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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Grindr - beware

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Old 30th May 2018, 03:41 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 74
Grindr - beware

I don't know if anyone is actually checking this forum anymore, but just in case, I wanted to share a warning about Grindr (and see if anyone else has had similar experiences).

When I first arrived in BKK, I immediately started getting hit with messages from MBs (massage boys) - they were very aggressive. I had so many offers, I wanted to choose carefully. I noticed a few really hot black guys, and a sucker for BBC, I messaged them. Both responded with pics of huge dicks, and both wanted 7,000 Baht. It was a lot of money (pretty much all I'd changed at the airport) and I didn't want to have to go out to the ATM, so I stalled and eventually went to bed.

When I woke up fresh the next day, I realized both had sent me separate upper torso and cock photos. Neither one had sent me a full body shot showing their body and cock together. I felt like it was a scam (I'd fallen for it once before, expecting a huge dick but finding it was only average). So I sent them both messages asking for a full body/cock photo. Both said they didn't have any, but one of the guys was quite aggressive and his English was a little off - more red flags. I reported them and blocked them.

Finally I met a cute Thai guy who sent me photos of a nice cock. He had a lot of photos and his face and body were clearly visible in his cock photos. He wanted 3,000 baht. I told him it was too much. He asked how much I wanted to pay and I said 2,000. He agreed.

When he showed up at my hotel, I couldn't believe it was the same guy. I don't know what happened - maybe the photos were 20 years old. Maybe he was a drug addict or sick, but he looked terrible.

He started giving me a massage, but it was really bad. His dick eventually got hard, and it was a nice size, but I was just not into him at all. Finally, I had him jack me off so I could get rid of him.

Lesson learned. Be careful on Grindr. It's so easy to deceive with old or fake photos. Get proof that they are who they say they are. We can easily get fooled by our fantasies.
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Old 30th May 2018, 03:56 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

It is always a good idea to ask for a brief video chat on skype or Line, exactly for this reason.

Or look for guys on who have been around a while and have some good comments.

I’d definitely beware of the Africans.
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Old 2nd July 2018, 08:46 AM
Join Date: Feb 1999
Posts: 136

I agree with Icon. It's best to use a chat program first, something like LINE where you don't have to give your number out, you can add by nickname. If you think he's OK, maybe meet at a coffee shop next. If the person has to cross town I always blow it off. Thais are notoriously bad with timelines and sure as shit he'll be late and you won't then be in the mood.
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