Partly in response to the thread about the sleaziest saunas, and partly because I have an interest in such things, I would like to start off a list/review of gogo/host establishments that have more... intimate facilities available on site. So, here is my little input, please feel free to contribute...
Solid Bar: has 3 (I think) rooms up several flights of stairs. I have climbed those stairs on several occassions and the rooms have always been clean. They are a bit like cubicles at Babylon - lots of laytex, dimmer lights, smell of clorox, but reasonable. The bathroom/shower room at the end of the corridor is not the worst I have been in. There are no security features in the rooms so several times when I was showering with boy, he would carry my trousers (and wallet) to the room with us. My Way: Jesus - never again! Thinking on it, I cannot believe I have only visited 2 such places. I will think on it some more...
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- For some rpts. on 'SUPER A.' go to thread entitled: Bar Reports - BKK., posts #97. et seq.. - I believe that 'GOLDEN COCK.', in Soi Anuman., also has an upstairs room? -- bibi.. --
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Yes Golden Cock does have a couple of upstair's rooms. The shower is en-suite ie. there's a toilet and a shower head in a small tiled room off the main room so you don't have to leave your valuables behind. I can't say if the other room is the same.
The first time I ever "offed" a Thai guy was at the Golden Cock eighteen years ago. I don't think the rooms have altered since although I've only used one once in recent years which was the Christmas before last. The bedding was clean but nothing else was and I wouldn't recommend the rooms unless, like me, you'd just popped out for a "quickie" while the boyfriend was at the Disco.
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-- Agreed that the boi being 'offed.' ought to know.
- But - just in case he doesn't - I'd suggest either: 1.- SURIWONGSE HOTEL: S'wong. rd.; 2.- BBB. INN: Rama IV rd.. - Both charge around 350Bh. for 3hrs. short time. - NB. - The S'WONGSE. HTL.' enjoys a certain reputation amongst some boyz who may be reluctant to go thither. -- Usual disclaimers. -- bibi.. --
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- Rumour has had it that in the olde days the local Mafia would take a commission from both the local boyz who hung around there and from visitors; several residents have told me that it was their practice to accompany their boyz until they were well clear of that place so as to discourage the local Mafia's att'ns.. True or not I don't know - but a 'Plan B.' would be helpful - just in case. -- bibi.. --
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I've been taking boys to the Suriwongse Hotel for 15 years and never had a boy show any reluctance to go there. One reason for it's popularity is that most rooms have extensive mirrors on 3 or 4 walls (and some on the ceiling) which can enhance the fun considerably, especially if you like to party with more than one boy!
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