-- Recently my att'n. was drawn to what I was assured is a newly opened sauna in the gen'l. area of THE MALL - BANG KAPI -
- AMEN SAUNA.; - loc'n.: Tnn. Ramkhamhaeng, between sois 81 & 83.; - tel.: (02)-732 0613.. -- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi.. --
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Yes, Mr. Tile...I am not sure which is the "newly opened" part...apparently it may be called "Nevada Meeting Sport Club" now, but when I used to go a year or so back, it was always A-Men.
When I walked down there last month, I did not see the A-Men sign that used to be on Ramkhamhaeng Road. When I walked down the sub soi, there appeared to be a courtyard/carpark where the old A-Men was...maybe it's the new place but I couldn't recall any name. I used to use A-Men as a place to take fresh Ramkhamhaeng students for recreation. It was very cozy and had many dark, leafy areas. They also had some decent massage boys on the upper floor. But now Torpedo is more convenient to take students for their homework.
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NEVADA SAUNA., formerly A-MEN SAUNA; - addr.: 81/4, Ramkhahaeng rd., Hua Mark; - there is also the entry: 3,141/2, Soi Kaisri piomote; - tel.: (02)-732 0613.; - I do not see any adverts. etc. for it in the usual freebies.; although it is shewn on the PHAHOLYOTHIN-RAMKHUMHEANG map, (R'heang. soi 81.), in MAX magazine, vol.VII., #78 - The name does ring a bell and I feel that I may well have visited it many, many yrs. ago under its former name? TORPEDO SAUNA., - addr.: Soi Thawanthawat 1., Ramkhahaeng 24., (Soi ABAC.),; - tel.: (02)-718 7376.; - web: aboutg.net -:- Lifestyle for special Men >> TORPIDO SAUNA - there is also the note to take 'bus. #537. from MRT. Rama IX.. - I can well remember earlier correspondence about TORPEDO, its loc'n. and how to get there. -- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimers. -- Bibi.. --
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My previously posted aerial photograph of the State was correct. I went there over the weekend and got a GPS reading.
Go into Sukhumvit Soi 78, down to the end, take a left, and the cinema will be facing you in the second sub-soi on your right. Admission is 50 baht, parking 10 baht. Within 5 minutes of arriving, I was on my knees in front of a handsome young man in the back. He opened his pants, and out popped a nice, large, hard cock -- already wearing a condom! Not what I was hoping for. He seemed to want "the final favor", which I was not prepared to give him -- and sucking on a balloon is not my thing -- so he quickly moved on. A couple of other cruisers were present, but none remotely of interest. Fair warning: this place is probably NOT worth going out of your way for. Had intended to try August Sauna while there, but felt lazy and decided to make it another day.
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... . Go into Sukhumvit Soi 78, down to the end, take a left, and the cinema will be facing you in the second sub-soi on your right. Admission is 50 baht, parking 10 baht. ... . [quote] -- From the above I can see that I didn't venture far enough into S'vit. 78.. -- Bibi..--
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For those following the directions of Icon using Google Earth, you will be mislead/confused. Soi 78 on Google Earth is wrongly shown as the soi on the south side(furthest away from town) of Big C. What is really soi 78 is marked as Mu Ban Phunphruek Villa.
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-- At this morning's, (06th.), b'fast. the elderly and American acquaintance mentoned that y'day. a'noon. he went to GSM. SAUNA on Tnn. Charoen Krung in CHINATOWN.
- I think that it's loc'n. has been given in an earlier posting? - Adm'n.: 100.Bh. before 16.hrs.; - He reported that since his previous visit - several months ago, now - some efforts have been made to clean-up the place; but still many lockers MINUS their doors or with doors hanging-on by just one hinge. - Surprisingly busy - and not just with chubby Chinese; a good few younger Thais present. Amongst those there was a coming into middle-age and Thai man who is eye-poppingly well-endowed; but he wasn't willing for my acquaintance to get to know him any better. -- Bibi.. --
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Has anyone any info about this one:
MIX MAN- near the Kok Wua intersection at Ratchdamnern=that big avenue toward Sanam Luang, side of Royal Hotel-opposite SAKE-a long standing and well known pub. This is opposite the Khao Sarn backpack area. Saw an ad in a freebie mag-entry 139 bt normal, 69 bt before 17.00 or 19.00?? opens at 15.00- free entry for Thai orm ''naak rian=student''(only?-knowing the excess of young Yipun and farang oppposite) under 23. Free ''borikarn lao''=booze. Thats all what the ad says though. well, if you cannot score there-the Saran Rom Park is very closeby-you just have to make your way via a big cluster of katoeys and then elder ladies to get there.....
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1.- I've looked-at the flg. web-site for further info. - http://www.gthai.net/mixman - The site in in Thai and includes a map wch. I sketched and shewed to one of my Talking Boyz for his translation - -- Taking MIXMAN as a ref. pt. - --- The VERTICAL rd. to the RIGHT is Tnn. Ratcha Damnoeng Klang; --- The HORIZONTAL rd. is Kok Wah; --- The bldg. straight above MM. is SA-KE.; --- The bldg. at the i'sect. R. Damnoeng:K. Wah is OM YIM BANK; --- The remaining two bldgs. could not be identified positively, possibly they might be WAT MAHAM PARAM and SAN SAO POHSIA? E&OE!! - I expect to be visiting BB. on thu., (11th.), evening and - if God and time permit - hope to carry-out a recce. -- My Best Beloved likes going to SA-KE - - addr.: Tnn. Rajadamnoeng Klang, Soi Yee Kapua, Sanam Luang, (nr. to ROYAL HTL.),; - tel.: (089)-748 0212. - I u'stand that it's LESS of a pub. and MORE like DJ. STATION. 2.- YES - one can score in SARAN ROM PK. - - co-ords.: roughly 100.29-43.E.x13-44-53.N. - It is well-lit, (so few if any discreet places.), and cruisers are MORE likely to be on the maturer side. - However, younger ones may be seen standing or sitting at the kerb-side on Tnn. Sanam Chai between the MIN.OF DEFENCE, (also alongside the MoD. along Tnn. Kanlayana Maitri.), and DOWN to SR. PK.; also along Tnn. Charoen Krung and around the TERRITORIAL DEFENCE DEPT.. But my experience has indicated that car-owners are prefered. Expect to pay 500.Bh. for svces. PLUS for the local htl.. -- E&OE.. -- Bibi.. --
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Has anyone any info about this one: MIX MAN- near the Kok Wua intersection at Ratchdamnern=that big avenue toward Sanam Luang, side of Royal Hotel-opposite SAKE-a long standing and well known pub. This is opposite the Khao Sarn backpack area. QUOTE] -- Y'day., (14th.), evening I visited MIX MAN SAUNA; - Here below are the dir'ns. to walk thither from DEMOCRACY MONUMENT, wch. is at the i'sect. of Tnn. Ratcha Damnoen Klang & tnn. Din So, (co-ords.: roughly 100-30-07.E.x13-45-24.N.), - - Walk WESTWARDS for approx. 275yds. along Tnn. RDK. away from CENTRAL BKK. and towards SANAM LUANG, GRAND PALACE etc., (one will pass the M-BENZ SHOWROOMS, a 7/11. and the 14 oct 73. MEMORIAL on one's LHS.), before reaching the KHOK WUA i'sect., (marked by a std. WHITE on BLUE notice bd.: 'I'sect. 079.'.),; - Walk on along Tnn. RDK. for approx.70yds. MORE and until one will see the 'Soi Damnoen Klan Tai.' street-sign; - Turn LEFT and walk SOUTHWARDS along Soi DKT., (aka. Soi Sa-ke.), for approx. 85yds., (one will pass the PALACE HTL. and SA-KE CLUB on one's RHS.); - MIX MAN will be on one's LHS. between a night-club and an eating-house; it is indicated by a dk.blue & neon sign above the door; - co-ords.: roughly 100-29-52.98.E.x13-45-22.20.N.. -- MORE news to follow - ain't I a Tantalus? -- E&OE.. -- Bibi.. --
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-- ETA.: 17.55hrs.; - Adm'n.: 69.Bh.; - Layout: This is a multi-story sauna: 0.- GF./st. level: Recept'n.; 1. - 1fl.: Locker-room, where one is given one's locker key and a small towel. Also wash & brush-up facilities, incl. a bottle of L*st*r*n* mouth-wash. In locker another small towel - roughly 30ins. long!, (hence most patrons wearing their u'pants./briefs; only a v. few were skinny enough to wear their towels with no under-clothing!), - but no Condom or lube. - so "Bring your own for SAFE S*X!" Around 20hrs. I looked-at the key-board wch. suggested that there were some 40 or so patrons present - not that I saw that many in my cruising-around. 2.- 2fl.: Small gym., common shower-area with only 2 showers having HW. htrs.; small dry heat sauna and darkened steam-room approx. 15x12ft.; No activity in steam-room during the couple of visits that I paid. Bottled-water dispenser, facilities with powdered coffee & milk; jars with small biscuits/cookies. TV.; also a variety of mags. - some soft & others harder p*rn.. 3. - 3fl.: Darkened Rest rooms; also TV. shewing videos. of what Thai boys enjoying doing best! Usually about four or five voyeurs watching for most of the time - but no activity between them. 4.- 4fl.: Darkened Rest rooms and cruising-area. 5.- 5fl.: Roof-garden with seating and a small bar dispensing soft drinks. A variety of assorted mags. calculated to appeal to their readership! -- I was the only farang there; while not st*cky-r*ce I wasn't exactly the belle of the ball, either. -- At approx. 21.45hrs. there was some e'tainment. provided, such as one may see in Soi Twilight, for the 40 or so of us - by a rough hd.-count. - 1.- 2 boys, one tallish & lean, the other shorter & stockier, wearing briefs danced and then - having removed eachother's briefs to reveal better than avg. sized members in Condoms - sprayed eachother with either bottled beer or bottled soda-water; - 2.- 2 boys covered in soap danced and removed the soap & briefs from eachother before indulging in simul'd. s&x; - 3.- 2 boys presented their Bold show, T*p is v. well endowed by anyone's stds.. All ground-work before moving amongst us voyeurs. I'd rate their perf. better than most in Soi Twilight as it seemed to be LESS commerical & forced and MORE amateur enjoyment for their mutual pleasures; - Whole perf. lasted about 20mins. or so. -- The 40 or thereabouts patrons varied from a couple stereotypical college-boi types, a few younger ones, mostly late20s. to mid-30s. I'd guestimate, several maturer ones, some of whom shewed their liking for full rice-bowls! -- ETD.: 23.hrs.. - One hands-back one's locker-key to the GF. Recept'n.. -- Verdict: Worth re-visiting; possibly I'll score once I becum better known? Here's hoping! -- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi.. --
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In Asia, it is a curse to be poor. People will try to feel your social standing based on the interesting question on your salary and your marital status so they will try to decipher your standing in the society. It is an unspoken cast system with admiration for the rich and rails against on the poor therefore your behaviour is extremely important. If you are looking for sex, you got to watch your foodstamps..enough said. Thailand is no exception to this
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Sextile - The towels you describe seem very short for almost all farang and many growing Thai boys. How do you think the crowd there would react to walking around au natural, and maybe carrying a towel to cover up the family jewels, but only for the shy?
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THAILAND - Trevvy Forums | This thread | Refback | 5th January 2009 08:24 AM |
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