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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   The "Ice Age" cometh

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Old 24th July 2008, 07:43 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898
The "Ice Age" cometh

No...not global waming.....the other "Ice." I took off a boy from Solid who is normally an excellent performer. He was not himself at all, and had difficulty getting it up.......he got upset, apologised and told me he'd been invited to a party the previous night after the bars closed. Wouldn't say where, but when he was about to leave in the early hours he was offered a sample of "something to keep him awake." Turned out to be boys are going to be a soft target for the pushers with their access to easy farang money. So look out for the signs..and warn your boys they're playing with fire! I explained the addictive and destrutive effects of Ice and got a promise he'd never accept any more "free" samples...but who knows.....
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