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Old 13th October 2012, 07:43 AM
Join Date: Nov 2000
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Aek and Baw

I read this rather long narrative about a farang from Australia and his experiences with the above two go go boys. Don't know if it is really a true story, but if it is, I wonder if Aek and Baw are still working places like X Boys. The story is extremely long. Any comments?
Days Volume Three: Draft The Twilight Soi 81,358 Words and Rising
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Old 13th October 2012, 07:59 AM
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What a pathetic drama queen!
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Old 13th October 2012, 09:45 AM
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I agree and it seems he got what he deserved, but if true, it should be a good lesson for those who think their new found love is for real.
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Old 14th October 2012, 09:27 AM
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Stories like this always remind me of the two proverbs.....'There's no fool like an old fool' and 'A fool and his money are soon parted'

Many of us have been duped by handsome young Thai men to some degree but this guy was totally taken to the cleaners......and he really only has himself to blame.
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Old 14th October 2012, 02:15 PM
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"Nobody can take advantage of you without your permission".
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Old 14th October 2012, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Mark86 View Post
I read this rather long narrative about a farang from Australia and his experiences...The story is extremely long. Any comments?
Read about 25% of it before I gave up.

No real character development although some attempt is made by describing 'William's' earlier years.

The story is incredibly repetitive and lacking in depth. It could be condensed to a few pages get across the essential point that Thai go go boys are bad and Oz farang is stupid.

Using smaller face type and no bold I managed to reduce it to 100 or so pages.

Of course I know of many cases where farangs have been bled to death. Funny how it has never happened to thousands of others who have lived long and happy lives with Thai male partners. I know of many personally.

The fictional (?factional) character's daughter (OMG) sums it up really when she meets her gay father's bad Thai boyfriend when she says:
“Let’s face it dad, someone his age is not going to love someone your age,” she added later.
“I know I know,” William replied. “Don’t rub it in.”
Clearly he hasn't got a clue.

An by the way this character goes on a 50 day bender!!!
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Old 15th October 2012, 12:48 AM
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And the other side of the coin

Rip off is rip off whatever way you look at it, and it's not OK.

But please let's not forget there are also numerous accounts over many years of unscrupulous farang and other foreigners who have ripped off plenty of Thai boys. Some involving money and possessions, some involving violence, some involving severe verbal abuse, and some involving severe emotional abuse. And in plenty of cases the foreigners are well educated and worldly but the bottom line - they are just assholes who don't care.
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Old 15th October 2012, 02:34 AM
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Sometimes you just have to laugh! Some years ago I was taken to Sakon Nakorn to meet "the family." His sister was also a go go dancer in Pattaya and on the first day I was taken to the appliance shop because mother needed a washing machine. It was only about 8,000 bht so no problem. The next day I noticed the newly installed machine had my name written large in texta on the side - "so por-mer remember who buy for them." I then noticed another farang name on the side of the fridge, then another on the TV - in fact every appliance and piece of furniture in the house had a different name writ large! Por-mer were very proud of their 2 hard working kids !
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Old 15th October 2012, 01:45 PM
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It never ceases to amaze me how gullible some foreigners can be when they visit these "third world" countries or in these days of the internet you don't even have to visit to be ripped off.
A current work colleague met a Fillipino boy on the internet about 18 months ago and they started nightly webcam sessions. Then came the requests for money. They are remarkable for there variety and inventiveness. The bottom line is my colleague is flat broke but keeps paying! This boys' reasons for not coming to Australia to consumate their "love" are even more inventive and varied than his requests for money. My colleague is still convinced he has found "true love". How many other deluded fools must this boy have in tow!
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Old 15th October 2012, 02:04 PM
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Biggles69, I love your story. Its an absolute gem.
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