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Old 14th October 2008, 01:31 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 23
Koh samui Reports.

Continuing my travels through thailand, I checked in to Centara Grand Beach Resort which is located in Chaweng in the heart of the little Gay district of Koh Samui.

The hotel is pretty decent. But what I love the most about it is that its sandwiched between the beach and the Gogo bars.

I made my way to one of the two go go bars night before last called Boyzone.

Pretty nice place. Good decor with sectional seating with an illusion of privacy provided by bamboo dividers.

Around 15-20 go go boys. They all seemed like lady boys to me to be honest. But then I was told that was not true and that there was a fair mix of ladyboys and tops.

There honestly wasn't a single guy I really fancied in there. And the only one I kinda liked was not because of his face or body but cuz of the juge package poking out of his jeans. He was the worst dancer of the lot who liked he doing more of spot jogging than anything else.

When we went in, none of the boys were dancing. they were just shuffling between one of the three massage rooms in there and talking amongst themselves.

There were no other customers besides me and my companion. Pretty soon a fairly pleasant looking tall lady boy wearing a black underwear with the hottest knee length boots I have seen came up to me and sat down but since he only spoke thai, my companion started chatting with him while I just smiled at them.

Then Mr. very very hung in jeans came up to me and rubbed me up my arm a bit and said 'I like you' I just smiled and wished I was more drunk so that I could cup his package and say 'I like this'.
Instead I just smiled back.

the next two hours just went like this with no boys dancing at all. But what I was waiting for was the 11.30 show. I did not mind the wait. It was freakin hot outside and I could sit inside on a comfortable sofa and smoke while occasionally eyeing Mr. very very hung.

In the next one hours that we waited my companion and the ladyboy seemed to have become new best friends with them telling each other everything and discovering they shared the same home town and zodiac and also that it was my birthday today.

By 11.15pm there were five couples who had come in and seated themselves in various locations awaiting the show.

The show has around 6-7 acts. Decently choreographed, but the costumes needed to be more revealing. In one of the acts the boys were actually wearing white old man underpants.

The highlight was this shower scene between two boys which was a real hot number.

Overall not bad and better than what I saw in Pattaya.
I think for those you who like twinky boys or even twinky men, you will like this place.

At the end of the show all the boys came out in red G strings with a cup cake and a candle. They sat all around me singing Happy Birthday. After that each one of them came and gave me kiss on cheek and ast one was Mr. very very hung who came to me and whispered 'I like you very much. I make you very happy' He looked down at his crotch. I did too. Well, his crotch did sure seem happy to be near me.

Anyways, I was tired having woken up at 6am in the morning, so I tipped Mr. very very hung 300 Baht (I know I am going to hear all sorts of stuff saying I am crazy for tiping him so much...but anyways I just did)

I came back to my room with my companion/masseur Neng and he gave me a divine massage which had me go to sleep in five mins.

I am going to go check out Male Box, the only other Go Go bar on the island tonight.
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Old 15th October 2008, 04:43 PM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 8

Thanks for the report Peterinmypan!

I am thinking of going to Samui myself soon, and any info is appreciated.

The Centara Grand Beach resort sounds well situated for checking out the nightlife!

Do you know what their view on joiners is? (I know you have brought your own boy in this occasion, so it is not personally relevent to you).

Looking forward to your review of Male box. Hopefully there will be a few of the bigger boys there for you!
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Old 17th October 2008, 05:43 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 13
Send a message via MSN to ReneThai

There's a new Gay Koh Samui website :

There is a new web site being developed by and for all gay businesses
on Koh Samui. Simple and sexy - it aims to promote Samui island as a
gay destination by giving no frills basic information on the island and
gay businesses here.

Still under development - be the first to take a look here
Koh Samui - Gay Guide

If you have a business on Samui and would like to be included or if you
have any other comments please contact via the Contacts
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Old 4th November 2008, 07:33 AM
asianuk's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 5

thanks for the report on Koh Samui
I will be visiting there 6-8 Nov and booked myself an ordinary room at Bo Phut area.
Despite the fact that night life is mainly (or worse, only) at Chaweng, I decided to go for this Ibis hotel. I knew what to expect and it saves me time to look for a good accom (only by pictures though) with the perfect rate for me... now you can guess i'm not a millionare

Well well well, why am i here then? I'd basically like to have a peaceful time there but of course, my instinct says otherwise. I, at least, have to visit the night life also once and to be able to, hopefully, find some nice GWM companion. I will be there alone and it will be my first time ever on Samui... (not all Thai people have been there, mind you)

I've heard a taxi from Bo Phut to Chaweng is pretty expensive but maybe my urges will drive me there eventually hehehe.

Just wondering if there will be any of you who will be there at the same time. If you happen to see me somewhere, just say hi

By the way, for those who know Samui, is there any gay place close to Bo Phut where I can just walk over for some drinks and get myself crazy and slutty? hmmm, not really am slutty but just a fantasy from the GGG world if you know what i mean...


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