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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   SIZE - is it so desirable?

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Old 5th March 2008, 08:29 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
SIZE - is it so desirable?

-- Last night one of my 'Sleeping boyz.' came-over for the night.
- Physically he's about 5'2" tall and is 30YO.. He's an experienced money-boi, too.
- Another boi, whom I'm helping with his educ'n., brings me gifts of fresh fruit as an exchange for my help, they're usually apples & bananas.
- Anyway, the 'Sleeper.' picked-up one of the bananas, waved it at me and said that it is much too big for him.
- This forenoon I measured, (ins./cms.), the a/m. banana for LOA. and for circ'fce., it is roughly 9/32.8 x 5.5/13.5..
- To my way of thinking possibly on the longer side but also thinner than many a male member - even possibly the well-endowed farang?
- Granted my 'Sleeper.' is phys. small - am I wrong in thinking that as an experienced money-boi he should be able to accept most avg. male members? I suppose that an avg. farang might be in the order of say 6/15.4 x 6/15.40.?
-- bibi.. --
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