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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Babylon downhill

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Old 4th January 2010, 07:31 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 12
Babylon was great over the holidays

Over the last 2 weeks went to Babylon several times around 3 pm. Was surprised to see how many Asians were there and how packed the place was on some days.

First time a younger Thai with a slim short body (what I like a lot) talked to me in the hot sauna and left. After a short while when I went to the showers he joined me and took of his towel displaying a great six pack and a juicy hard cock. Went upstairs to a cubicle and 69ed until the glorious end for both of us. Really surprised me that such a hot guy does it with me for free!

Second time an Asian guy around 35 started to play in the steam room and I jacked him off after which he quickly left thanking me ...

Third time a fit looking Thai again around 35 sat very close to me in the hot sauna but did not show any special interest. When I left for the steam room he followed me and we had great fun afterwards.

I was surprised to see how many Asian visitors where at Babylon and how much they were interested in Farangs not so fit and young any more like me.

Wonder what Babylon is like now after the holidays.
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Old 4th January 2010, 08:16 AM
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I love this thread about Babylon. It's one of the places I never fail to visit whenever I am in BKK, and because it's been three years now since I last went to the city of the street angels, it's good to know that they're still open and happening.

Funny thing that Wantasian should bring up the subject of having sex in a hot, dark and sweaty steam room. I've always had good luck and great fun in steam rooms. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

Maybe it's because I almost always hang around naked in a dark steam room (most places don't llow you to run around like that outside of the steam rooms, I believe)...and then there's the fact that I love sweat (and pheromone) drenched bodies sliding and bumping together.

Oh and did I mention how much I love being felt up by anonymous hands in the darkness, too? There's a kind of irrensponsible thrill to being groped all over your hot, sweaty body by hands that slide and glide over your smooth, wet skin that I just can't begin to describe...

Of course, I do try my hardest never to do anything that might expose me to HIV. oral is an okay risk, for me but the other end I never explore without adequate protection - I always carry a couple of condoms the rolled up part of the towel (at my waist) when I go into a steam room, and I've never yet been tricked into accidentally barebacking.
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 4th January 2010, 09:12 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 196

Was surprised to see how many Asians were there and how packed the place was on some days.
During the Christmas/New Year holiday period, hundreds of Chinese from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China head for Babylon - to say nothing of those from other Asian countries. Most will have disappeared now that the holiday is over. The next major influx will be over the lunar New Year in mid-February.
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Old 4th January 2010, 10:45 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by fountainhall View Post
During the Christmas/New Year holiday period, hundreds of Chinese from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China head for Babylon - ... . The next major influx will be over the lunar New Year in mid-February.

-- 14 feb '10. - St. Valentine's Day & Ch. Lunar New Year - a double celebration, indeed! :-)
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