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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Babylon downhill

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Old 20th January 2010, 05:32 PM
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 7

You don't miss much - I find that my hit rate drops severely after dark around 7pm. Seems like the vibe switches - the guys become more posey. A lot more attitude. The emphasis becomes getting laid instead of having a drink or enjoying the music.
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Old 21st January 2010, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by TopChinese View Post
You don't miss much - I find that my hit rate drops severely after dark around 7pm. Seems like the vibe switches - the guys become more posey. A lot more attitude. The emphasis becomes getting laid instead of having a drink or enjoying the music.
Exactly. Once the parade starts, everything becomes a lot more difficult. I have had the best luck in the early afternoon when it's dead.

I don't understand the parade. What are these guys looking for that they need to walk around forever? Aren't there guys of their type they can connect with by walking around maybe two or three times?

I don't understand your post: if the emphasis shifts to getting laid, then isn't that the opposite of guys becoming more posey with a lot more attitude? It seems to me that the emphasis shifts to becoming posey (but then suddenly going in with other guys--but NOT me). By the way, it seems that there's a lot of unprotected fucking going on. And I never understood all the conspicuous noise made by Asians getting fucked. It seems they do it on purpose to put on a show.
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Old 21st January 2010, 03:03 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

I forgot to mention, Babylon has always advertised in the American Travel "Guide" publication. I noticed that Babylon lists a location in Chiang Mai, too.

If Babylon advertises in Europe, Russia, etc., then that helps explain why all the farangs go directly to Babylon and no other places.
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Old 23rd January 2010, 10:36 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

Here is Babylon ad in the American gay travel "Guide" publication that comes out each month, and is distributed free in saunas, etc.:

Babylon . . . [address, phone number, web site] . . .
Sauna and Spa, bed & sumptuous breakfast. Queendom where deepest desires are fulfilled. Male resort, world class & barracks rooms, penthouses, garden suites. Gymnasium, Jacussi, private cabins, massage. Large pool in landscaped garden. Internet/Wi-fi. Three restaurants & nightly entertainment. Also in Chiang Mai:

Also listed under Bangkok are similarly-long ads for "Beyond Hotel . . . stay with LUXX" and Tarntawan Place Hotel.

For Pattaya, there are similar long ads for: Le Cafe Royale Hotel, Sansuk Sauna & Guesthouse, and The Ambiance Hotel.

For Phuket, there are similar ads for: CC Bloom's Hotel and Sundowners Bar & Guesthouse.
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Old 4th February 2010, 01:11 PM
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Babylon rocks!

I've just returned from 6 weeks in South East Asia......with a decent number of "Babylon" visits under my belt. I'm 46 years of the beauty of youth has long since departed....if ever it was there to begin with! My visits to Babylon were extraordinary. To suggest it's lost its gloss is (in my recent experience) far from reality. The first time I arrived there (this trip at least) was way back in December. I showered, visited the gym for maybe 30 minutes, showered again.....and went walkies. Within seconds of entering the upstairs area where the "resting rooms" are located, I was 'encouraged' by a very cute young man to join him in a room. This was around 3pm (midweek) and the place was not very busy. We had a wonderful time.......and when I asked him his age he told me he was 20. I thought he looked a tad younger....maybe a year or two younger but anyway......

On successive visits to Babylon I had lots of fun ~ with both western guys and Asian guys. I remember Babylon when it was in the old premises on the corner of the soi.....and even though I may have been 15 years or so younger back then.....I'd argue I have more fun at Babylon now....than I did when it was in its original location.

Now I'm back in my home country.....and I miss Thailand. I miss Bangkok. I MISS BABYLON!

Babylon rocks!
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Old 8th May 2010, 09:55 PM
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Babylon now 100baht entry for u25.Hotel rates reduced for season.
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Old 16th May 2010, 11:03 PM
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Posts: 326

Is there any update? Is farang patronage way down? I'll be there at the end of June. Hopefully the 100 baht fee for under 25 will draw a lot of nice young Thai.
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