Massage in Chiang Mai
Anyone who can suggest a good massage place in Chiang Mai? That is: good massage (four hands maybe) followed by real treatment.
Massage Chiangmai
Massages in Chiangmai are getting very expensive, even more than in BKK. One-2-come now has minimum tip of 800 baht, and Gemini massage is 700 baht for hour massage. Best choice these days is Marn-Mai Massage, still 500 baht for 1.5 hours and reasonable tip, boys are nice and massage is good. Situated in Chang Puak Road Soi 2, same side and near to Kovitthamrong School
Marnmai Chai Kha
I can only confirm the recommandation about Marnmai Chai Kha, I especially liked the atmosphere (music, decoration) which I found nice and relaxing. I went there at 3 in the afternoon and found about 6 or 7 boys, of which I chose a beautiful 19 y.o from Mae Rim who was very professionnal although a little bit shy.
Well, the massage was quite good, although the towel stayed on throughout. "Everything" turned out to be anything but - just an energetic 5-finger exercise which I did not want. So I gave up, asked the mamasan "why not everything?" whereupon I got the usual excuse about the boy being new and perhaps not sure . . blah, blah. I left the minimum tip but was offered a discount on an everything massage if I came back the next day!! I did not. That day I returned to His Massage where I had enjoyed an excellent massage and some pleasant after playing around with an extremely well-endowed boy on my last visit. His is on the way south out of the city on the right about 100 meters past the Park hotel. 5:00 pm was perhaps a bit early and only 3 boys were on duty, but I was assured more were on the way, Sure enough, another 5 arrived within 5 minutes and I chose a tall, slim Chiang Mai boy. A pleasant shower together preceded a very firm massage (which I wanted) but yet again there was nothing available afterwards except a hand job. This time I did not complain as I had not checked in advance, but it made me wonder: is this now the practice in Chiang Mai? Anyone know? The gay bar scene is also changing. The sleazy Adam's Apple is now but a happy memory, and New My Way, Circle Pub and Free Guy (a misnomer if ever there was one) are only host bars where the guys are more masculine and butch now. But the show at New My Way is excellent. No sex, but it's entertaining with a lot of titillation and extremely well-endowed individuals - far better than the Bangkok shows. Just the two hour show alone is well worth the drink price of Bt. 190. The other two bars have the same type of show with some similarly 'big' boys, but they lack the slickness and variety of New My Way. |
-- F'hall., - Thanks for your up-dating rpt.. - Would you kindly give us the address and/or loc'n. of the NEW 'MY WAY.' BAR? - Thanks in advance. -- Bibi.. -- |
As I recall just a year ago tip in Chinagmai used to be just 400-500 baht. What's happening? Boys being spoiled by Bangkok?
-- Thank you for your reply. - It's not that often that I visit the self-styled 'Rose of the North.', and when I do I prefer to walk, (one never knows whom one might meet on the way ;) ),. - Still - if it takes going thither by tuk-tuk then so be it. -- Bibi.. -- |
While not very accurate, this may help to find New My Way:
Chiang Mai Map Listed as #8 it's walkable from anywhere inside the moat but then, I too prefer to walk. |
-- BillyHouston, - Thank you; so 'MY WAY.', (#8.), and the 'NEW MY WAY.' are basically one and the same? -- Bibi.. -- |
1 Attachment(s)
I have scanned a more accurate map of the location. Hope you can see New My Way in the upper left section (up from Gemini Massage). That soi is Soi 3 off Hatsadhisawee Road.
- Thank you again for this larger map, wch. is a great help to these failing eyes. - If the NEW 'MY WAY.' is in the same loc'n. as its predecessor - and I suspect that it is, ('Puting new wine into old bottles.') - then my Address Book notes that it would be opposite to the CASCADE HTL.. -- Bibi.. -- |
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