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Old 10th June 2010, 10:36 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898
Hong Kong - Help!

As there are no recent posts on HK site, I defer to the superior knowledge of our Thai scribes.

What the f**k has happened to the scene in HK? I'm here for 3 days & was saddened to see my favourite "chinese take away" Works (the original Propaganda) has closed (oh I miss the delicious mystery of the strangely angled mirrored maze just off the disco where many an adventure was kindled ).
What I found was new uber trendy bars like new Propganda and Volume, where well healed expats play with their I-Phones and flash their Rolex , accompanied by their fag hags (or maybe bitches - who knows) giving the bars the feeling of being magnets for the sexually undecided - and completely lacking any vestige of sleaze, intrigue, or riskee.

What I am looking for is a more dingy, poorly lit cellar where over sexed and under serviced chinese boys vie for the attention of (slightly) older, but still serviceable Gwailo (like me). Help .. I'm stuck here for another 2 nights and need guidance.

(I even drew a blank on Gayromeo. Am I the only gay in the village?)
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Old 10th June 2010, 08:42 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 105

Go to the Zoo or the New Wally Matt Lounge (for direction go to the Utopia site), they are closer to ur requirements.

But the bars and massage places in Shenzhen (40 min by metro) have all the fun and price that we are enjoying in our second home BKK.
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Old 11th June 2010, 12:59 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
... .
What I am looking for is a more dingy, poorly lit cellar where over sexed and under serviced chinese boys vie for the attention of (slightly) older, but still serviceable Gwailo (like me). ... .

-- A gweilo & gay acquaintance, long resident in HKG., has advised -
7-9, Bristol Ave.,
- NB.: It becomes a Karaoke Bar later on in the evening.

-- Otherwise there are the usual massage parlors & saunas - although no names were given for those.
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Old 11th June 2010, 02:51 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 257

Utopia-asia might be worth a look both for Hong Kong and nowadays there are venues which have joint operations in both Hong Kong and Shenzen.

If your wanting to taste the delights of Chinese massage boys in Shenzen (many venues, some with modern state of the art set ups, not too expensive), then it's only an hour or so on a fast modern train, very easy and fast to get a visa in Hong Kong.

Here's a website:
Emporer boys club http//
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Old 11th June 2010, 06:10 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 99

By the time you've paid for your visa to China and made your way up the KCR (now MTR) to Lo Wu and crossed the border it will hardly be worth it unless you intend to stay in Shenzhen.

But you are IN Hong Kong so sample its delights...

I've lived here for many years. Everything you can get in LOS you can get here for nothin'. Not always with the same grace or magic as LOS but trust me there is the same here for free & then some.

Where you go depends on what you want. Start with the "'s China, Hong Kong SAR" bit. Most things here are sort of 'hidden' not much different to western countries I suppose. And you could say that the theatres in LOS hardly advertise their blow jobability.

Once you can find your way behind the 'screen' there are 10,000's (chinese counting) of young fellows who will gladly, screw, blow, suck, whatever organ you care to display. AND they most probably have as much or more money than you do so payment is not an issue.
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Old 11th June 2010, 08:21 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

Thanks TS for the advise. I sort of suspected most things are now underground. The atmosphere seems to have changed considerably since the Chn took over the colony and I sense its more conservative & closeted . I popped into the original Wallys and Tony's bars in TST tonight and while they had the feel I'm looking for, both were still bereft of locals who are probably all now home watching the soccer! Will try my luck at a few more bars tonight
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Old 11th June 2010, 08:04 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 99

I am not sure that it is correct to say that it has become more conservative since the Chn took over. Its always been 'underground' in the sense that you hve to know where it is. Like everywhere really. Once you find it it is amazing. Well adjusted gay men of ALL ages getting on with their lives.

In many ways attitudes of locals are more liberal or is it tolerance rather than acceptance. Haven't worked that out yet. Of course the Brits, and rest of the world that the Honkies want to be like, have moved on a fair bit. Apart from a mad Christian group who have some influence in Legco (Palmnt) things are better.

Things have also changed considerably in China. There are now 100's of Tong Zhi (poofter) groups. If you get a chance to see the recent doco ?2009 "Queer China, Comrade China" (Zhi Tong Zhi). It is a real eye opener. Again all happening quietly. In the end you can't suppress human try as you might. Google the doco and you can get a couple of clips...
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