-- Bibi.. -- |
Well unless i was horribly mistaken, they flat out said they were MBs
5=fun .....55555=fun fun fun fun fun |
"So everyone who uses 55555 on gayromeo for Thailand is a money boy? That's what you're saying"
well, i dont know so that's why i'm asking. but in my particular case, the 2 guys who said they were mbs used 55555 so i figured (wrongly i supposed now) that there's a connection between the two.. |
No connection between money boys and the term 55555+. It seems means LOL or hahaha, based on the pronunciation of the number "5" in Thai as "ha".
I'm preparing for my next trip to Bangkok at end of June. I have met a lot of guys on gayromeo who seem interested in meeting. This sure seems better than the aggravation of saunas (other than maybe Babylon). I plan to be generous in offering taxi fare (I don't want anyone to incur any cost to meet me)--but have not brought this up with anyone yet. I plan to tell them not to worry about any transportation costs (I'll cover that). My only problem is narrowing down the number of guys--and I'll feel bad about ignoring some of them. I'm starting to realize that the sauna scene is just misery and a waste of time (except maybe Babylon). I'm really trying to meet a high-quality guy (hopefully a rich Chinese or one from a rich family) but those seem non-existent on gayromeo. One person told me that someone like that will NOT be interested in anyone other than another young person.
Well, I'd disagree with that person. There are plenty of upper class guys on Gay Romeo, and many of them are interested in meeting foreigners. But only very few will be interested in meeting people 20-30+ years their seniors.
Of course, I haven't paid enough attention to have any idea of wantasian's age, but I'd have to agree with icon re: "hi so" Thai Chinese on age issues.
What I have found interesting is that on three occasions I've met just such young men- twice in China and once in Indonesia. Each time the young gentleman was the deeply closeted son of a rich Chinese family who was heading towards the expected marriage "for the culture" and horny has hell for a mature (though not quite ancient by farang in Thailand) standards. Their boarding school English and comfort level at very good hotels made their stories quite plausible. Gay Romeo was not the medium, though, but rather SilverD. The latter has also been the source of my most memorable non-commercial experiences in any country. I seem to have less success with Gay Romeo than many report. I frankly wouldn't mind an up front moneyboy here and there as long as the, um, outcome, was as good as the build up. Someone must have a better amulet than I have. |
I'm 48, and it seems that the overwhelming majority of Thai on gayromeo are not looking for anyone over 50. I narrowed my search to to other guys "searching my age" (there is a box to click for that) and noticed that most limit it to age 50.
I tried silverdaddies briefly and did meet one really high-quality Chinese Thai (good-looking and nerdy, which I like). The problem was that he was in constant contact with LOTS of older farang (most of whom spent a lot of time in Thailand). I also wonder if Thai on silverdaddies are looking for heavy and/or older-than-55 guys. The Thai on gayromeo all seem to be "studying" (and usually things like "marketing") or are looking for work, or work in low-paying jobs (hotel workers, etc.), or do free-lance work (photography, etc.). I am amazed at how eager many are to meet me (and most don't seem to be looking for money). I avoided all the femmy-looking ones, and that seemed to avoid narcissic types--but some slipped through, and I later eliminated those. I'm still trying to narrow it down more. P.S.: I just checked out silverdaddies, and my instinct tells me that those Thai guys are bombarded by messages from older farangs. Also, a lot of those guys seem to be fixtures on there. Some of the photos seem fake (too good). A lot of the guys want big and/or hairy daddies. There are not nearly as many Thai on silverdaddies as on gayromeo. I sent maximum 2 messages to guys, and will continue each day with 2 more to guys I'm interested in. I also strongly suspect that a lot of guys on there want money (some even indicated in their profiles that they want money). |
I just read someone's profile on silverdaddies (Thailand) where he said he could only send 2 e-mails per day (the limit on silverdaddies) but had 1,000 e-mails sitting that he has not been able to respond to!
Hmm ... me thinks ye all think too much. Whether its Silverdaddies or Gayromeo you will find money boys, horny boys, rich boys, poor boys ... but they all are looking for SEX with farang (or they would be on Thai langauge sites) .. and there are good times to be had for all. However if (like me) you are 50+, be grateful you can still get it at all, and if a small token of your appreciation is required, just remember it would 5 times that figure in any farang city, and probably half the fun. :)
My problem is when I look for fun, they turn out to be looking for LTR ( I have had so many 20 something guys in tears because I am a butterfly)- so lighten up guys - love will find you . |
For this last trip, I had good contacts with a lot of Thai from gayromeo. I was selective--nobody with a femmy picture, and they must give me some idea what kind of work they do or what they study. I narrowed it down to 10 or 15. One guy was very very interested and we immediately met when I arrived there and we got together another time. He was the best. I actually met another 3 -- but I had to reject one on meeting him because he was not my type (I knew I should have rejected him a lot earlier). What I don't like is the Thai who will say, sure, they're interested in meeting, and then when I got to Bangkok and called them, they had no idea who I was, and then it was a bunch of text-messages (or missed calls) back and forth. I hate texting (I can hardly even do it). That first Thai told me he met a farang on gayromeo who is going to visit in October (he already has a boyfriend in Chiang Mai), yet he calls this Thai guy EVERY day just for a quick update (they never even met). I had to sit through one such call in my hotel room and it was pathetic--the American kept asking the Thai if everything was okay, and what's the matter--and I had no perception that the Thai was even in any hurry to get off the phone. I told the Thai to just dump that weirdo--it's all just a total waste of time. I'd say generally it was worth it to try to meet guys on gayromeo, but one must be disciplined (and avoid endless useless chat) and while in Bangkok, make it simple--do you want to meet sometime or not? I kept all my options open and met nice guys other ways, too. The Thai guy told me about two other sites I'll check out (he says they're better people). I heard from another farang who got fed up with gayromeo and deleted his profile. This Thai guy also deleted his. So there must be a lot of aggravation on there. My impression is that it's a bunch of weird farangs chasing after Thai with phony charm, etc. And it was weird how most of the Thai on there (even apparently educated ones) could hardly communicate even the most basic things on the phone.
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