check here: www.bangkokboy.de- a site in German-more like a blog-with entertaining stoires re his life in BKK. A recent report was about a further unknown venue in Thonburi/over the Pinkllao bridge-picture show the Central along the road toward now old New sai Thai and on-just after a TescoLotus-former MerryKings-but other as CNN-could also be See Men IMHO-no further info. An all night ''entertainment'' spot-plenty of crusing-ladyboys-the usual''cabaret-naughty style'' and lads outside unable to afford the entry/drinks-thats old style ''pay for them''. My dear friend-who claims to know about any gay spot here in KTM-was unable to recognisor locate it-so maybe any others? Remember a post about a shorttime hotel near the PATA-with gay por-could that be nearby hence?
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- Bangkokboy is indeed a German blog. - My BKK. City Atlas* does shew a CENTRAL about 1.4M. to the NE. of the PINKLAO BRIDGE, and along Tnn. Boromarajajonani. It is roughly opp. to the MAJOR CINEPLEX - PINKLAO. -* BKK. City Atlas - ISBN. 9 789749 440780 - 4th. edn.. - Alas, my knowledge of German, (WW2.: 'Achtung, Spitfire.', 'Ve haf our vays of making you talk.'), is inadequate to render an accurate translation of the blog. - My 'bus.-map shews that a fair no. of 'buses. run-out in that dir'n.. -- Bibi.. --
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- addr.: 210-212, Tnn. Boromarajajonani, Bangkok Noi; - map*: see The Orion - âÍäÃÍé͹ »Ôè¹à¡ÅéÒ â·Ã. 02-884-6090 - tel.: (02)-884 6090.; - hrs.: 16.-01.; - adm'n.: 200.Bh., (but I believe concessions avail.?),. - web: The Orion - âÍäÃÍé͹ »Ôè¹à¡ÅéÒ â·Ã. 02-884-6090 -- http://www.6xy4you.de/ -- gay-thailand.de -* this map is in Thai. -- E&OE.. -- usual disclaimer. -- Bibi.. -- -- Apologies for the mumbo-jumbo for one web-site's address - not my doing; possibly someone with MORE knowledge would clarify for us? For those seeking further info. I'd suggest going to search-engine Google and conducting your own search.
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