Some helpful thai words ...
-- Here are some helpful Thai words & or phrases -
1. - Chang noi. - Little elephant; 2. - Nong chai. - Li'l. bro.; 3. - Doh mai roo lom. - A perm't. hard-on; 4. - Kamlang seua krong. - Powerful like a Bengal tiger; 5. - Kamlang chang sarn. - P'ful. like an elephant. -- sources: recent ed'ns. of the freebie. & week-end Guru. & Brunch. - both with yr. BKK. Post. 'paper.. -- E&OE.. -- corr'ns. requested. |
-- Having met one's guy/gal the next problem for many is trying to get-away from the stereotypical first few words that all too often can be : 'Hello, what's your name?', 'Where're you from?' etc. etc., with wch. many of us are all too familiar.
-- Last wednesday's, (22nd.), BKK. Post. 'paper. - its Techie. pages - recommended the flg. three web-sites for one's Thai language-improvement: 1. - > Learning Thai the Easy Way < 2. - > Learn to Speak Like a Thai - Home < 3. - > < -- Although, of course, really one does know that the best place to learn any foreign language is in bed! ;) :D -- Usual disclaimer. -- |
Does anyone know the next words in Thai?
- sucking (sa-moking) - fucking - make love - penis - to cuddle - top - bottom for me the most used words when..........:o |
- sucking : "sa-moke" - fucking: "ao kan" - make love "mii sex" - penis: "khong" - to cuddle: "kord kan" - top: "rook" - bottom: "rap" |
-- Possibly through Amazon books you could order the flg. & useful book - 'Thai for gay tourists.', - ISBN.: 1-887521-11-9., (ten figure.); - Author: Khun Saksit Pakdeesiam, - Publisher: Paiboon Publishing, -- Addr. #1.: PMB. 192., 1,442A., Walnut st., Berkeley, CA. 94709.; - web: > < -- Addr.: #2.: 582, Amarinniwate village, Sukhapiban road 1, Bungkum, BKK. 10230.; - Pub'd. price: 325.Bh., (2006.), (approx. EUR.07.82.; GBP.06.81. & USD.10.77. at today's rate.),. -- E&OE.. -- |
01. - Ham. - most commonly used word for penis - depending upon when & where used can be rude; 02. - Kuai. - ... one of the most vulgar words in Thai; 03. - Jaio. - is a cute term for penis; 04. - Kawng. - literally means 'thing.', and can mean either m. or f. genitals, non-offensive; 05. - Ai-jan. - lit. means 'Naked guy.', in this case a penis; 06. - Mang gwang. - lit. 'Dragon.' - & refers to an impressively endowed penis; 07. - a: Tawn., b: Lam., c: Teng. & d: Dun.. - are all classifiers for a: piece if wood or log - thus an hard & long penis; b: ditto for a piece or bamboo or stick; c: ditto for different kinds of hard objects & d: ditto for pieces of firewood or long fragments of bones; 08. - Jao-look. - lit. 'Ruler of the world.'; 09. - Nok-kao kan. - a roosting turtle-dove and means 'To become hard.'; 10. - Saak-ga bua. - a pestle; 11. - Gluai. - a banana - 11.1. - Gluai naam-waa. - a small kind of banana found in TH.; 11.2. - Gluai hawng. - a larger kind of banana, usually found grocery stores catering to farangs; 12. - ma-kua pao. grilled egg-plant or flaccid penis. -- Enough for starters, don't you think? Good. -- Usual E&OE., especially for any transliteration faults, wch. are purely my own. |
Khong (or khawng) is more acceptable, and is used very often. "Khawng yai"...big cock (literally, "big thingy". |
Not forgetting of course 'Up to you' - laew dtar khun :D
-- I've been told that quite often many Thais, after their arrival as tourists in SYDNEY, head to the well-known harbor to have their photos. taken with the CIRCULAR QUAY sign in the bkgd.! ;) |
-- A couple MORE words that may or may not be useful -
1. - Hua-kuai. - Glans.; 2. - Nanghoompai. - the 'skin.. -- #2. caused the talking-boi whom I asked a mixture of embarrassment :o and of a typical young man's interest! ;) |
Eeeeek! The word!!!!
-- Included expressly - with you in mind, dear Mod. - so that in future one might use the Thai equiv't. of Hua kuai., so as not to cause a blush to mantle those cheeks of yours. :) |
Kuai is a rude word but is used often and will get lots of laughs and giggles. Using the word in a personal conversation with the man you've just met is OK but will probably get a giggle.
But there's another reason why Thais will caution the use of the word Kuai - because it could easily be a mispronunciation of the Thai word for buffalo - kwai. Or in a (hopefully) simpler explanation: - Kuai - vulgar (but very often used) word for cock or penis - Kwai - Thai buffalo (normal word for the actual animal) Perhaps your intention is to talk about buffalos (the animal) in 'polite company' but there is the danger that you will say 'cock' rather than 'buffalo' and make everybody feel embarrased. On the other hand, it's part of Thai culture (a nice part of Thai culture) to be careful of such things, but in reality (like in many cultures) such a 'mistake' would get lots of healthy laughs and giggles, rather than any anger or such. |
I can never remember which to use causing much embarrassment at the fruit market and much laughter at the bars, particularly the Saphan Kwai bars! bkkguy |
-- I suppose that one way OUT of the problem would be to ADD - 1. - after 'Kuai.' the word 'Kohn.', wch. being interpreted means 'Man.'; 2. - and after the word 'Kwai.' the LOW toned word 'Saht.', wch. being interpreted means 'Animal.'; - But possibly even then ... ? :confused: |
Best to learn to reliably say it correctly, or don't even attempt it. |
A reader on my blog asked the question: What would be the Thai expression for intercrural (or interfemoral) fuck, i.e. fucking between the other person's thighs?
The Tagalog expression apparently is "ipit" - which means to be crushed or caught between. |
-- Tee-rak, he hails from TRANG, pronounces the Thai word for 'Banana.' as 'Kaye.' - (as in English & naval speak 'Aye, aye.' but with a preceding 'K.'. |
-- Today, (07th.), a'noon. I asked a visiting Thai man-friend of mine as to what would the Th. word or expression be? - After a lot of humming & hawing all he could suggest was the Th. word: 'Yed.', wch. I was given to u'stand. is a GP. word for 'Fuck.'. -- However, I'll pass-on Khun Icon's posting, (vide supra: #24., and watch my man-friend's reaction - ha! ;) -- In the evening, and supping alone in THE BALCONY BAR, I was joined by one of my talking-boiz, (at 35YO. not so much of a boi, now - but still a satis. performer.),. - Naturally I enquired of him? - He suggested: 'Nam kha.'. |
Would someone know how to translate "rim" in thai ? Thank you for your help !
"Lang tuu yen", or just "lang tuu" (ล้างตู้เย็น/ล้างตู้). Literally, "to clean the refrigerator".
Don't ask me why. Posted via Mobile Device |
interfemoral fuck
No. High tone followed by falling tone.
Posted via Mobile Device |
I'm sorry to have to correct the moderator on this one, Sloot is correct: เสียบ (to insert, pierce) is a low tone, ขา (leg) is a rising tone.;)
Posted via Mobile Device |
Now if only I could remember all those useful words at the right moment ! :rolleyes: Thank you for the useful tip ! |
can some one say what is in Thai:
- cum in mouth - condom sometimes I like to say some words in Thai better then in English!! |
- So much easier, PLUS you have most of the necessary words right there in one easy reference-type book and at yr. fingers' tips, as it were. -- But to try and answer yr. queries: 1. - Are you asking what is the Thai for the noun 'Cum in one's mouth.' or the verb 'To cum in one's mouth.'? 2. -Condom: 2.1. - Condom, (bet that surprised you! :rolleyes:) 2.2. - Tung-yaang. |
-- Khun Lukylok, - You've made my day and thus are most welcome! :) - Agreed - remembering le mot juste at the right moment can be a problem; but quite often I've found that a significant look or even an int'l. gesture can convey my meaning adequately enough. Many Thai boyz - possibly from the necessity of dealing with dumb-seeming farangs - are quite quick in the necessary comprehension. - Yes 'Tips.' of all sorts & sizes are often most welcum! ;) |
"Tuud" means ass or asshole, so probably you'd get a more satisfactory outcome if you left out "yen". ;-)
So, if you stuck out your tongue and wriggled it, and said "Lang Tuud", you can't go wrong. |
What's in a name? Apparently lots in Thai language
(Remember in thai language, the verb comes later, so actually, they are right, coz in english literal translation would mean "explode/break water") "in the mouth", you probably say "tee paak kaung nai". "tee" I also thought means "at, or in" mainly to say a place or location. "paak" means mouth, but very close to the word "vegetable" (given the context of the conversation, I don't think they would mistake it as cabbage or carrot) :rolleyes: "kaang nai" means inside. "aang" I would pronounce just like the name "Aang" of Avatar (the last airbender guy's name) So, you'd probably try to be smooth and ask: "namh takh tee paak kaang nai dai mai?" Or, maybe the situation may require you to say: "doop teung namh takh tee paak kaang nai dai mai?" doop* == suck teung == until (sounds close to "kit teung" which means "miss" of "I miss you") I dropped the "kuay" (penis) from "doop kuay" since the pronounciation for "kuay" as the other posters have eluded would be tough for most novices. (I can't get it right at the first time usually, myself) The more 'elegant' substitute that you probably can't get wrong (incidentally I was taught by one of the Tawan guys) was "loook* chai". In normal context, it means "your son", but in the intimate context, it means "your little member down there". * in the above, I add another vowel "a" or "o" when you probably need to accentuate the vowel just a tad wee bit longer than usual. As for "condom", quite hard for me to get right myself, but I would say "Tuung" - something of a toughie for me because it always means "plastic bag" for me. Like when I buy some food back and their ask "saai tuung mai?" which literally would mean "Want it in plastic bag?", but it would also mean "slide on a condom". Ha Ha Ha... |
It is "dood" for suck, not doop.
For "cum in mouth", a simple "set tii paak" ("finish in mouth") is what you're looking for. Posted via Mobile Device |
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