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Old 28th October 2011, 01:15 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Next foam-party ...

-- Today,(28 oct.), a couple of visiting farangs & I were chatting about BKK's. current scene for farang-gays;
- The mature & trim-for-his age Switzer reminded us that tomorrow's Hallow E'en. & foam-party at BABYLON SAUNA will take place - as far as he's aware;
- The other farang - the visiting snow-bird - mentioned that he's been finding that BS. is becoming LESS farang-friendly than previously, agreement from the Swiss man. --
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Old 28th October 2011, 09:53 AM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 12

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
mentioned that he's been finding that BS. is becoming LESS farang-friendly than previously, agreement from the Swiss man. --
The Swiss man is not respectfull towards Asians, so how can he ever expect that they become friendly to him?
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Old 28th October 2011, 06:12 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 36
No foam party

I was in Babylon yesterday evening with a thai friend.
Very few people around on account of the exodus.
There will be no foam party tonight !

Or so I was told, but reliable information in Bkk these days !
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Old 16th December 2011, 11:38 PM
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RECENT, but 2nd hand, REPORT ...

-- My Mature, 'Snow-bird.' & American Friend has visited BABYLON SAUNA several times since his arrival in BKK.;
- He visited a few days ago and met several Chinese nationals in their mid-twenties: all in professional employment and all non-smokers of cigarettes; (I mention that as I'd heard that many Ch. smoke like chimneys, but reportedly they are more likely to be of an older generation, many younger people are non-smokers.);
- He mentioned that, as far as he could judge, MORE Asians are visiting nowadays.
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Old 28th December 2011, 02:21 PM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 74

I went to Babylon on Tuesday. There were approximately 10 farang for every asian - not a happy situation for me. Being a bit on the shortish side, when I'm around other farang, I often feel like I'm in the land of the giants... anyway, I decided to get a massage. The farang booking before me asked for a masseuse by name, which I found unusual. I was assigned my masseuse, and was very happy. A very handsome, thin guy. Really cute.

My body was very tight from travel (and age) and he did not go through all of the usual thai acrobatics with me, but instead gave me a very nice massage. I felt he was exposing me a little more than what was normal, but ignored it. Then, as I was lying on my back, he pulled my arm up over my head and rested my hand in his crotch. Not wanting to be rude, I curled my hand into a fist, but he opened it up so my palm was laying flat on his crotch. Then he did it with the other hand. This time I could feel something hard beginning to sprout. Finally, he pulled both of my arms up and placed both hands in his crotch. I began playing with his throbbing cock through his shorts wondering where, if anywhere, it would lead.

Well, it led nowhere, but it was a nice little surprise, especially since I was having no luck downstairs competing with the hoards of farang competing for the few asians.

When my massage was finished, he showed me into the lockers. I was going to head into the dark room, but decided I would go to my locker first and allow him to get his next client. When I exited, he was there waiting for me and I realized he expected a tip. Again, this was not normal for Babylon. I often like to tip the masseuses there, but never knew how to do it gracefully, since there is no place to hide any cash on my body wearing just a towel. I was happy to oblige and went back and got 200 baht for him. He told me he'd be there tomorrow. I told him I might not, but the next time I am at Babylon, I will ask for him.

I'm wondering, have things changed at Babylon regarding massage since I've been there two years ago?
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Old 28th December 2011, 04:53 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 31
Greener pastures..

For those globe trotting Farangs that pine for the good ol' days of Babylon and are tired of fighting Euro-trash for a pool lounge or one of the available locals at the current Babylon, perhaps they should look to spread their wings..

Japan is a country where ageism in gay community is less evident than elsewhere. You can go to 24Kaikan in Tokyo and still be the Bell of the Ball. There is only ever one or maybe two other farangs there at any one time and always a lot of intrest in "The other white meat".

Also Hong Kong has a number of saunas. Nothing flash but the one I go to at TST is full of locals having a quickie between 4 and 6pm before going home to the wife and kids. Hardly any whiteys venture in and you feel like an exotic bird when you are there.

Variety is the spice of life
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Old 28th December 2011, 05:50 PM
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Care to name the TST sauna?
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Old 29th December 2011, 05:17 PM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 74

Originally Posted by Jizz-wizz View Post

Japan is a country where ageism in gay community is less evident than elsewhere. You can go to 24Kaikan in Tokyo and still be the Bell of the Ball. There is only ever one or maybe two other farangs there at any one time and always a lot of intrest in "The other white meat".
Are we talking about the same Japan? I lived in Japan for six years and was pretty hot at the time and you'd think I had three eyes the way I was treated. I even spoke to non-Japanese Asians who said that Japanese guys would approach them, but when they found out they were not Japanese would just walk away. There are some Japanese who like gai-jin, but the majority do not. I would not waste my time or money going back to that place hoping to get laid.
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