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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Str8: A Forum for Straight Guys   Need women

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Old 11th February 2006, 09:11 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3
Need women

I've been having gay sex for quite a while now and am very interested in getting back with women, but I only want the very hottest and cleanest women. I want to go down on her and fuck her pussy and give her a facial. This turns me on to no end. What I really want to know is if there are cruising sites like this for straight guys.
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Old 13th February 2006, 07:03 PM
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web site


My married f_buddy gave me this site, you might find some action here:
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Old 20th February 2006, 02:13 AM
mine's double-wide
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Why would you need a cruising site for str8's to find women? The whole world is set up so men can find women.
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Old 21st February 2006, 03:23 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 119

I'm puzzled too -- a gay but straight-curious male needing women for sex? As GWT says, why would any male need a cruising website to find women for sex when the world is set up and well-ordered so that men can find women to have sex -- that is to say -- guiltless and mindless sex.

I know there are a few men out there who started out straight, got tired of all the games women play, tried "gay sex" and enjoyed it. But, some eventually do go back to women to prove something to themselves. What exactly these men need to 'prove' is probably meaningless in a world that is well-ordered and suitable for men to find women for guiltless and mindless sex.

But -- a gay but straight-curious male is indeed a strange animal these days when you consider the myth of the straight but gay-curious male -- with or without the benefit of a well-appointed closet.
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