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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Herbal Viagra

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Old 22nd October 2007, 09:15 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239
Herbal Viagra

I've found a fantastic alternative to "real" viagra....and it's not the Indian alternative. It's a Thai herbal capsule, and the results are not to be believed!! I found it at a drug store on Soi Thanaya as follows:

from Suriwongse Road, walk onto Soi Thanaya. On your right hand side, you'll two massive signs for drug stores. One of the signs is green and the other one is purple. You want the drug store with the purple sign. It's name is something terribly original......"Purple Drugs".

Tell them you want Viagra. They'll tell you that they don't have it but that they have a herbal variety. It comes in a small black/blue/silver box. There are 4 capsules in each box and you can talk them down to THB 1,400.

I have NO clue what's in the stuff. It may be nothing more than a combination of elephant piss and formaldehyde. But, whatever it is, it works FABULOUSLY without any of Viagra's side effects.

Last night, I went to Indra massage. My member was as hard as a rock the entire 90 minutes of the massage. In fact, the young massage lad commented on it. As the massage progresses, we both had happy endings.

After the massage, I went for pizza and then for a walk along Rama IV. Even though I'd gotten off an hour before, my cock got massively hard again, just walking along the street.

So, I'd highly recommend whatever this stuff is. However, please don't go into this pharmacy and buy it all since I'm planning to become addicted to it.
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Old 27th October 2007, 12:34 AM
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-- Y'day., (fri.), evening I walked along Tnn. Thaniya, (aka. 'Little JP.'.), from Si Lom rd. twds. S'wong. rd. and soon spotted a large and illuminated sign with a purple background ' and with 'Pharmacy.'; written clearly on it in white, on my LEFT-hand side and nrer. to the S'wong. rd. end, (immediately before the line of small stalls that extend onto the rdway.),; above the pharmacy itself was written Purple Drugs.', so it's fairly unmissable!
- After entering I was greeted by a plumpish but pleasant young man, dressed in the trad. white and short jkt., to whom I said: "A farang friend told me that while you don't sell 'Viagra.' here you do sell a TH. and herbal equivalent.".
- He shewed me a small and sealed cardboard box on wch. was written in white 'G7.', and then handed me a small leaflet in English, TH. & JP. extolling its virtues - not quite as extensive as the legendary 'Snake oil.', but not far short.
- After a few moments with his calculator he offered me a special discounted price of 1,400.Bh., (a saving of 200.Bh. on the sticker's price.), wch. I was pleased to accept.
- He told me to take one tablet on an EMPTY stomach approx. 30-45mins. before need; he added that it would be alright to have drunk alcohol,(moderately.), beforehand.
- As I'll be having a massage tonight maybe I'll give it a try then?
-- bibi..
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Old 27th October 2007, 01:16 AM
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Posts: 239

That's the stuff, Sextile. I couldn't remember the name of it, although I did remember that is was a letter followed by a number. So, after the massage, let us know what you thought. And, by the way, I'm having a massage tonight (Saturday) also. So, I'll also be using one of the herbal capsules.
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Old 27th October 2007, 01:37 AM
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Any clue as to the ingredients?
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Old 27th October 2007, 06:14 AM
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Originally posted by icon513
Any clue as to the ingredients?

-- Icon.,
- I quote from the back of the box -
CERVUS NIPPON TEMMINK......................150???
CARTHAMUS TINCTORIUS L. ...................138???
- I presume that where I've used "???" the manufacturers are quoting qtys. in TH. units?
- I hope that the above helps - ha!
-- bibi..
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Old 27th October 2007, 08:27 AM
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Elephant piss and formaldehyde.
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Old 27th October 2007, 10:46 PM
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Originally posted by billinbkk
Elephant piss and formaldehyde.
-- BillinBKK.,
- Whatever - but it seemed to have worked well enough for you, didn't it?
- As a matter of interest I 'Googled.' their first ingredient: CERVUS NIPPON TEMMINCK and now u'stand. that it's taken from the antlers' 'velvet.' of JP. Sika Deer; I have read before that some men suppose that antlers' 'velvet.' can be an aphrodisiac at the right time and the right place.
-- bibi..
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Old 28th October 2007, 06:50 AM
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Wonder if the rest is ground Rhinoceros horn, part of a tigers penis and other parts of endangered species killed to enhance the sexual pleasures of middle eastern and asian men?
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Old 28th October 2007, 11:18 PM
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-- Last sat. evening, (27th.), I swallowed one 'G7.' herbal tablet as instructed: empty stomach and approx. 45mins. berfore use - before going to try-out the much touted 'Jim's Pub.' on Soi Than Tawan.
- However, as their masseur didn't arrive I went-to 'INDRA MASSAGE.' instead.
- Again, nothing spectacular: no extra hard, prolonged and repeatable erections, no overly strong ejac's., no continuing erections after the event.
- Maybe that there was nothing special between the masseur and I, (I didn't really feel turned-on by him in the same way as with their masseur JACK, for example.), or possibly my body works differently?
- Well, again plenty of opportunities in the LoS. for further tests - so we'll see!
-- bibi..
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Old 5th November 2007, 11:34 PM
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-- Y'day., (mon.), evening and about an hr. before going to 'INDRA MASSAGE.' for my usual monday's working-my-way-through-their-masseurs I swallowed one 'G7.' tablet.
- Well, maybe because I was feeling horny, or the masseur was attractive, or his massage just happened to touch all the right places or whatever, I rose to the occasion, and while not 100%. rock-hard for all of the time and while not gushing like some Fountain of Youth I managed quite creditably, I thought. The masseur, Khun Lahn, comented on how strong I was - but possibly that was just to make me feel even better - ha!
- This morning I awoke with a good and strong hard-on - something that is becoming LESS frequent, alas; but sleeping on my own - apart from the app't's. tabby cat, (male!), - I had no-one else with whom to share it.
- More than likely next week I'll try again and we'll see what'll happen then.
-- bibi..
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Old 3rd May 2008, 11:16 PM
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-- Y'day., (sat.), thinking that possibly my 'Li'l. Bro.' might need some assistance I went to 'PURPLE PHARMACY.', (Tnn. Thaniya.), for a box of 4x'G7.' tablets, for wch. I was charged the full price of THB.1,600.oo.; no discounts that day - even for ready cash.
- However, I'm pleased to report compleat satisfaction: in all senses!
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 25th May 2008, 01:57 AM
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-- About 2 1/2wks. ago I went to 'BABYLON SAUNA.' and performed adequately enough, I thought; but not as well as I'd have liked.
- So, before a subsequent visit, I bought a pkt. of four x 'G7.' tablets from Purple Pharmacy, (Thaniya rd.), and took one before setting-out.
- I am happy to write that I was an happy user and performed much MORE vigorously - not only to the satisfaction of my partners but also to myself.
-- Usual disclaimer, of course. -- Bibi.. --
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Old 30th May 2008, 02:52 AM
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I aked for Cialis today at both Green and Purple pharmacies in Soi Thaniya and both declined. Purple was qick to offer G7 at 1,600 which I was able to haggle to 1,400 "mii raaka phiiset mai?" Anyway I'll try tonight (as after a week in BKK my poor old pecker is feeling drained and I need a boost.) Will report later. I then tried first pharmacy turning left into Suriwoing who offered 4 Cialis (real)at 2,500 or fake at 1,800. I declined as tried fake's before in Pattaya with nil effect and real too expensive.
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Old 30th May 2008, 10:20 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
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F*CK ! G7 works ! The lady pharmacist told me to take on an empty stomach and said it will work for 2 days. She then said "it work good for big man" (looking at me like an undersize fish she was about to throw back into the harbour!) Well, I took it at 6 pm, went for some drinks at Sukothai Hotel, then semi-businesss dinner, then hooked up at Telephone with hot 22 y.o. boy I know from Pattaya. We partied at DJ til nearly 2 and I noticed a definite stiffening there as soon as our bodies pressed together in the crush. Sex last night was normal to good, but it was this morning waking up with the sort of boner I used to have every morning 10 years ago that I felt it really kicked in. Another good morning session (actually better than last night) was I guess I'd recommend ....... Pity its not much cheaper than others.....some-one must be making a lot of money from this!
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Old 5th February 2010, 06:46 AM
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Purple pharmacy ...

Originally Posted by billinbkk View Post
... It's a Thai herbal capsule, ... . I found it at a drug store on Soi Thanaya as follows:

from Suriwongse Road, walk onto Soi Thanaya. On your right hand side, you'll two massive signs for drug stores. One of the signs is green and the other one is purple. You want the drug store with the purple sign. It's name is something terribly original......"Purple Drugs".
... .

-- Today, (05th.), a'noon. I passed-by PURPLE PHARMACY. and saw that there were some men inside stripping-out the fixtures & fittings.
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