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Old 8th November 2007, 08:59 AM
Join Date: Mar 2000
Posts: 14

Been in BKK for the last two months off and on. I went to the Prince theatre and it was almost empty on two occassions. However, decided to go to the movie near the 39 underground sauna. It was popping. I must have gone 10 times and the only westerner there except for one day I saw a older guy there.

It was fantastic. I got there about 1pm each day and before I could get my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I was either taking a load or giving one. I must have done about 10 guys during the next 3 hours, and only one asked for badt. I got a hold of serversal of the biggest C**Ks i have ever seen outside of the go go bars. One was on a lilttle tiny wimp that must have been 10 inches and the size of a beer can. Boy was he cute.

I do not know when this place closes, but at 6pm its still going strong. Some ladyboys there giving their services, I am sure for a few badt. Some of the guys perfer to go to toilet and get things done, so take some c******ms with you. They should name this place "Heaven"./

There must have been 200 guys there at times, and sometimes more suckers than suckees. I left each time, completely satisfied.
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Old 8th November 2007, 06:51 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Ah, yes: this is the 'PHAHOL.' movie-palace on P'othin. rd., (BTS.: Saphan Kwai, [N7.],),.
- I know of one elderly American who lives here in BKK. for most of the yr. and who visits there nigh on daily; also a couple of 'SnowBirds.' who spend most of their spare moments there during their stays here.
-- bibi
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Old 9th November 2007, 10:46 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Possibly this thread could be combined with the other thread entitled: 'SUCK CINEMAS.'? Two threads with a common theme?
- My elderly American acquaintance, who's a frequent cruiser at 'PHAHOL.' movie-house, tells me that really the spectators have divided it into two sections: the lower and more level half nearer to the screen is for the maturer viewer, while the raked tiers at the back are where the younger voyeurs go - possibly to stand against the rear wall?
-- bibi..
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Old 11th November 2007, 05:57 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

Be carefull .
Many of regulars there HAVE STD .

Check after your visit before spreading it around .
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Old 11th November 2007, 07:33 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally posted by Ninja
Be carefull .
Many of regulars there HAVE STD .
... .
-- Is this just a generalised warning or do you have any specific info.?
- My elderly American friend who probably visits there three to four times a week during his wintertime stays of three to four months here has never ever mentioned that to me - and he can be quite an hypochondriac, as I well know, and as many aging people tend to be!
-- bibi..
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Old 11th November 2007, 11:16 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally posted by Ninja
Be carefull .
Many of regulars there HAVE STD .
... .
-- this forenoon I met my elderly and American acquaintance in Silom Complex Shopping Centre and we chatted some more about this movie-house nr. to Saphan Kwai BTS. stn..
- He said that he was not aware of any such reports personally, and added that he'll check around amongst his TH. and farang associates who frequent that cinema.
-- bibi..
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Old 13th November 2007, 07:00 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 26

Originally posted by sextile
-- Ah, yes: this is the 'PHAHOL.' movie-palace on P'othin. rd., (BTS.: Saphan Kwai, [N7.],),.
- I know of one elderly American who lives here in BKK. for most of the yr. and who visits there nigh on daily; also a couple of 'SnowBirds.' who spend most of their spare moments there during their stays here.
-- bibi
Would appreciate specific directions to the Phanol movie palace from the Sapan Kwai BTS N7

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Old 13th November 2007, 10:58 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Re: Specific

Originally posted by dgxx
Would appreciate specific directions to the Phanol movie palace from the Sapan Kwai BTS N7
-- Dgxx.,
- To obviate unnecessary repetition please scroll-back to the 'Phanolyothin.' thread within wch. you'll find adequate enough dir'ns., (13 jul 07., 02.49hrs., and wch. I've updated just a few mins. ago.), - even if I say so myself.
-- bibi..
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Old 14th November 2007, 03:25 AM
Posts: n/a

wonder if the cinema opp soi 111 near the imperial dept store is still active have not been there for some time(this on sukhumvit past the junction with bangnatra) strickly local - so just fine for me -used to be ok with cabies , factory workers and school crowds. sometimes hit and miss but mostly good for some suck and fuck in the backside toilet- i remember icon made some ref abt thisone b4.

Postings abt the P'othin and Prince seem to be the same as 5 years ago- nothing new and running in circles just with other posters now
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