I've been to HotMale twice in the past 6 weeks and agree with you 100%....as Soi Twilight bars go, it's probably the best right now. Even though I despise the "shows", I have to give this place credit for their fucking show. Both times I was in there recently, the fucks were quite energetic. I still recommend giving the rest of Soi Twilight a pass. Nothing any further down the soi is worth putting life and limb in jeapordy with the idiot touts.
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When I said he must have lots of girls chasing him for sex he replies "mai chai, mai mii ngen" no, can't afford it. Even young guys pay for sex in Thailand.
It cost to have a girlfriend in Thailand. I don't know about this man, but a Thai with a salary that just cover the cost for room and food most of the time can not afford to have a girlfriend. Thai girlfriends can be costly, they expect gifts, to be taken out for dinner and cinema etc. The boy is most of the time expected to pay. So your masseur might not be talking about cash. I have met many young Thai complaining about this. It is the same in most countries in SEA.
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-- Last night, (sat.), my 30YO. & Fils'. friend, who's enjoying his 1st. visit to the LoS., and I were supping in 'DICK'S CAFE.', (Soi Twilight.), at around 21.30hrs..
- I haven't see that Soi so busy for a long time. - My friend remarked on the way that the barkers were directing the tourists and others into their particular a go-go bars - especially to the upstairs 'DREAMBOYS BARBEIR.'. -- bibi.. --
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