A new site has appeared in the past couple of weeks:
http://masterbasian.ning.com It's free and run by a great Dutch guy who just happens to be a fan of Island Caprice and all things asian... as the site shows!
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Sextile, I have had no problem downloading from emule, other than the fact it is quite slow. If you are patient, you can download hundreds of full length gay videos. Under search, use thed name of a porn star, a production company (eg Island Caprice), the name of a video, etc. Make sure the percentage figure is 100%, or you will not be able to download the video.
It is best if you leave your computer on during the night so the videos will download while you sleep. You can select as many videos as you want to download. Some will show very little downloading while others will continue ot slowly download. If you want a full length video, make sure that it contains at least 500 mb. If it contains a thousand kb, it will be very short. If you play them on windows media player, you can save them on your hard drive (and maked copies on a dvd if you want to. I wish I had gotten to meet you when I was in BKK last Sept and October. I ate dinner in Dicks quite often.
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- Many thanks for your comprehensive reply - appreciated! - I daresay that you'll return to BKK. another time? -- bibi.. --
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You will find a lot of Argentinian eye candy here.
A few started to have video clips http://www.soytuyo.com/ If this make you jump on a plane to Buenos Aires you will find a lot of information here http://www.thegayguide.com.ar/
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Billy, the masterbasian site has some great videos. Thanks for passing along the info. They certainly are much better quality than the crap I used to buy in Silom or Panthip Plaza.
Sextile, I do plan to return again, but not certain when. I have been to BKK 7 times.
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Have you been able to use emule? I have TOT internet and everything I click on brings up "We're sorry, this video is no longer available." Even when I go to the YouTube site where I used to be able to open and download videos, I either get the same message or else the video just doesn't start up.
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- No, I've not availed of Emule yet; but I'll be giving it a try one of these days soon. -- Bibi.. --
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Sorry to change the subject a little. I recently noticed many comments on other sites saying can't now access xtube. I've discovered that it does now take a lot longer for the whole site to open up, seems to have a lot more opening content, but it does work and lots of asian stuff.
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For those who have Thai friends you can always get them to order VCDs from DTG large selection with prompt delivery. Even has the often hard to get hold of Scooop Bukake Extract.
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I've been ordering from DTG (no need for any Thai language help; they seem to understand English) for several years. There selection is decent but they have way too many of the silly censored Japanese movies for my tastes. What is it with the Japs and those damn sex toys??? ZD Max is also pretty good and sometimes have titles that DTG doesn't have. I'm a big fan of the ICS series. More more more! I wish they had some of the old YMAC titles (non-Asian) from the 1980s and early 90s.
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I, too, used to order from DTG until a couple of years ago. Pretty wide selection and efficient service BUT quality left something to be desired. This was never more true than when he started imprinting dtg.com, or whatever, on every frame. There's no need for this and it was done badly, making the already poor quality even worse.
VCDs never were that great but when it's so easy to get a good rip from a DVD, there's no excuse for poor video quality.
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