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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Bangkok Saunas - Brightness Question

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Old 31st May 2010, 08:56 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 108

How absolutely terrible. Given the recent posts, I think that Sauna Mania may have fallen from my list. So how "bright" is Babylon. I mean, are we talking full lighting or is it at least subdued? I would love to understand the layout a little more.
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Old 1st June 2010, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by JupiterJake View Post
... .
So how "bright" is Babylon. I mean, are we talking full lighting or is it at least subdued? I would love to understand the layout a little more.

-- BABYLON SAUNA, like many other such places, may be divided into two areas -
1.- Adequately-lit spaces: Reception; Changing/locker rooms; Bathrooms/showers/toilets; Indoors' sitting-out spaces; Gym.; Bars/restaurants and similar areas.
2.- Dimly-lit spaces: Saunas, (dry & steam.); Jacuzzi; Dark-rooms; Resting cabins; Maze and other suchlike spaces.
- In the dimly-lit spaces it takes my eyes several minutes to accustom themselves to the surrounding negrescense.
- In the Resting cabins the individual lights are controlable for brilliance.

-- As an aside my olde pal, my olde beauty Dr. Strabismus - whom God preserve - of Utrecht has suggested that possibly you might be prone to Photoaugliaphobia? ;-)
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Old 1st June 2010, 08:00 PM
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Originally Posted by JupiterJake View Post
... . I, (37 year old Australian), have lived in Thailand for many years but have never ventured into a gay sauna. I have an athletic physique and am not unattractive - but am quite shy. ... . I recently visited a sex club in Melbourne on their naked night and had a great time. The lighting was such that one could see well but it was dim throughout. Something like that would be ideal.
... .

Several OUT-points in the above:

1.- You write that you've lived in BKK. for many yrs. but have never ventured into a gay sauna - OK., that's perfectly u'stood; but you being gay starts to make one wonder - even if only a little. But then maybe you have some 'sensitive' pos'n. and would not wish to be too readily recognised in a BKK. sauna?
2. - You write that you are 37YO., have an athletic physique and are not unattractive - yet many men who visit saunas could not write such favorable comments about themselves.
3.- You write that you are quite shy - as are many others; yet you recently visited a sex club in M'bourne. etc. etc.; if you can feel relaxed about visiting such a place then why not a sauna here in BKK.? Are M'bourne. sex-clubs so different to BKK. saunas and/or saunas in other places? I have my doubts.
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Old 4th June 2010, 09:14 AM
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I am sorry that you have your doubts and I must say am very surprised by such a response. I have better things to do than to make up stories. I have recently come out of a long monogamous relationship and am interested in trying some new things. It's as simple as that.
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Old 4th June 2010, 10:41 AM
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Been to Sauna Mania once a couple of years ago. Did not encounter at all any of the aggressive attitude mentioned here.

Was not jumped at but not rejected neither

Staff was definitely friendly and patrons diverse as in most places (except Babylon of course where most Thai there are potatoes).

Maybe things have changed.
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Old 5th June 2010, 12:00 AM
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Originally Posted by JupiterJake View Post
... .
I have recently come out of a long monogamous relationship and am interested in trying some new things. It's as simple as that.

-- I am sorry if my reply, casting doubts on some of yr. statements, upset you; apologies
- In my defence I'll write is that had you mentioned only that you've come-out recently from a long & a monogamous relationship and wished to broaded yr. experiences of BKK. life then that would have been MORE credible - to me, at least.
- But I trust that others, even should I have failed, have given you enlightenment - but not too dazzling, one hopes - about some of BKK's farang-friendlier saunas etc. etc..
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Old 5th June 2010, 10:48 PM
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Thank you, Sextile, for your kind note. I have found all of the replies to be enlightening. I have read this forum for quite a while and have always found your enthusiasm and the details of your responses to be quite extraordinary. You are a great asset to the Thailand forum, of that I have no doubt.

I am still interested in hearing from others about their experiences at Babylon and Sauna Mania. It sounds like Sauna Mania is smaller, more dimly lit, but less farang friendly. Its location is a plus but I would be a little freaked out if my presence there drew a palpable disdain from either the staff or the other patrons.

I am interested in another aspect - that being group sex sessions at these saunas. Has anyone witnessed and/or participated in such activities at these two saunas? I find group activity quite exciting - although has never participated or seen it (other than in porn).
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Old 7th June 2010, 08:43 AM
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Don't see any reason to doubt what the member said and especially don't see the need for your long stupid response.

Why don't you get a life!
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Old 7th June 2010, 09:08 AM
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You will probably be POLITELY ignored/avoided in Sauna Mania--the problem is it will be very clear avoidance. I have connected in there a FEW times--and I will go back (because they're open until 6 a.m. on weekends, and I like the location). I just find that many Thai in there seem to put on a little drama about avoiding me--like I'll stand 5 feet away and they will immediately move away. There are dark areas where I've seen group sex (but I never participate because the dark-areas-stuff turns me off--because I want to see exactly who I'm touching).

There is a little very dark area in Babylon with constant group stuff going on (before they open the door to the walkway to the other area) (this dark area is next to that door). There might be other group stuff going on in the downstairs steam room--but I don't go in there.

Is the reason you're looking for dim lighting that you don't want to be seen by your ex, or others?
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Old 7th June 2010, 11:06 AM
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I just think I would prefer dim lighting in a cruising context. I might try Sauna Mania and Babylon and see how I go. I will be sure to report my findings.
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Old 7th June 2010, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
... .
There is a little very dark area in Babylon with constant group stuff going on (before they open the door to the walkway to the other area) (this dark area is next to that door). There might be other group stuff going on in the downstairs steam room--but I don't go in there.
... .

-- The a/m. '... a little very dark area ... .' is on the same floor as the changing/locker rooms and next-door to the shower-room, (there is a chain-link curtain across its ent'ce.]; in my experience it's mostly elderly farangs with grasping & groping fingers who go there, some of whom are remarkably s-l-o-w in accepting a polite 'No, thank you.'. Should one be fortunate enough to find 'A suitable boi.' then in that gen'l. space there are several rest rooms for futher intimacies.
- Agreed, the downstairs' steam-room, (OPEN until the early evening.], does have its moments!
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Old 8th June 2010, 01:25 AM
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There always seems to be some young Thai guys who like that dark area. But I've noticed that they refuse to go into a room--they really want multi-guy action (usually standing up) in that dark area only. They refuse to do anything outside that area. I've even cruised guys outside that area who had me follow them back (and wouldn't do anything outside that area). I call these people "Dark Queens."
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Old 11th June 2010, 08:52 AM
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Babylon very good friday night.Many handsome young farang and Thai.Not back to normal but good for now.
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Old 24th August 2010, 12:18 PM
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Do we have a final report from the person who started this thread about whether he found a sauna that was to his "brightness" liking--or was this whole thing a hoax or otherwise a total waste of time? Morris the Cat comes to mind.
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Old 27th August 2010, 01:15 AM
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Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
Do we have a final report from the person who started this thread about whether he found a sauna that was to his "brightness" liking--or was this whole thing a hoax or otherwise a total waste of time? Morris the Cat comes to mind.
I have not yet ventured to any sauna since my initial question was posted.

I am leaning towards Sauna Mania and will give you a report once I have been.
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