Ok here goes.At Albury,where my Thai speaking friend and I are frequent customers with a good relationship with mamasan,we are told many times "he is gay" when discussing the trade.This night the total described gay must have been close to 80% .We all know this is unlikely so what does this guy mean?Does it mean the ones willing to bottom are termed gay even though their personal preference is opposite sex and does non-gay means top (also man) ?
At Dream Boy the mamasan stated 60% are gay.I feel she was communicating to me that willing to bottom means gay. At Hero the mamasan,who visits the gay scene,confidently points out the two or three only who are gay.Lifestyle gay that is.No misunderstanding here.They are PLU. So,have I understood this slippery term correctly ? I know the term "Thai gay " so no need to educate me there.Only as customer of sex services in venues is clarification needed.
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