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Message Board > Our Archives > Thailand Archive   Peninsula, Oriental or SHangri La Action

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Old 22nd November 2001, 01:02 AM
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 10

Don't want to sound like a wet blanket. But please be a little careful with approaching 5 star hotel staff. Most of these places have very strict rules about staff 'fraternizing' with quests and especially on hotel premises. I've heard that hotel security staff are instructed to observe this matter seriously and report anything which looks suspicious, including timing how long room service staff are actually inside of guests rooms. I've also heard that some hotels in BKK forbid staff to be on the premises outside of their shift hours. I'd also suggest that staff who are 'suspected' could be treated harshly.

I guess my message is, please be quite discreet in any approach.

On the other hand staff who willing take up discreet offers to 'play', or who make the approach, it's their risk.
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