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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Question about costs

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Old 22nd December 2011, 05:28 PM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 74
Question about costs

Hello fellow cruisers -
I really appreciate all of the expertise of the many years of research of those who regularly post on this forum. I'm heading back to paradise (Thailand) soon and now that I'm older and a bit thicker around the middle, I fear the free sex will not be flowing like it used to. I'm prepared to pay. So, I'd like to ask the experts for advice on how much things should cost.

Can you please tell me what you'd pay for the following?

1. Plain old sex- hiring someone from a site such as Planet Romeo and having him come to my room. Prices I've gotten from boys who have contacted me on that site range from 1300-2000 baht.

2. Massage - I know prices for the different massage venues are scattered around in this forum, but can you give me an idea?

3. Tawan muscle boy - just in case I get the urge. I've brought guys back to my room from Tawan in the past and one in particular had the most ugly, deformed cock I ever saw - I think he injected silicone in it and it was horrid.

Any other possibilities???

Looking forward to eating some good food and munching on some delicious thai cocks.
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Old 22nd December 2011, 08:32 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

hello chris- you likely know you open a can of worms with this, and neither age, nor fat/slimness really determines prices. I will probably also be disputed on this:
1.way too high- the more or less stdd rate (and what happens in is not really that importt) is 1000/short time in THEIR place. Add return taxi for your place (often less as 100/ride). Only really qualified guys, models (thats what Thai go crazy for anyone ever been on TV is) warrant more. This is Asia- asking price is not the final! Avoid the escort section on GR-go for the normal ads.
2.large variations in these shops- mostly between centre/also tourist or suburban/mainly/only Thai. The cost of the massage is always clearly displayed-around 5/700 bt/for 1 to 1,5 hr of oil massage (or cream), non negotiable and not etxra tipped on. Some special treatments cost more. Those shops that routinely offer ..more'' nearly always have posted or told to you by reception- min. tips- mostly 500, some add ''or 800/1000 for f..king''. From further contacts with those boys I learnt that for Thai the min is simply the stdd price. Indeed-at many shops i paid with a 1000 for the mass-and this was assumed to cover the tip too- which I had already given.
On the Thai site mangosociety with some patience you get a google map with all the massageplaces they have found-via their forum. These have easy click ons-once you come to level of cities, with the rates and the tip. Green/blue pins for ''garanteed'' or not extra beyond massage.
3.Tawan is a chapter apart-have not been inside here since 2000 nor in the new place, so i leave that to otehrs.
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