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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   victory mon't

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Old 20th January 2010, 04:23 AM
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2
Lightbulb victory mon't

What's going on there? I went to the public ห้องน้ำ (2baht) located near BTS and bus stops the other day... There where like 10 urinals on 3 walls and a lot of people waiting... I thought they were waiting for they turn, but they didn't move at all. They were just standing at the wall looking at people pissing, occasionally washing their hands.

I went into one of the 2 restroom stalls, reading some ph# on the walls... When i got out, more people was just standing there looking around.

The greatest spot FOR s.e.x. in Thai and we are still wasting our time at dept. store malls??
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Old 20th January 2010, 02:48 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

Originally Posted by ayanefan View Post
What's going on there? I went to the public ห้องน้ำ (2baht) located near BTS and bus stops the other day... There where like 10 urinals on 3 walls and a lot of people waiting... I thought they were waiting for they turn, but they didn't move at all. They were just standing at the wall looking at people pissing, occasionally washing their hands.

I went into one of the 2 restroom stalls, reading some ph# on the walls... When i got out, more people was just standing there looking around.

The greatest spot FOR s.e.x. in Thai and we are still wasting our time at dept. store malls??
How is this the greatest sex when there are a lot of people waiting, and only 2 restrooms stalls? It would only interest me if I could actually connect with someone and go somewhere and have sex. I would not like a big audience watching me trying to connect with someone. And when you have lots of people lined up like that--just standing, that usually means nobody connects--they are all just wasting their time.
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Old 23rd January 2010, 02:51 AM
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2

Kidding me? To hook up someone just look at him 3 times. After that he will follow you everywhere. Of course you can't have sex in an old dirty CR in the middle old the city, don't you think?

And we are talking about sex, not showing off or quick suck in a restroom. That's not cruising for sex.
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