Saphan kwai area ...
-- Today, (17th.), a'noon. I walked the length and back along Pradiphat rd., (approx. 1,000.yds. in either dir'n.), seeking any hotels with short-time rooms - I found none. :(
- But possibly any pick-ups from the PHAHON CINEMA or from elsewhere in that area will know where to go? - Corr'ns. requested! |
-- Local knowledge, can't be beaten, can it? - So, we'd be looking-at the gen'l. area of Pradiphat sois 8. or 10., (approx. 800yds. from the Phahon Yothin:P'phat. i'sect.), then? - Thanks for pointing me in the right dir'n.. |
That's the Pradiphat Hotel. I stopped using it because they charge farangs a "special rate" that is more "special" for them than for us!
I prefer the Mit Aree, which is a short cab ride away on Phaholyothin Soi 7 (Aree). |
-- Khun Icon, - Is it the PRADIPHAT HOTEL to wch. you went? - As far as I could see, and I entered that hotel to collect a brochure and to talk with the two Receptionistes, (both speak passable English.), that hotel is not on a soi ... but is fronting P'phat. rd. itself. I saw no signs of any short-time rooms; in fact I asked specifically if there are any? - From a leaflet their Dbl./Twin room is 900.Bh. nett & incl. b'fasts. for two. -- E&OE. -- Corr'n. requested. |
It seems nobody has mentioned the Underground Sauna. It has all the facilities of a gay sauna and only 3 min walk from the cinema. Furthermore if u don't have enough, stay on for another trick.
The only porblem, it doesn't open until 3pm :-( |
If it was on the Mido Hotel side, it may have been the Chaopraya -- now demolished, I believe.
The Pradiphat Hotel short time rooms are across the soi from Charmming, if memory serves correct. |
-- Today, (20th.), forenoon I chatted about short-time hotels in the S. KWAI area with my American & WYSIWYG. friend who's an occasonal patron of the PHAHON CINEMA.;
- From an admittedly shaky memory, and allowing that he's looking-back maybe a couple or so yrs. he suggested the flg. two places - both start with leaving the a/m. cinema and turning RIGHT, (walking against the OUT-going rd.-tfc.) - 1. - On the same side of Phahonyothin rd. as the cinema and before one will reach the P'tothin.:Pradiphat i'sect. an Indian run hotel, (RHS.), with ST. rooms avail on its 4fl. for 400.Bh.; 2. - Walk as far as the a/m. i'sect. (passing both the PAULO MEM'L. HOSP'L. & BIG C. on one's LHS.), cross-over using the pedestrian bridge, leave P'yothin. & Pradiphat rds. behind one and start walking with the tfc. along Suthisan rd - maybe for as much a 2M.!? (In wch. case MRT. Suthisan might be the better option than BTS. S. Kwai, [N7.],),? -- E&OE.! -- Corr'ns. requested. |
Today i met a boy in the cinema and took him next door to 39 sauna.For both of us the first time overthere.It was naked day.Although it was the boys first visit to a gay sauna he took it very brave and did not show his shyness.We had a great time in a cubicle.For me it was a big bonus to see all those naked asian guys walking up and down,in and out the labirints.It was not overcrowded,average age about 25.And i had enough eye contact to go back there without visiting the cinema next time.Tuesday,saturdayand sunday naked day.
Very good alternative for a short stay hotel |
-- We shall look-fwd. to reading further rpts. from you about 39 U'gd. Sauna, a place that I've found to be a trifle 'Sticky.' myself; but I am a TOF. now and passed my sell-by date many a long yr. back! :o |
In my experience, you have to be either very lucky, or not picky at all, to get action at 39 Underground if you are over 40 and/or out of shape.
There's definitely lots of eye candy to enjoy, either way. |
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