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Message Board > Announcements From and Your Feedback to CRUISING for SEX > Suggestions, Complaints, Comments   literary diarrhea

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Old 5th January 2005, 05:15 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 3
literary diarrhea

I have no idea whether or not anything can be done about this, except to do what I'm doing now, and that is to simply skip the multi paragraphs of one or two subscribers that seem to feel that they must record every thought they've ever had about any subject that is posed. Would it be at all possible to give these individuals a category of their own to respond ad libitum to any and all subjects raised? One could then, if one has gobs of time (and interest), go to the site and experience the verbal tsunami that one finds constantly from these correspondents. Please understand that I'm not out to ridicule anyone, but generally, most people can give an impression in three or four sentences. Thank you.
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