I was in Ubon about two months ago and loved the atmosphere there.
I went to Famous Bar which is a coyotee bar with both male and female customers. Useless to go there before 11 pm, but some absolute stunners work here, you could pick one if you are lucky. Located behind the old bus station in the Regent Palace Hotel area, Chayangkun Rd. There is also a new karaoke with boys, most of them very nice next-door guys. "Black Beans" karaoke almost next door to Krung Thong Hotel in downtown Ubon. For massage places, you have the Relaxing Sauna (which I did not vist) 163/1 Soi Phromrat 1, which is rather difficult to find from what I read. I also saw an ad about a new place : Erawan Thai Massage & spa - behind wat Dorn Klang 789/11 soi 2 Tambon Kham Yai Amphoe Muang Ubon tél 080-1693187 More on my blog at : Phuchai
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-- Looking-at the icons at the foot of yr. posting I did not see as many as 513, but a mere six; as a non-techie. at wch. one should I look to read yr. blog? -- Thanks. ![]()
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-- The current issue of the freebie & monthly OUT in Thailand., for July 2011. - I picked-up my copy from the TAWAN CLUB - Soi ThanTawan, off Suriwong rd. - has a two-page article entitled - 'OUT in Isaan - Unfamiliar Udon Delights.', and written by a farang;
- In UDON THANI he recommends the flg. places - 1.- BOY ZONE - Phon Phisai rd., 01 Km. from the town's cntr.; - tel.: (084)-424 3016., (khun Jack - owner.),; 2.- Mr. TONG'S BAR - Prajack rd., located nr. to the rly.-stn .; -- He recommends yr. friendly tuk-tuk drivers as being the best sources of local info.; - Others have recommended the local & barbers' shops! From search-engine Google - 1.- UDON THANI is approx. 360M. NExN. from BKK.; 2.- 102-45.E.x17-25.N.; 3.1.- Int'l. airport: UTH. - served locally by Air Asia, Nok Air & Thai Air. etc.; flts'. dur'n. approx. 01hr.05mins.; 3.2.- Train svce. from & to BKK.; 3.3.- 'buses'. svce. from & to BKK's. NE. Terminal; journeys' times approx. 8-9.hrs.; 4.- Shopping incl.: 2xBIG C.; 1xMAKRO; 3xTESCO-LOTUS & 2xShopping Malls. -- E&OE.. -- ![]()
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I wonder whether anyone has first-hand information about gay places in Phitsanulok.
I read about a gay bar which has just opened and, from some reports, looks quite promising. It is called Cupid Boys and is located Soi Boromtrailokhanat 19 near Wat Chan Tawan Ook School - so quite far away from downtown. There is also a massage place called M Club Spa and Massage, Thanon Phichaisongkhram soi 3. They have a Facebook page at M Club Phitsanulok. I also read that His Club Chiang Mai is currently launching its Phitsanulok branch. Any further information anyone ? I will go to Phitlok next month but will stay only one night so will not be able to explore a lot.
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