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Message Board > Announcements From and Your Feedback to CRUISING for SEX > Suggestions, Complaints, Comments   Media coverage of this and/or similar sites

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Old 23rd May 2005, 05:35 PM
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1
Angry Media coverage of this and/or similar sites

Has there been any local media reporting on websites like in your area?

On Monday, May 23, 2005, Channel 11 News in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania had a brief (about 3 minutes) segment about a website listing public places where men meet for sex. They did not identify the site, but I believe it was, because they showed the word "cruising" a lot. The report claimed to have brought the site to the attention of law enforcement for the first time. They also advised some local stores and universities that they were listed on the site. They read parts of written responses from Lowe's Home Improvement and Wal-Mart, and they interviewed a law enforcement officer who said that they would use the information to try to "curtail" the activity, but that they would never be able to stop it completely. One university (where I have spent many pleasurable hours in some of the places listed, and where I was onece charged with a misdemeanor and fined) said that it would be increasing efforts to stop the activity and would arrest anyone caught.

The report interviewed people in a mall parking lot. The only man interviewed, a young man (about 28) with his infant in his arms, laughed and said he would go in and out of restrooms more quickly. Several women were interviewed and said that they were shocked, found it unbelievable and unthinkable, and would be afraid to let their young sons go to the bathroom alone.

The report did not use the word "gay", but it made it clear that the site was for men seeking "sexual encounters" with men.
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