It's no big mystery. Look at the 1st(fair comment) and 3rd(Obnoxious) postings in the "Magnificent ?? Obsession". That killed off the goose that laid the golden egg. Even though the goose had some quirks, he kept the board alive and now, quite justified in my opinion, has decided not to post anymore and thereby removed the main stimulus for discussion.
While Keith and Cupidman did their best to defuse the situation, the regular moderator... ![]()
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Immaturely he has taken his ball home and wont play instead of conceding that those who differed had a point of debate.
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I miss Mr Sextile's posting. What about putting all the bitching behind and asking him to contribute again. I am sure it helped quite a few of us to have some happy endings somwhere along the lines.
The specific information might have also helped the tourists that are familiar with the lay of the land in Bangkok. Waiting to read more!
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For me it is posts of the like of this one from BKKgayguy that did it for me.
"Dear Kaojai Well stated. Personally, I’ve thought of writing a similar message recently, but you’ve done a fine job in my view. My comments below are a little more critical. I’ve lived in BKK for many years. There are so many wonderful things in BKK apart from chasing boys 1/3 your age, and then boasting about the exploit. I find it incredible to imagine the incredible waste of time some spend on their pursuits, and the degree of reporting every unnecessary detail, is downright pathetic. Is it really necessary to have to take a bus to the far reaches of BKK to explore a new toilet, and then to report on the urinal number, on what floor, in which building, and at what time, someone saw someone else take a piss? I guess some people do not have more meaningful ways to spend their time on this Earth. I think this forum has become an excuse for sad and lonely men to try stroke their egos. I’m sure there’ll be a lot of attacks and some pathetic attempts to justify their actions, blah, blah, blah, but face it, a lot of what I’ve read here is pretty disturbing behavior." Talking about cruising as being 'disturbing behaviour' is just rubbish and has no place on a website devoted to cruising for sex. The one thing I liked about this website compared to say SGF was the polite way the posters dealt with each other. BKKgayguy's post was unnecessarily critical. Disturbing behaviour indeed! Anyway the celebrated, thorough and very mature poster is missed.
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I'm one who mostly reads and rarely comments. Having been to Bangkok a total of one time, and that having been 1985, I can't imagine what I might could contribute. But I do find it worth reading about all the gossip about clubs, boys, westerners, and the like. I know some seem to think the threads have gotten less than respectful, but comparing them to some others, they really are no less so than often happens online on any topic. Just remember: some of us don't have a life and we strike out at anyone out there who appears to be having one! The Internet provides a safe space for cowards to rule in ways they otherwise can't do. Ignore them. They go away.
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