-- Today, 25 feb., over coffee my Elderly, WYSIWYG & American Friend - who's about as non-Techie. as I am, we're both TOFs. - shewed me his latest app. on his iPhone., iPad or whatever -
It's called GRINDR.; -- According to the blurb that I read on search-engine Google: 'It's the largest all male location-based social networking tool for the iPhone, iPodtouch, iPad and compatible BlackBerry devices. ... .'; - From what I could see & u'stand. it shews other mens' faces, how far away they were from one's own loc'n., (using GPS.), at the time that they had OPENED their device, whether they were OPEN to talk, (Facebook, Twitter or whatever.), and possibly other things, too; - A suitable web-site is - > What is Grindr? < -- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer, of course. -- ![]()
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Not new at all -- it's been around for at least a couple years already.
And there are now dozens of similar apps which are more specific in taste (ie., there are apps for bears/bear lovers, fetishists, etc.). Also note that Grindr is available on Blackberry as well as iPhone. Possibly Droid, too -- but not sure. Most Thai boys seem to run it on their Blackberries.
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-- While I do not have the precise prices of either B'Berries. or of iPhones. at my fingers' tips. yet I believe that the former costs from around 12K.Bh. and the latter is at 20+K.Bh. for genuine models; but pray correct me should I be in error; - Possibly I should start mingling MORE with the 'Haves.'? -- ![]()
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-- '... . It is obvious that our social spheres have been completely different.' - The Importance of being Ernest.. -- Clearly I shall have to forsake SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA with its poor but honest young men from I-San, with their problems about their water-buffalos and instead patronise places like CHAMCHURI SQ., CHULA. UNI's. LIBRARY and suchlike. -- As an aside, my Enthusiastic & American Friend who teaches in an Int'l. School told me that when the young people there talk-about 'BBing.' they don't mean Bare Backing but BlackBerrying! ![]() -- ![]()
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