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Message Board > Announcements From and Your Feedback to CRUISING for SEX > Suggestions, Complaints, Comments   words / registering

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Old 5th June 2001, 05:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Post words / registering

Hi guys... very nice site. I just registered recently. I'm wondering about two things:

1) Why not set up a confirmation thing for new registrants, where you send a long random string to the e-address they give and they then have to paste that back in to finish registering? This prevents people from registering other people as a "joke". Though perhaps it's more trouble than is warranted... not sure.

2) What sorts of words/phrases get "censored" into asterisks in posts? You really need to have a full statement somewhere about the policy on that. (Or, each moderator should, for his/her topic area.) I hope it only has to do with commercial ads, e-addresses/phone numbers, and the like, and not with "bad" words. If we can't use some some basic raunchy language around here, it would seem pretty silly. (Not abusively, of course.)

Thanks very much.
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Old 15th June 2001, 03:04 PM
Posts: n/a

You answered your own question 1... It far too much trouble to have confirmatory emails and posts would not be real-time. We try to filter out spammers or move post to correct areas of interests as often as possible.

Question 2:...We encourage "raunchy" language!! Leave the astericks with the commercial ads and disparaging posts since we try to rid the board of them anyway.

We encourage the use of profiles and not direct postings of edresses or phone numbers. A registered user can decide to include those in his/her profile... and not some prankster.
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