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Old 14th February 2011, 11:02 PM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 19

Thanks for the tip! Do you have any picks for around 1k baht a night?
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Old 15th February 2011, 12:23 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

Originally Posted by phoenixstorm View Post
Thanks for the tip! Do you have any picks for around 1k baht a night?
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View Talay 2. Its across the other side of Thepraya Road from VT 5 and an older building, but similar size condos and pool from THB 1,000 a night, but 7 night min stay. Asian-escapes has VT 2 condos as well.
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Old 17th February 2011, 05:41 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Dongtan beach ...

-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend and I have ret'd. from several days R&R. in PATTAYA.; I was there from 11-17 feb., and at DONGTAN BEACH, our usual concession in front of AVALON HTL., every day.
- I'd reckon that that concession was seldom as much as 75%. full even at the most popular times of day.

-- During our previous visits we noticed that the next concession farther along regularly became popular with bar & suchlike young men in the afternoons - possibly thy were hoping to 'score.' before their bars etc. opened? But for this visit, despite St. Valentine's Day. , they were absent, conspicuously so.
- Also the numbers of young men 'walking & looking.' were v. much LESS: few, if any, seen.

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Old 17th February 2011, 05:57 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Sunnee plaza ...

-- During my recent visit to PATTAYA, 11-17 feb., I spent but two evenings in SUNNEE PLAZA.:
12 feb.:
Drinks at 120.Bh.; some 20 a go-go young men and possibly a dozen spectators;
Drinks at 130.Bh.; say 30 a go-go young men and 50 spectators.
From time-to-time some young men sat on the stage's edges and played with themselves, but little worth noting. One of the very young-looking men, #12., thrust himself at me and invited me to feel what he has - between us girls: 'Not v. much.'

15 feb.:
Drinks' price not noted;
Maybe half-a-dozen young men & and LESS that that no. of spectators; none of the young men was dancing; apart from a couple who were being fondled by rather bored looking spectators many of the rest prefered to sit-around and to play with themselves. At that rate not worth visiting - that place has gone DOWNhill!
I was joined by one of the dancing young men, 22YO., hair dyed a blonde color - wearing blue jeans rather than white briefs. Spoke quite good English and realized it's importance should he wish to get-out of being a dancer and to progress!
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Old 17th February 2011, 06:24 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Boyz town ...

-- During my recent visit, 11-17 feb., unusually I spent MORE time in the BOYZ TOWN's a go-go bars than in SUNNEE PLAZA's.;

-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend and I like FUNNY BOYS for two good reasons:
1. - NO smoking!
2. - Background music is bkgd. music, one can carry-on a conversation without having to shout to make oneself heard;
Drinks at 150.Bh.;
- I visited thrice, quite full most times;
- A Fair sel'n. of young men - not boyz! #23. & #43. caught my eye.

-- We visited HAPPY PLACE. twice;
- Drinks: non-alc. 100.Bh. & alc. 120.Bh.;
- Most of the R&F. a go-go young men danced with seldom seen enthusiasm, #13. caught my eye, as did #555. - but for another reason!
- 1st. show started promptly at 22.30.hrs.:
- One mildly erotic act during wch. one saw why #555. caught my att'n. - my E&AF. reckoned that silicone was the answer!

-- I visited X BOYS., a previous posting had recommeded its Coyote Dancers!
- Drinks: non-alc. 150.Bh. & alc. 180.Bh.;
- 1st. perf. started at 22.hrs., acts started with a Big Cock Show for wch. the boys wore 'tented.' towels to preserve their modesty, #26. looked to be the most endowed! We enjoyed a comedy act and various other routines before the four coyote dancers who rec'd. a well-deserved round of spontaneous applause at the conclusion of their act, we were asked to shew our further appreciation when the hat was passed-around. The final act was a Candle Show - nothing new in that.

-- On DONGTAN BEACH I chatted with a German visitor who recommended the show at COPA BAR, aboit wch. I have no further knowledge.
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Old 17th February 2011, 06:46 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Cartier a go-go bar ...

-- For the 1st. evening of my recent trip to PATTAYA, 11-17 feb., I visited CARTIER A GO-GO BAR.;
- Doors OPEN at 22.hrs.;
- Drinks at 200.Bh.;
- Initially 3 other spectators apart from myself;
- I noticed that the two older R&F. dancers, out of a total of possibly 8 or 9. - both wearing white briefs - seemed to be the best endowed;
- Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.25.hrs.; 1st. act started some 6 or 7 mins. thereafter. The individual acts seemed to be pretty much as I remembered them from my previous visit, (posting #4.), although at one point the 2 young men left the stage and walked au naturel amongst us voyeurs; both unc'cised.; my hands suggested that both are approx. 7". LOA. & approx. 6". circ'fce.. The final act became a 'smoking' act, again both walked amongst us - the man being smoked, despite wearing a Condom, was reluctant for anyone else to smoke him, (unlike my previous visit.),.
- Hse. lts. came ON again at approx. 23.10.hrs..
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Old 18th February 2011, 06:01 AM
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 97

I am in Pattaya now and must have been at the X-boys show when you were, Sextile!! It was an amazing dance routine. What about the boy who spun around on his head? Amazing. And with the models, did you notice #30? Easily the sexiest boy there. So far David cabaret has been the best, Wild West Boys, Cupidol, Happy Place, and New Dynamite all disappointing, and X-boys just OK, redeemed by those dance boys. Tonight I will try to checkout the remaining Boyztown go-go bars.
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