on departure.
- Turned out that after the 'fun' the farang convinced the boy to shower first, then the farang quickly dressed, removed the boys wallet from his pants, and fled, telling the manager that the boy had the money for the room and would be coming down stairs soon.
- Young working boy is now at the desk, his wallet has gone, he's not been paid a tip and the manager is demanding money for the room.

Not nice.

Guess it would not be surprising if he, and other working boys, no longer trusted farangs.
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Old 27th February 2010, 05:04 AM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 90

I, too, have heard the stories. Very sad.
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Old 27th February 2010, 07:57 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

I've often wondered what happened to flaky young gays when they get older. They generally seem to fall off the face of the earth. The ones who cheat the Thai boys are probably the same creepy ones who used to get thrills setting up meetings (in their home countries) and didn't show up (just to be creepy) or pulled other creepy tricks. I never understood the creepy side of American (and other Western?) gay life. Fortunately Thai gays seem more mentally sober. But I would never trust one and leave my wallet in my pants in the other room while I take a shower (for fear that some of it would be surreptitiously removed).
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Old 28th February 2010, 07:46 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 257

Interesting points. I guess the bottom line is that there are flaky individuals in all walks of life and in all countries, educated, uneducated, gay straight, or whatever other way you might like to disect the populace.

Many years ago I worked with a farang, here in Bangkok, who had a young male Thai lover, nice young guy, champion footballer, worked in what is now Power Buy at Central XXXX.

The farang went to the go go bars almost every night of the week, often took someone home and then told the boy friend to go and sleep outside in the corridor until the 'fun' was completed, which often meant that he slept in the corridor all night and then had to go through hell in the morning to get back inside the room to shower and get off to his job at Central.

The farang spent so much money on boys that his 'lover' often had to pay the rent etc.

Perhaps some may consider this to be 'normal', I certainly don't.
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