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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Malaysia hotel ...

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Old 31st January 2012, 12:36 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Malaysia hotel ...

-- Some ten or more days ago an elderly, indecisive & English acquaintance arr'd. back here in BKK.,(by train from MY.), after an absence of maybe a couple or so years;
- Finally he managed to arrive at the MALAYSIA HOTEL.*, wch., he was informed, was fully booked at that time; so he found a room in some small, nearby & Ch.-run hotel;
- Returning. during his time here he was told by an elderly American there that he should have booked well before arrival as the MALAYSIA HOTEL is now v. popular amongst those keeping an eye on their USD.!
- He note the number of guests availing of canes,walking sticks & Zimmer-frames!

-- E&OE. as reported speech. --

-* Addr.: 54, Soi Ngam Duplee,
Rama IV. rd.,
Sathorn, BKK., 10120.;
- tel.: (02)-287 1457.;
- MRT.: Lumpini..
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Old 31st January 2012, 01:01 AM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 79

I actually had to look up what a Zimmer frame is, I've to admit that I had never heard that word before! Thanks for teaching me English, Khun Sextile, that's much appreciated.

As for the Malaysia Hotel, there have always been times when you couldn't just walk in and get a room, especially during the winter months (winter in Western countries, I mean). So for those Gentlemen of Leisure who want to stay there, it's indeed a good idea to book in advance.
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Old 31st January 2012, 06:12 AM
Posts: n/a

also walkers will be supplied free of charge by the hotel so in case the oldies can stroll onto the street and IF don't get run over by the motor gangs they can stroll to nearby happy ending massage parlors or bb. Also at night the walkers can be used inside the rooms in ways they could never b4 imagine : causing deep penetration when bending or spreading over them
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Old 31st January 2012, 06:51 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 109

I have always maintained that Sunee Plaza bars could be rated on a "Zimmer Frame Index" - the higher the number of bar customers that actually used (or would benefit from) a Zimmer Frame the higher the number of underage boys in the bar

I don't think this applies at the Malaysia Hotel, or perhaps a reverse relationship relating to the number of money boys using or needing a Zimmer Frame?

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Old 31st January 2012, 07:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Zimmer frames ...

Originally Posted by bkkguy View Post
I have always maintained that Sunee Plaza bars could be rated on a "Zimmer Frame Index" - the higher the number of bar customers that actually used (or would benefit from) a Zimmer Frame the higher the number of underage boys in the bar
... . bkkguy

-- Ha! Ha!! That's a good one; here's laughing with you.
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