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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Some interesting thoughts -

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Old 26th January 2010, 06:57 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Some interesting thoughts -

-- Ho hum.
An interesting and thought-provoking web-site - prostitution, morality etc. etc. in BKK., when I read it y'day. (26th.), evening; but unable to re-contact it today forenoon.
- Shall try again later and if successful re-post.
- Apologies.

-- Here we go again:

> <
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Old 26th January 2010, 07:47 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

No, but a - propos of the general subject of cruising, my current delicious Jomtien morsel expalined to me the simple Thai cruising philosophy which can be seen in action dozens of times a day on Dong Than beach (Jomtien.)

S . E. X. .................

S....... Smile

E........ Eye contact

x ........ Xcitement !!!

It works !
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Old 27th January 2010, 10:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 109

for stickman to complain that fat ugly old falung men come here expecting to have cheap sex with young nubile sexy Thais is just a tad sanctimonious when he has spent half his life encouraging just that expectation!

as he rightly points out a few sex workers do quite well but most do not but the fact that many people enter the profession out of greed and unrealistic expectations and fail because of greed or personal inadequacies is hardly the fault of the punter and is hardly a justification for shutting down the industry.

but he is always an interesting read.

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Old 27th January 2010, 01:02 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

I don't think any of that article applies to gay sex in Thailand. If anything, it's the farang who is exploited/used--as I've said, "They see us coming." The article points out that a factory worker would be lucky to make 10,000 baht a month even with overtime. I think most of the young gay twinks would make a lot less than that. I don't understand the post by the guy who dresses up and says he gets more respect. I wear shorts and sandals in Thailand and am probably at least as well-dressed as most Thai. He mentions having a haircut. But almost all Thai strike me as having horrible heads of hair--disgusting for me. I do agree about eyeglasses: many farangs seriously need to update (at very little cost) their eyglesses--it's pathetic.
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Old 30th January 2010, 07:28 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210

I haven't read any of the Stickman columns, or gone to his website in a few years, but I agree that some of the content is interesting. Stick, however, was getting jaded a decade ago. No telling what his mindset is like nowadays.
Personally, I also think a large percentage of the farang populace would be better off leaving the shorts and tank-tops in the closet at home. Some of them are so badly dressed it's hilarious. I'm certain that many of the locals roll their eyes when they see those human bowling balls waddling down the street like they are dressed for a day at the beach. Get a mirror fellows!
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