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Old 9th April 2011, 09:06 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

The bars in Pattaya are full of surprises. Last night in one of Sunny's sleeziest I was latched by a cheeky 19 y.o (literally he just sat down and latched his left leg over my right leg and grinned.) Anyway after a few beers, a reasonable neck massage and an upexpected strip show by the stage shufflers (about 5 starkers for no apparent reason other than to show off the goods,) he asked for my phone number. I obliged, but planning on a peaceful night I called for the bill at 11.30 , where-upon he went to the back and quickly dressed. As I exited (I thought alone) he followed, accompanied by another boy who had also done a course in speed dressing. They caught up with me 20 metres down the soi and announced that they wanted to "baie hong" with moi . "What about the bar fee?" I asked. "Mai phen rai " was the response ! I'm sure the mamasan saw what transpired and yet made no attempt to stop the boys leaving early or seek to extract a fee. More surprising was that the bar was busy with lots of available farang still there. So my early night evaporated and a fun 3 some (minus the bar fee) was had by all
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Old 9th April 2011, 11:03 AM
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"a course in speed dressing"

Yet another skill set to learn.
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Old 9th April 2011, 09:11 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Dongtan beach ...

-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend and I went to PATTAYA on wed., 06 apr.; I've just ret'd. to BKK. today, 09th., a day after him;
- The concession on DONGTAN BEACH of wch. we avail - right in front of the AVALON HTL. - wasn't all that busy for most of the time; possibly the indifferent weather, particularly during the a'noons., didn't help attendance?
- Not all that much eye-candy seen; but for a couple of days there were two young men who seemed to make a point of parading-around our part of the beach and of shewing-off the assets that lay but ill-concealed beneath their tight swimming briefs.
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Old 10th April 2011, 12:09 AM
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
The bars in Pattaya are full of surprises. Last night in one of Sunny's sleeziest I was latched by a cheeky 19 y.o (literally he just sat down and latched his left leg over my right leg and grinned.) Anyway after a few beers, a reasonable neck massage and an upexpected strip show by the stage shufflers (about 5 starkers for no apparent reason other than to show off the goods,) he asked for my phone number. I obliged, but planning on a peaceful night I called for the bill at 11.30 , where-upon he went to the back and quickly dressed. As I exited (I thought alone) he followed, accompanied by another boy who had also done a course in speed dressing. They caught up with me 20 metres down the soi and announced that they wanted to "baie hong" with moi . "What about the bar fee?" I asked. "Mai phen rai " was the response ! I'm sure the mamasan saw what transpired and yet made no attempt to stop the boys leaving early or seek to extract a fee. More surprising was that the bar was busy with lots of available farang still there. So my early night evaporated and a fun 3 some (minus the bar fee) was had by all
I would love to know the name of that bar as I will be visiting Pattaya next weekend.
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Old 10th April 2011, 05:40 AM
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Euro boys bar ...

-- Walking through SUNNEE PLAZA I saw that EURO BOYS' BAR is for sale - 1.4M.Bh.;
- There is also another bar nearby that's also for sale at just 1.3M.Bh. - if my memory serves me correctly.
- Being the end of the so-called 'Tourist Season' I'm wondering if we'll see/read of any more such bars being for sale during the summer?
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Old 10th April 2011, 06:33 AM
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Some bars visited ...

-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend and I visited HAPPY BOYS BAR, BoyzTown, a couple of times; enough has been written previously about that particular bar so no real need to add anything further, except that we like it because it's NO Smoking and the backgd. music is not o'whelming. in its volume;
- There #37. caught my att'n. and #50. that of my E&AF.!

-- On my own I visited the flg. bar in BoyzTown -
- Drinks at 100.Bh.,
- A fairly varied perf., with the last one being mildly erotic;
- #8., Bebe, caught my att'n. for his energetic dancing and #28, Nice, as he seemed to be the best endowed.

-- In SUNNEE PLAZA I visited -
- Can't remember the non-alc. drinks' price, possibly about 120.Bh. or thereabouts?
- The young men, some looked to be nigh on under-aged side of life, mostly lounged-around, chatted amongst themselves and with v. little activity;

2.- MIC MY.,
- Non-alc. drinks at 120.Bh.;
- I found the Manager's att'ns. to be too much of a good thing;
- A couple of good looking young men amongst the mainly v. young looking ones. Again v. little activity on stage;

3.- I looked-in at TOM YUM. but all of the YM. seemed to be sleeping - so I decided not to disturb their slumbers, hardly worth that for just one customer;

4.- EROS BAR. ,
- I thought that EROS BAR was just another Beer Bar, but a 'phone.-call from Australia to my E&AM. friend, we were on DONGTAN BEACH at the time, prompted me to visit;
- It's under the same mngmnt. as HAPPY BAR. - hint, hint!
- NO smoking and backgd. music not too loud;
- In my 1st. visit, 07 apr., the young men were wearing shorts, for the 2nd. on the flg. night it was G-strings/pouches;
- Non-alc. drinks were 90.Bh.;
- Not all that many customers at first, but at approx. 23.45.hrs. a gp. of 5 farangs entered and sat-down together. From time to time one YM. or another enjoyed the att'ns. of one or of another of that gp. - possibly to his financial gain? In fact some of the loose chairs were turned-around with the farangs on one side and the bar's YM. on the other, wch. made it easier for a YM. to join a particular farang for pleasuring when called. During my 1st. visit I was joined by khun Klint, (?), 25YO.: small body and ditto elsewhere;
-- For my 2nd. visit, 08 apr., I enjoyed the att'ns. of khun Blue: a tallish YM. with a lean body and a neat but well-developed arse wch. he delighted in shewing-off - one could see why G-strings/pouches were so popular! In short I was minded to invite him to join me for the night, but second thoughts prevailed - one BF. is quite enough, both financially and otherwise - and I ret'd. alone to my hotel;
- Again a gp. of farangs entered, time getting-on for MN., and several other YM. enjoyed their att'ns. - some people are lucky!

4.- On 09 apr. I went to HAPPY BAR* to join-in their First Anniv'y. Party under it's New Mngmnt.;
- Free food was offered: roast suckling pig and a plate of mixed & Thai fruits;
- Non-alc. drinks at 90.Bh.;
- NO smoking indoors, wch. was quite full with farang customers;
- At first I was joined by #8. who said that he remembered me from a previous visit - possibly so?
But I decided that he might do better with someone else and let him go. Thereupon #3., who had been making eyes at me, joined me for a drink before we went upstairs where he told me that an Hand-job & Smoking would be just 500.Bh. but the Final Favor would be all of 1K.Bh.! Not overly well-endowed but a good smoke all the same. No sooner had I ret'd. to the GF. then it was 19YO. #26. who joined me for a drink and who prevailed upon me to go upstairs again - well, how could I possibly refuse such an offer? Another smoking session but this time he grabbed hold of one of my hands and made it all too plain where one of my fingers should go - delighted moans & groans shewed that he had what he wanted;
- After a while a couple of the YM. removed their shorts, wch. they balled-up and held before them, and walked-around au naturel. I noticed that quite a few other YM. were making their preferencefor what they wanted upstairs all too clear.
- At approx. 23.45.hrs. I decided that enough was enough - the bar had started emptying-out by then - and ret'd. alone to my hotel.
--* For dir'ns. go to 'PATTAYA please.' thread, posting #14. dtd. 05 may 10..

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Old 10th April 2011, 09:09 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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EROS BAR - short-time room ...

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
- I thought that EROS BAR was just another Beer Bar, ... .

-- I forgot to add that khun Kint mentioned that EROS BAR has a short-time room available at the flg. price:
1.- Room at 100.Bh. &
2.- Young man's TIP. at 500Bh., but of course one may donate MORE should one wish and depending upon the svces. etc. etc. offered!

-- Just between us girls I was surprised that khun Blue - of my 2nd. night's visit, and seeing how matters were progressing between us - didn't mention that facility; but possibly what with one thing and another ... ?
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Old 20th April 2011, 08:21 AM
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Cnn. Report on pattaya ...

-- Recently I came-across the flg. report from CNN. about PATTAYA - some interesting thoughts etc. for both the regular and for the intending visitor thither -

> Family-friendly? The challenges facing Pattaya | <

-- source: > The Baht Stop < --
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Old 20th April 2011, 09:18 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 14

On 14th April I made a one-night stopover in Pattaya & was greeted by hoards of water throwing Thais & tourists partaking in the Songkran festival. I was completely drenched when I finally got to my hotel on Soi 8 Beach Road. Groups of people lined the roads & sois with buckets & water drums & water guns, that there was no way of avoiding them. Luckily they stopped their water games at sunset, so the evening was relatively dry.
After a dinner & movie date with a Gayromeo contact, I headed to X-Boys Bar in Boystown for their last show past midnight, but didn't get to see much as I was distracted by Rocky, a smallish but sinewy guy from Nakhon Phanom who quoted 1000baht for short time(2 hours). After paying the 400baht off fee we headed for the open bars at Soi 8 where the girls are to be found. We had quite some fun dancing & singing with the girls where drinks were much cheaper than in Boystown gay bars.
Everything went well until we triend to go to the room. Apparently the Eastiny hotel chain management are less welcoming towards ladyboys, but openly welcomes female prostitutes(the reception later clarified that the hotel had some bad experiences with ladyboys previously, or perhaps some straight guests weren't too comfortable with ladyboys). Rocky had too much make-up on & was thought to be a ladyboy, but in the end the hotel security relented & we had some happy times together.
The previous night I was in Bangkok to join the huge crowd in Silom. To escape the water & powder combination attacks, I took refuge in Dragoncastle 3, a ladyboys & girls bar in Patpong. How the drinks were so much cheaper than in gay bars!(100baht for host, 120 baht for guest & 160 baht for mamasan). And it was totally acceptable(I was encouraged) to check out the physical attributes of the hosts! A 100baht tip was warmly accepted. Girls can be fun actually( at least visiting ladyboys bars).
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