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Message Board > Announcements From and Your Feedback to CRUISING for SEX > Suggestions, Complaints, Comments   highlighted text??

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Old 9th July 2002, 08:59 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 3
highlighted text??

First...congrats on the new format. The board looks and works great! Just one thing...with the old format, when you clicked on any given message thread, it used to change the color (or otherwise remain highlighted) so you'd know which messages you've already read. Now, when you're done with a message and hit the back button, it's very hard to tell which one's you've read and which ones you haven't. No big deal really, but if that's an easy do, would be nice. If not, life WILL go on, believe me. And thanks again for all your work in updating hte board.
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