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Old 28th April 2009, 10:19 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 170
Horny Goat Weed

I've heard about the availability of Viagra, Cialis etc. - does anyone know about Horny Goat Weed. Has anyone used it, with what results and is it available in Bangkok?
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Old 1st May 2009, 12:41 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by silomGWM View Post
... - does anyone know about Horny Goat Weed. Has anyone used it, with what results and is it available in Bangkok?

-- Reading through some of the entries in search-engine Google I have been given to u'stand. that it's not taken 'neat.' but as a constituent in tablets at a fairly LOW %age..

--But, dipping into search engine Google - as others may do - I read that HGW's. Latin name is Epimedium and that in Chinese it's called Yin Yang Huo; my computer isn't set-up to handle Ch. ideograms so the English trans. will have to suffice.
- Thus it should not be too difficult to visit some pharmacies etc. in ChinaTown and enquire; to me such shops, with their Trad. & Ch. Medicines, seem to be the MORE likely places to be able to assist.

-- E&OE.. -- I write as a non-medical person. -- Bibi. --
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Old 21st May 2009, 12:49 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (20th.), evening I dropped-in to PHATPONG PHARMA*, as it sells the little & blue pills PLUS other medicinal and/or herbal aids, and enquired about HGW.?
- The pharmacist was unaware of it; he suggested that I should go to Chinatown and enquire there.
- I expect to pass-through C'Town. during 22nd. a'noon. and we'll see what will happen then. Maybe I'll look-around the former GSM. SAUNA to see what might be taking place there?

-*addr.: Phat Pong 2.,
Bang rak.
- loc'n.: connects Si Lom & Suriwong rds.;
- BTS./MRT.: Sala Daeng, (S2.),/Silom.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 22nd May 2009, 07:41 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
... .
- I expect to pass-through C'Town. during 22nd. a'noon. and we'll see what will happen then.
... .

-- Today, (22nd.), a'noon. I walked-into C'Town. to look-for further info. about HGW..
- Speaking only a v. little Thai and no Mandarin first of all I went to the GRAND CHINA PRINCESS HOTEL - Tnn. Yaowarat - to talk with with their its Concierge, in the hope that he would be able to write the Ch. characters for YIN YANG HUO, wch. I could then shew to the pharmacists.
- Well, the concierge - although he speaks good English - does not write in Ch. ideograms; so we walked-across the lobby to a Ch. looking man and a boi who sell Ginseng, (I looked-at some of the prices asked - phew!),. After a series of longish conversations the boi - after giving me a smiling but knowing look - wrote down the req'd. characters.
- The concierge advised me to walk-along Tnn. Charoen Krung in the same dir'n. as the tfc. returning to Central BKK., as there are few if any TCM. shops along Tnn. Yaowarat.

-- I followed his advice, but there weren't as many TCM. pharmacies as I'd expected and of those only one offered anything:

- addr.: 432, Charoenkrung rd.,
Samphantawong, BKK.;
- loc'n.: nr. C. Krung 14.;
- tel.: n/a.;
- 'fax.: (02)-224 9049..

- He offered a box of 9 capsules for 500.Bh.; their name and instrs. etc. are all in Ch..

-- I tried about another half-a-dozen pharmacies but none of them shewed any direct interest. Although one did suggest trying the men who set-up their tables on the side-walks; AYOR. and "Caveat emptor."! I thought.

-- Possinly were I not a farang, or spoke Chinese I might have been MORE successful?

-- Maybe contacts in HK. might be MORE helpful?

-- Bibi. --
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Old 1st June 2009, 01:14 AM
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-- 'Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
'For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.'.
Matt. VII., 7&8..

-- Thanks to my olde pal my olde beauty - aka. Billinbkk - herebelow is the info. -

- But, first of all, ye'll have to take the high road to PATTAYA!

- addr.: 26/49, Soi VC. HOTEL, (soi su-nee.), M10.,
Chomburi, 20260.;
- tel.: (01)-547 3639.;
- e-mail:
- hrs.: 16.-02.oo., (approx.),.

-- cost: for 90 tabs. 1,500.oo.Bh.;
- del'y.: one week after placing order;
- dosage: 2 per diem after b'fast.;
- effective: being an herbal medicine the pharmacist would not give any info. as to when it would become efficacious, but it didn't sound like as if it would be as quick acting as possibly Cialis; but as the dosage is enough for some time I'd say that it's s-l-o-w acting?

-- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- I write as a non-medical person. -- Bibi. --
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Old 2nd August 2009, 06:55 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- While in PATTAYA during a recent visit my enthusiastic & American friend & I dropped-in to the PY. PHARMACY to collect his order.
- At wch. time I looked-at the constituents of the 'EXCITE.' tablets -
1.- Horny Goat Weed ...........;
2.- Maca, (lepidum meyerii.), .;
3.- Mucana Puriens ...............;
4.- Polypodium vulgaris ..........;
5.- Tribulus ........................;
6.- Ginseng ........................;
7.- Passion flower ................;
8.- Ginko Biloba ...................

-- I daresay that search-engine Google would be happy to answer any queries about the constituents.

-- E&OE.. --
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